View Full Version : Always breast with me :-(

28-05-16, 07:13
This is about the 4th Breast issue I've posted about , I have a massive breast cancer phobia, I've been to the breast clinic twice in the last 12 months with the most recent one being February this year where they couldn't see anything. I seem to have limps come up and then they go down after I've done my usual routine of panic , pester the dr and then breast clinic. This time it's different I've got a hardish lump that moves slightly, (I think ) it's sort of long with a round lump at the end ! I've been Drs who did the whole routine of telling me it's very rare in women my age 36! And to come back if not gone in 3 weeks ! I can't sleep eat and it's making me run to the loo every five mins. He didn't really have a proper feel and I'm sure he didn't feel in the correct place .

28-05-16, 08:13
If your doctor can't reassure you then I doubt I can. We do get lumps and bumps in our breasts that come and go and are mostly fibrous tissue. I keep getting a hardened area in one breast but have had it checked out and all is fine and I am content with that. Do what your doctor says and if it is still there in a few weeks go back bearing in mind that most breast lumps are benign.

28-05-16, 08:32
I know what your saying and believe me I'm as frustrated with myself , it's like a compulsion I can't help but prod x

28-05-16, 08:40
Prodding isn't going to help at all :) Yes, as women we need to check our breasts but not to let it become an obsession. If you see a doctor and they say it is fine then except their judgement. They are trained to look out for all possible signs and believe me if they thought it was something sinister they would not waste time in getting more checks.

You might find these workbooks helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

28-05-16, 08:47
Thank you I'll take a look z

28-05-16, 08:59
Let me know in a few weeks if it has helped xx

28-05-16, 10:02
Hey Annie, I've just done the same thing actually - I found lots of weird bumps on my breast and my Dr felt for me and said it feels normal. She said breasts should feel like a pebbled creek - I hope that helps?

28-05-16, 10:16
I'm going through a similar thing, I have a huge phobia of breast cancer, I've had 2 courses of cbt and 1 of emdr which I have to say made a huge difference. However I still struggle to self examine and I won't let my husband near me. My mum had breast a certain too so that didn't help although thankfully that's 8 years ago and she is fine. I had premenstrual pain a couple of weeks ago, I panicked that one side hurt more than the other so much I had a feel, found a painful lump behind the nipple, rushed to the GP he said it felt fibrous and nothing sinister but I'm still waiting for an appointment at breast clinic. The lump is near where I had a fibroadanoma removed a few years ago so I wonder if it's scar tissue. Anyway this panic meant I took 2 weeks off sick, I'm never of sick.
I have found this website helpful, normally I would completely go into avoid mode but this time I read every breast post on here I could find, I didn't google anything and have tried to find something positive and a plan for the future. I will go to the practice nurse regularly for a check as suggested by my GP once I have been to the clinic.

28-05-16, 11:48
It's so hard not to check , I have a phobia of checking one month then the next I'm obsessively checking , then I think I'll just check one more time and that one more time turns into an hours worth , my breast is so sore to touch from all the prodding , the lump is hard but moves so I'm hoping its hormonal as I'm due a period very soon x