View Full Version : Do you ever...?

13-03-07, 20:18
Feel like just giving up?
everydays the same and poop n just feel like crap...
some times it feels so hard to have the strength to carry on while I'm like this.
like I just don't wanna do it any more or don't know how to or how to cope/deal with it.
anyone else ever feel this way??

13-03-07, 20:25
yep, i think everyone feels like that sometimes.. anxiety or no anxiety.. but you need to see the light and joy in everything around you, no matter how small the good things seem... we all go through ups and downs.. if we all gave up and packed it all in every time we went through a down none of us would get very far, but at the end of every down there is an up.. its just the way it goes, hang in there hun, you'll get there,, we will do.. lotsa love to you

13-03-07, 20:30
how about an open uni course??? something to lift your spirits??? i've just sent off my last assignment for 2 courses i've just completed.... helped keep my days a bit more interesting, plus when people asked what i'd been up to recently i actually had something to talk about.. x

14-03-07, 19:47
thank you both for your comments = )
and honeybee about the open uni thing I'd REALLY love to, but I can't... I'm moving into my own flat soon and won't have a computer so obviously not the interent either. also I just can't afford it, I'm on sick and it costs quite alot, as you probably know. lol.

14-03-07, 20:10

Just thought I would let you know a bit about the OU course thing to try and not put you off it!!

My boyfriend has just started an OU course and he has been given funding by the OU to do it and also some money to help buy a computer (about £450 in total I think!) so dont rule it out!! Also, there are computers at libraries and stuff which is what he is using until he can get his internet connected!

Go investigate it - you might be surprised!

Keep smiling - there is a light at the end somewhere and you will get there!

DShell xx

14-03-07, 20:26
thanks for this info.
which OU is it and how would you go about getting funding?
I'm afraid I don't have the option of using a library...I'm house-bound.

14-03-07, 20:33
Oh I'm sorry. If you go onto www.open.ac.uk (http://www.open.ac.uk) (I think!) it should have all the info on there for you! Good luck with it and let us know how you get on!!

I know it is heloing my fella to have something to concentrate on!!

DShell x

14-03-07, 20:34
and ok thank you very much.
= )

14-03-07, 20:40
hello again.. im also on the sick, i've just done 2 courses and they both got paid for in full AND i didn't even have to spend hours filling in forms.. really great way to fill in the time.. x

14-03-07, 21:11
to be honest, i didnt use the computer once during my course. i had a tutorial on the phone about every 2 or 3 weeks with a tutor which lasted about 5/10 mins.. the open to change course is quite good, only lasts 5 months, i did it because i wanted to try and overcome my agoraphobia and even though it isn't directed at anything in particular it's a good opputunity to look at yourself and your life, where you've been, where you are at the moment and where you'd like to get to. its quite good x