View Full Version : High anxiety

28-05-16, 23:50
Really struggling with high anxiety right now, can't take any benzos, don't know what to do. Deep breathing barely does anything.

29-05-16, 00:11
Try doing a body scan. Observe what is happening physically in lots of detail. You could also try thinking about your surroundings. Find 5 sounds and focus on them, then sights and feelings. It will pass x

29-05-16, 01:35
Distraction. Empty a cupboard and sort it out.
Exercise. Get that excess adrenaline out of your body by going on a walk/jog/put a fitness dvd on.

29-05-16, 22:40
I'm not sure if this will help but my cpn taught me this. I was doing the deep breathing stugf and belly breathing etc but it just wasn't working and she told me to do it the opposite way. She said people don't tend to breath in deep breaths like they do with deep breathing and so focus more on your exhale, just breath out till your breath is gone without forcing it and your body physiologically wonthe allow you to stop breathing, she explained in more detail but I can't remember all I know is if I keep my mind focused on my my out breath and not pay so much attention to in inhale it kind of works for me. I also was told to put my two feet on the floor to ground me too. I hope this helps for you too :)

30-05-16, 00:46
All good advice above. :)

Try listening to some Claire Weekes Apps from the internet. x