View Full Version : New here-terrible health anxiety/breast issues

28-05-16, 01:11
If you're taking the time to read this, thank you. I'm 39 & have been dealing with anxiety on & off since my teens. I had been feeling pretty good for quite a long time, but then last summer I started having digestive issues & it all went downhill from there, just one thing after another. Currently, since April I've been having a sort of soreness/pain, tingling sensation in my left breast (that runs from armpit to nipple) & I'm so terrified it's inflammatory breast cancer. (Of course I did a big no-no & googled my symptoms!) I saw a breast specialist last week & she didn't see/feel anything that worried her but has scheduled me to have a mammogram this coming Tuesday & I'm beside myself. Because I read that with ibc you don't necessarily see/feel lumps. Ugh. My moods go up & down & I'm embarrassed to talk to friends/family anymore because I'm afraid I sound like a whiny hypochondriac, but honestly I feel lost. I just started seeing a therapist, but so far hasn't been too much help, but I know it takes time. I'm married with a 4 & 9 yr old & I feel like I'm missing out on so much because of my excessive worry. Again, thanks for reading & any help is appreciated!

28-05-16, 01:19
Hiya WahWah and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

28-05-16, 01:31
If you're taking the time to read this, thank you. I'm 39 & have been dealing with anxiety on & off since my teens. I had been feeling pretty good for quite a long time, but then last summer I started having digestive issues & it all went downhill from there, just one thing after another. Currently, since April I've been having a sort of soreness/pain, tingling sensation in my left breast (that runs from armpit to nipple) & I'm so terrified it's inflammatory breast cancer. (Of course I did a big no-no & googled my symptoms!) I saw a breast specialist last week & she didn't see/feel anything that worried her but has scheduled me to have a mammogram this coming Tuesday & I'm beside myself. Because I read that with ibc you don't necessarily see/feel lumps. Ugh. My moods go up & down & I'm embarrassed to talk to friends/family anymore because I'm afraid I sound like a whiny hypochondriac, but honestly I feel lost. I just started seeing a therapist, but so far hasn't been too much help, but I know it takes time. I'm married with a 4 & 9 yr old & I feel like I'm missing out on so much because of my excessive worry. Again, thanks for reading & any help is appreciated!
Hi - if it makes you feel better I went for a mammogram last week and an ultrasound after months of armpit pain that went to my nipple and up into my neck and to my wrist - everything was ok and it turns out its more than likely sitting at my computer that causes this. I am 35 btw x

28-05-16, 04:15
Thank you for your reply & yes, hearing everything went well for you makes me feel a bit better!! Why I put myself through all this I don't know, but I'm thankful for this site & wish you all the best!

29-05-16, 01:29
Thank you for your reply & yes, hearing everything went well for you makes me feel a bit better!! Why I put myself through all this I don't know, but I'm thankful for this site & wish you all the best!

Thank you :)
Chances are your mammogram will not reveal anything suspect. Don't be scared of the mammogram either - I have a big bust and while it felt a bit odd having to lean into a machine that took pics of your boobs, it didn't hurt. Remember not to wear deodorant too. x

29-05-16, 15:36
Many thanks, Pepperpot!! I appreciate the reassurance & info! Oh, the things we women have to go through! 😊

29-05-16, 15:54
WahWha, Hello,

I always thought it amazing we always think of anxiety as being the last reason instead of the first for our discomfort. My HA also started with some digestive issues - all clear now.

Since you saw your doctor and she gave you a clear report I suspect your appointment will bring you good news on Tuesday.

The big question is once you get your clean report back from your test will you accept it?

BTW I don't call it Google anymore. I call it Go Ogle. Because all we do is ogle stupid stuff that isn't doing us any good at all.


29-05-16, 18:37
Noivous-Hello & thanks for your response. Yes, I agree how anxiety seems to take over my mind & manifest into so much more, rather than just realizing it's just health anxiety, but I guess it's not that easy?! I think deep down I do realize that anxiety is the culprit (not the disease of the month) & I don't mean to speak on other's behalf, but believe that's why we're here on this site. For me, I have trouble turning it off & hope talking with like-minded people will help.
Re: my upcoming screen: I just want answers. I'm tired of waking up every day for the past 2 months wondering what this could be & why it's not going away. Praying for a clean screen & then-yes-I will accept it (& the physical symptoms will likely subside), that is (as of late) until my next random symptom appears & the cycle starts again. So tired of drs & spending $$ I don't have. Really hoping to break this awful cycle so I can go on enjoying my life, not fretting away!!
Hope I make sense & sorry for rambling!
I wish you all the best!

---------- Post added at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:35 ----------

Oh & btw, I like Go Ogle! So true & yet why do I think I'll find all the answers there?? It's all really so stupid!

29-05-16, 19:25
You're not rambling. And you are wise to come here and get yourself some answers and reassurance...which btw I think is very important in the world of HA.

Please keep us posted on your results. :)


29-05-16, 20:32
You are absolutely right!
I will certainly update my post. Having someone who cares is of great comfort & I'm so thankful!

29-05-16, 21:15
I think also that your breast pain is just that, possibly costochondritis which can cause quite pronounced pain in breast/under arm etc and is definitely not cancer or anything else to worry about.
On saying that us health anxiety sufferers don't seem to realise we can be ill,nothing serious :-) of course and not all we suffer is anxiety just that human bodies do get aches and pains the same as non anxiety sufferer's.
Hope your mammogram goes OK I'm booking one next week.

11-06-16, 05:12
Hello-saw dr this week & mammo was clear! Coincidentally, my pains have all but disappeared. Oh, isn't anxiety grand?

13-06-16, 02:23
Same thing happened to me. Had pain in my left breast. My doctor said it is probably nothing, but got a mammogram it was nothing. I guess pain is a breast isn't a usually a sign of breast cancer. I am happy it was nothing for you too, yeah anxiety is a bitch.

17-06-16, 18:28
I'm glad everything turned out ok for you too! I'm so frustrated though, because after a week and a half of the pain practically disappearing, it came back a few days ago & hasn't gone away. So sick & tired of feeling sick & tired....