View Full Version : re assurance

13-03-07, 20:40
hey everyone i suffer from health anxiety i worry about everything to the point my life is on hold and im only 24 one min im fine the next i worry sonething bad will happen like dyeing i just want this to dissaper does anyone else get this:wacko:

13-03-07, 21:35
I am going through a similar phase right, i am constantly stuck in a mode where i am worried and anxious about every little aspect of life, my health, work, home everything. My brain seems stuck in overdrive and is just switching from one anxious thought to another, and i am now totally drained by it all, i really can't offer any help sorry! other than to say you are not alone in this.
Take care and good luck.
PM me if you wish.

13-03-07, 23:25
I cant offer any help either sorry. I suffer from health anxety to. I have my good days and bad days but slowly im getting better

love mandie x