View Full Version : Optical migraine sufferers.....

28-05-16, 07:25
Anyone here get these? What are your symptoms?

For quite some time I will get a random episode of what I think to be an optical migraine. I had one today, so I'll try to explain as best as I can.

So, I was sitting in the office at work when all of a sudden I noticed small dark specs oscillating in a circle. I also noticed what appeared to be a spot in the same area of my vision where that was happening, a bright blotch to be specific. I could actually even see this blotch when blinking! It wasn't exactly blocking my entire vision but I was definitely aware of it. So then, I was outside, the sky made it seem more intense. I noticed a "Q" shaped fuzzy television looking spot where those specs were oscillating around in. And after about 20 min of this, everything came together and flashed. It was all over except for a little blotch that took awhile to dissipate.

Also, this was only happening in my left eye, in the upper left field of vision.

I'm sure all optical migraines are different, but I want to hear your experiences! And if my description sounds like one.

dizzy daisy
28-05-16, 15:57
Hi Jen
Yes I have optical migraine too or migraine with aura is another way of describing it. Sounds very much like migraine. You're right, everyone has slightly different experiences with it but generally the same visual disturbance in one or both eyes which should then disappear within 30 mins- but some get it longer. It can be with or without other symptoms such as headache, grogginess, nausea etc.
For me it starts as a flash of white bright light or a blue blob which seems to be in the entire of the eye which quickly turns into a zig zaggy flashy type thing which then makes its way out to the edges of my vision and then disappears- no matter how many times this happens it still freaks me out. Sometimes I only have that and I feel a bit groggy afterwards, but other times it turns into a headache and I have to go to bed.
Try googling no more panic migraine with aura and you should be able to pick up other threads on this xxx

28-05-16, 18:59
I just came on here to right a post about migraine aura, I have them too. Mine are like zig zag multicoloured things that goes like a kaleidoscope round my eyes, lasts up to 30 mins, sometimes I get the headache after and sometimes I dont, like today I got the aura but no headache, how do you cope with yours?

28-05-16, 19:12
Hi Jenni - Yes I have experienced ocular migraines. But only in the last 10 months. Three times. The first one was in my left eye. Everything looked very watery, especially in my peripheral vision. It gave me quite a scare. Then a couple of months later I had another one. this was in both eyes and more like what you described. Looking straight it seemed like something was blocking my vision. And I had the same thing happen about two months ago. I just waited it out. All three times it jst went away on it's own in less than 20 minutes or so. I had no actual headache with mine. I'm hoping it never returns. We will see (no pun intended). I also get ringing ears at times.


dizzy daisy
28-05-16, 20:46
Hc80 it's hard work coping with the migraine aura. I've had migraine for over 20 years, but migraine with visual aura only started about 8 years ago. I totally freaked out when it first happened - to be honest I still do now. I hate it so much I do anything to try and stop it. I wear sunglasses outside of its bright etc, anything to try and keep it from happening xx

28-05-16, 21:28
Dizzy daisy I have spent so long thinking it's just me who suffered with these, I've had them two years, has the dr ever put you on an meds? Mine has put me on propranolol but that was only 10 days ago, not sure how or if it will ease the aura, it's not often that I get the headache.
Still I got one this morning and my anxiety went through the roof, it was my first day at a new job and I just couldn't believe it, I know it doesn't last long but it fills you with worry and fear.
Would give anything for these to stop, such a nuisance,

28-05-16, 22:08
Yeah Hck80 - I thought the same thing. Now I ser it is fairly common. I think it is definitely anxiety related as are migraines of course.

dizzy daisy
29-05-16, 07:45
I'm not on any meds as was never offered any when initially diagnosed only told to use OTC pain killers and advised to stay in darkened too etc. I was told you had to be alert with migraine, take pain killer as soon as any kind of symptom occurred and to be fair, so long as I do this, and get myself home and to bed I can manage fairly well. If I don't then it's really hard to cope with the pain!! More recently a dr suggested trying Triptans of some sort to see if they helped, however I then had other issues which meant taking meds would not be a good idea at that point so I never tried it.
I think it's true that if I'm stressed I'm more prone to migraine so it definitely plays it's part.
I've heard dairth piercings have helped some people which might be worth you looking into to see if it might help.
I've also heard that taking magnesium, B2 and CQ10 have also helped others- again it might be worth you looking into it. I've been taking these vitamins for a while now- I've still had the migraine but it hasn't been as bad as previously so I'll continue for a while longer and see what happens xx

13-09-21, 15:10
I have had several episoldes of 'silent migraine', in other words just the aura and once with the headache as well. They come in clusters and then disappear for a few years. I had one yesterday - took A sumatriptan as soon as the flickering started at the edge of my vision and then the aura stopped but I was very tired - rested for a couple of hours. Today I feel wiped out and 'wide-eyed' - muscles are weak. If it follows previous patterns then there are a few more of these before it settles down again. Anyone else had the same experience? I am also suffering from Polymyalgia Rheumatic this time so am taking steroids.

