View Full Version : anxiety about vision is driving me mad

29-05-16, 01:09
I've been dealing with the usual visual problems I've always associated with anxiety. Floaters, snow, migraine aurus etc. But lately its been getting much MUCH worse. My visual snow has gotten so bad I literally cannot see anything at night. I recently had a ct scan to make sure nothing was wrong with my brain and it came back clear but my vision is driving me crazy to the point that I'm worried I'm going to go blind.

I've spoken on here before about the weird blobs I see in my eyes when I look up or down or to the side really far, like there is pressure being applied to my eyes.. But its getting even worse. Just looking around can cause me to see weird black spots and pressure like auras. I see trails on everything even if its in broad daylight and moving really slowly and my eyes have been aching and killing me.

I have these weird things in both eyes that are like floaters but they are stationary. I don't see them all the time but sometimes when its dark or I close my eyes or I'm really tired they appear. They stay in the exact same spot but the inside of them moves around and flashes. Like I said before I would just write it off as migraine aura but it always looks the same, and if I focus in the right lighting and squint really hard I can see them up close as if I'm looking at them under a microscope. They are black and slightly transparent and look like clumps of floaters all stuck together. They have been hanging around for about 6 years now.

I'm super paranoid about retinal detachment or retinal bleeding or clots of some kind. I have eye exams often because I wear glasses and they have never said that anything looks weird or bad. Would a regular eye doctor be able to tell if something was wrong with my retinas? I'm seeing a retinal specialist soon but I fear I'm going blind..

29-05-16, 03:11
I had vision issues before and essentially the more stressed I got about them the worse it got. I don't know about the eye checks and stuff but when I was really freaking out about it my vision was really terrible.

Good luck x

29-05-16, 18:22
If it's any consolation I'm in exactly the same boat as you. My vision anxiety is off the chart and I'm actually making my eyes sore looking up and down and side to side all the time. :(

I did read somewhere what the large circle is when you move your eyes side to side, apparently it's because we've taught ourselves to "see" our natural blind spots that everyone has. I think that's a lot of my trouble - I'm focusing on things my brain used to ignore. Having said that I can't seem to ignore it now!

I'm having trouble with a black pin prick for in my left eye that is always in the same place in my vision and I'm only aware of it when I move my eyes - it appears for a millisecond, if I look at it it disappears and returns when I move my eyes again. I'm only aware of it in very light conditions or against light back grounds and it disappears for days at a time.

Then there's the weird vision I get in my left eye, like lots of pressure spots all around the edges. I only get them when I'm very dehydrated UGH UGH UGHthis is all so exhausting. I have ANOTHER optician appt in two days time so I can get some perspective, relief or just to ask her what is going on!

If you look at my other posts you'll see all the other vision issues I'm plaguing myself with.

Hope you feel better soon - at least we aren't alone!