View Full Version : I don't think I will ever learn how to cope with worry

28-05-16, 00:12
Hi everyone, I'm back, I'm sure that's not a good thing.

I have had the worst few months of my life, but with intense cbt and medication I was able to deal with my blindness fear. I would say I had 4 weeks of feeling relatively 'normal'.

But here we go again, I have noticed over the past few weeks that I am loosing a lot of hair, especially after washing and brushing. I went to the hairdressers recently and she said it was normal to lose between 80 and 100. So of course that has only made me count every single strand. I am having daily panic attacks again because I'm so afraid of going bald.

I really do not want to undo my hard work, but my anxiety has sky rocketed and my ocd is worse than ever. I have as a many people as I can check my hair everyday and I'm now getting very anxious about personal care because I know I'm going to see loads of my hair.

I can't describe how much this condition has ruined every aspect of my life.

So yeah my blindness fear has been completely taken over by the intense fear of going bald. I don't know what else I can do! Had bloods done everything came back fine. I have booked to see a dermatologist privately which is costing a £150. I spent so much seeing private eye doctors.

I'm at a loss about my hair loss and once again, I'm so scared that I don't want to leave the house.

Thanks for reading.


28-05-16, 00:26
I have the same thing, it is caused by stress and usually grows back once the stressor has been relieved. Look up Telogen effluvium for more info.

28-05-16, 00:28
I lose a lot of hair all the time - I think it's just surprising once you start focusing on it, but it is normal. Sometimes something as simple as a single ingredient in your shampoo/conditioner that your hair or scalp doesn't agree with can cause more hair loss.

28-05-16, 12:03
Thank you for the replies. It's seems like I've gone from oh I'm losing more hairs to I've got full blown alopecia. I've always had thin hair and it lacks density. I just don't think I have enough to lose.

Gary A
28-05-16, 13:10
Thank you for the replies. It's seems like I've gone from oh I'm losing more hairs to I've got full blown alopecia. I've always had thin hair and it lacks density. I just don't think I have enough to lose.

You do know that when the hair falls out, it starts to regrow, don't you?

28-05-16, 14:12
Thank you for the replies. It's seems like I've gone from oh I'm losing more hairs to I've got full blown alopecia. I've always had thin hair and it lacks density. I just don't think I have enough to lose.

I can understand this - I have fine, thin hair as well and when I think a lot is coming out, I have had that worry. But honestly it never looked any different to anybody else.

28-05-16, 14:15
Everyone loses a lot of hair everyday. My hairbrush is always full after brushing it and I have laminate floor in the bedroom that I need to hoover almost everyday. It is quite natural to lose hair. Unless it is coming out in handfuls when you touch it I wouldn't worry :)

28-05-16, 17:18
Thank you guys. I'm aware that the hair grows back, but I'm now convinced I have folliculitis which will lead to scarring and permanent hair loss. Wish I could have a brain transplant to be honest. Back to constant googling and worrying every single second of the day.

28-05-16, 17:18
I have fine hair & loose some each day (like Annie); hormones can play a part.
An Auntie had Alopecia - she noticed a few bald patches, but was able to arrange her hair to cover them. The hair eventually grew back. She sometimes felt self conscious & low in esteem, but family reassured her that we saw her as a person, a whole. We didn't focus on her hair - we liked her for who she was.
I don't believe you have Alopecia, you are just terribly worried. Princess Caroline of Monaco had it, but recovered. There's so much more awareness and help available today than when Aunt developed hers in the 1960s. Back then there was nothing.
I empathize with you not wanting to leave the house, but encourage yourself to do so. My Aunt was afraid of someone making a comment, but no one ever did. They accepted her just as she was. Good luck with the dermatologist!:)

28-05-16, 18:25
Thanks everyone, everyone's been checking my hair and I don't think I have bald patches. Just loosing a lot. I feel sick, think I have folliculitis as well.