View Full Version : Convinced myself i've got diabetes. :(

28-05-16, 22:55
Hello all. I haven't had a very good few days. I've googled (I know I shouldn't have) I'm just in a terrible state. I'm convinced I've got diabetes of some sort. I have the majority of the symptoms but my mum thinks these symptoms could also be anxiety and i shouldn't be worrying so much.

My symptoms are:
Blurry eyes
for months i go through periods of feeling insanely hungry even eating like a horse. (this isn't constant. This is on and off)
frequent urination (on and off. But, this may also be part of a condition I have.)
feeling thirsty (just started today)

I had so many blood tests not long back and I think I could have had a diabetes check then. But I'm not totally sure. I just remember going to the doctors complaining of tiredness all the time. But I had that many tests I just can't remember if diabetes check was one of them. I went in Tesco pharmacy and boots today because I read online that they did the checks but nope. Not any more and lloyds pharmacy is too far away from me.

I'm working myself up badly and can't go the doctors until Tuesday now because of the bank holiday. I'm just so afraid that I'll end up in a diabetic coma or I'll get seriously ill before Tuesday. It's just making me feel so ill because I'm that worked up. I'm just so afraid because I'm 19, nearly 20 I'm admittedly overweight and have had a lot of sugar since a young age. But I'm just feeling so overwhelmed. Hoping it's not diabetes but, I've basically convinced myself it is. :weep::weep:

29-05-16, 14:11

29-05-16, 14:27
With the diabetes, symptoms do not come and go, they are constantly present. Thirst is raging, meaning you would be drinking litres and litres constantly. Weight would be dropping off you. You would be urination lots very frequently.

Nothing that you describe shows you are symptomatic of type 1 diabetes, which is what is associated with hypoglycemic episodes.

29-05-16, 16:37
Hi hun, my sister is insulin dependent diabetic, whilst not a great condition she lives a full and happy life.
It was very obvious she was poorly in the weeks leading up to her diagnosis, she lost a lot of weight, could drink 3litres of diet coke in one go and still be thirsty and was very tired.

29-05-16, 16:44
I guess the question you need to ask yourself is... In the four years you've been on the forum, has any of your worst fears been realized?

Certainly, you can go to your doctor to be tested but I believe you won't have diabetes.

Positive thoughts

29-05-16, 22:21
Thanks for your replies everyone. You've all put my mind at ease for now. So thanks a lot! :)