View Full Version : whats going on...

28-05-16, 01:06
So throughout my life ive always been terrified that ive had something wrong with me gone to the er a numerous times. Called poison control numerous times. Having fears of being diabetic, developing blood clots, having an aneurysm, being poisoned by chemicals I use spray paint, gasoline etc. About last year I posted something on here about me believing that I have schizophrenia that went away and now the feeling of me possibly having schizophrenia has came back. Recently at work we've hired this lady in her mid 40s, she seems like a sort of drug addict or ex drug addict , or something real crazy real loud one day she asked me how old i was and I told her 20 and she asked if I was gonna go out and drink on my 21st I told her no and she said essentially that I had to and joked about how she would spike my drink with alcohol to get me drunk which ended up making me feel real anxious. Kept thinking about what if she spikes my food or drinks because she just seems like a real crazy lady which got me thinking why am I having these thoughts and am I schizophrenic which in turn lead me to research schizophrenia again. And now the symptoms just pop up in my head and make me think that I have schizophrenia... I can eat my food but I'll have the thought of being poisoned in my head. After I finish I'll have a real weird taste in my mouth always which leads me to more unwanted thoughts which makes me believe I have schizophrenia. I almost always try and self diagnose myself. I know it's not a very good idea but I can't help it..... every single thing I've read about schizophrenia pops up in my head at random times. I'll wake up and the very first thing that comes to my mind literally is the word schizophrenia. Sometimes I feel like I try and make myself hallucinate to prove I'm become chizophrenic it's a very odd feeling. Im just going on and on of what comes to mind. I dont know what to do alot of the time ill also spend my time rethinking of the past trying to prove ive had schizophrenia my whole life or something i dont know what to do anymore im so scared i fear that im randomly gonna snap and go crazy.

28-05-16, 04:59
I'm pretty sure people who are schziphrenic don't know it. I'm sure she was drinking but if she ever make an attempt remind her you can tell the boss.are you seeing a therapist to treat these intrusive thoughts? I think it might help you sort things out. Your just over reacting to these feelings. I hope you can get some help and releif. Good thoughts!

28-05-16, 12:07
So throughout my life ive always been terrified that ive had something wrong with me gone to the er a numerous times. Called poison control numerous times. Having fears of being diabetic, developing blood clots, having an aneurysm, being poisoned by chemicals I use spray paint, gasoline etc. About last year I posted something on here about me believing that I have schizophrenia that went away and now the feeling of me possibly having schizophrenia has came back. Recently at work we've hired this lady in her mid 40s, she seems like a sort of drug addict or ex drug addict , or something real crazy real loud one day she asked me how old i was and I told her 20 and she asked if I was gonna go out and drink on my 21st I told her no and she said essentially that I had to and joked about how she would spike my drink with alcohol to get me drunk which ended up making me feel real anxious. Kept thinking about what if she spikes my food or drinks because she just seems like a real crazy lady which got me thinking why am I having these thoughts and am I schizophrenic which in turn lead me to research schizophrenia again. And now the symptoms just pop up in my head and make me think that I have schizophrenia... I can eat my food but I'll have the thought of being poisoned in my head. After I finish I'll have a real weird taste in my mouth always which leads me to more unwanted thoughts which makes me believe I have schizophrenia. I almost always try and self diagnose myself. I know it's not a very good idea but I can't help it..... every single thing I've read about schizophrenia pops up in my head at random times. I'll wake up and the very first thing that comes to my mind literally is the word schizophrenia. Sometimes I feel like I try and make myself hallucinate to prove I'm become chizophrenic it's a very odd feeling. Im just going on and on of what comes to mind. I dont know what to do alot of the time ill also spend my time rethinking of the past trying to prove ive had schizophrenia my whole life or something i dont know what to do anymore im so scared i fear that im randomly gonna snap and go crazy.

You need to keep your mind occupied and stop doing this to yourself. There is nothing wrong with you - you just have a tendency of reruning thoughts to a negative outcome.