View Full Version : Cystic Fibrosis?

27-05-16, 12:25
I will preface this by saying that I am due to go away on a two week trip next week and it is a trend for my health anxiety to spike right when plans are about to kick off.

I've managed to convince myself that I might have cystic fibrosis and it's making me panic. I'm 28 years old and I know it's usually diagnosed early in life but it's not impossible for it to not be picked up until later. I've had breathing issues since I was about 15 but it is largely seasonal (summer, mostly) and it was put down to seasonal asthma. Some years are worse than others but it's never gotten to the point where I've needed an inhaler. I also suffer with sinus issues when the weather gets particularly stuffy and when pressure is low, usually leading to headaches.

On top of that I've lately been having loose bowel movements that are quite foul smelling.

And when I went to the gym one time, I noticed that when I licked my lips, there was quite a strong salty taste but this doesn't appear to be the case at any other point that I've noticed.

Is any of this likely to be cystic fibrosis or is just a compilation of various other minor things? I will admit that I was always quite a healthy (if not overly active) child. I was pretty much never ill or off sick which would probably be a point against a disease inherited from birth. How severe would these things be if it were CF? Would it be day in day out?

Thank you for any suggestions or advice. I don't want to be worrying about this before/while I'm away.

27-05-16, 12:39
I have to confess to not knowing much about CF but I do know my dad does some gardening work for the son of the man he works more regularly for and the son has CF. The son is about early thirties I think and he has been on a multitude of meds to control his for years and is basically disabled in his home.

I also suffer from asthma and have done since childhood. So, reading your post I'm thinking more anxiety than something as serious as CF. It's a horrible disease and I've only ever seen people connected to it who were constantly ill and on tons of daily meds.

Sinus issues mean more mucus. Asthma means more mucus. So, they are going to collide in those seasons where they start to affect you. Perhaps look at ways to deal with the mucus? There are some natural ways that asthma sufferers can benefit.

28-05-16, 19:35
My brother is ten years old and the only child in the West Midlands to have CF and Diabetes (including a whole range of health issues). From my experience...I can almost guarantee that you do not have CF. If it were a gamble...I would bet my life on it. It sounds to me like a combination of more minor issues. Take it from someone who has had first hand contact with CF for 10 years.