13-09-21, 15:45
I used to get zig-zags but I rarely get the visual disturbances now. I just get muchos pain. :weep:

13-09-21, 15:53
I recently made a thread about this. I never suffered from migraines nor headaches, yet a few days ago the middle of my vision went weird I couldn't read the letters I was looking at, but I could see the ones around. Soon, a horizontal colorful line appeared above the middle of my vision, and then, the whole left peripheral was foggy and shimmering, kind of like a heat wave on a hot day. No headache followed. I'm hoping that it was a silent migraine, but given that it was my first time and that I already had cancer, it's probably a tumor or metastasis for me :( don't wanna die at 26 years old... Booked an MRI for September 28 and my anxiety is through the roof

23-09-21, 05:53
I get migraine auras without a headache. I’ve discovered that mine come on right after a stressful situation is resolved. For example: I was super stressed once about something and my friend talked to me, made me feel better, and soon we were both laughing. Before long I started seeing the blind spot on her face and the flashing zig zags. Sometimes I will get auras on the drive home after a doctor visit that I was worried about.

I know they are harmless. It still unnerves me when they happen. 😟

24-09-21, 00:38
I've had them without a headache for the last 30 yrs or so.
When I had the first one I rushed to the GP thinking it was a brain tumor or worse.
Turned out he gets them too!
His advice was to take 2 Paracetamol and they would go away in about 20 mins and it works.
Staying away from screens and bright light while it's happening and wearing sun glasses on bright days works well for me too.

09-10-21, 20:40
Mostu - how did your MRI go? I hope things went well for you and it is just a migraine. Take care.

09-10-21, 20:43
Thanks Phill2 - I must admit bright lights are a trigger. When driving in the summer I try not to look too long at the polished cars as that hurts the eyes and I always wear sunglasses. Unfortunately I'm allergic to paracetamol so I either let it run through or take sumatriptans if it feels bad.

11-10-21, 21:25
Joystick, my MRI came out fine. No tumors, just an incidental finding of a vascular loop which is benign. Funny thing is that I talked with my dad and he suffers from the same thing every now and then, I'm wondering if that could be genetic.

10-12-21, 18:58
I'm so glad to hear your MRI was OK - what a relief! I have had two auras recently - one this morning that did not fully develop but then a headache which moved around the head. I am stressed due to better half now having MRI for prostate - it was hard work getting him to see a doctor at all. I'm sure this triggered the aura and I now have PMR so on steroids and not coping with stress as well as I used to.

10-12-21, 22:47
Yes - you described it very well! I get them infrequently, but usually mine start with the one little sparkly part in the middle of my vision - like when someone takes a picture with a flash and that spot lingers, but shiny. Sometimes it'll just stay like that, but then other times it will expand into a circle or half circle and sometimes it will spread across my whole field of vision.
They usually last for 10-15 minutes.

14-12-21, 09:53
I woke up with one a few years ago when I was under a huge amount of stress. I had an image like a kaleidoscope with my eyes open and closed. Eye doc said it was an ocular migraine and the way to tell is if you can still see the image when you close your eyes. Haven't had one since, touch wood.

16-03-22, 16:43
I had another aura recently. The centre of my vision went so that I could not read so I knew what was coming. As it was in the evening I decided to get straight into bed and let it run through. However, weirdly the aura did not develop BUT, my left hand went completely numb from the wrist down. I could articulate it - clench the fingers etc. but I could not feel myself doing it. I found this a little unnerving but I am due for a telephone consultation with the GP re PMR next week so I shall mention it to her then. I am hoping I don't get to the stage where it looks like I am having a stroke - I know I have talked rubbish in the past when having one. Today I have a sore upper left arm, an aching sensation up that side of the neck and through the jaw and a dull headache rumbling around all over the head, so I am hoping this is not the lead up to another one. If only I could understand the reason ... Thanks to everyone on here for posting - it helps to put things in perspective. These only started after I was 50.

21-03-22, 03:32
If you get one, take magnesium bis-glycinate. Magnesium bis-glycinate is also good in general for anxiety.

29-03-22, 22:41
Thank you - I shall look for some!