View Full Version : d dimerfear

29-05-16, 12:37
iv been really worried iv got a dvt i was taking aspirin everyday then went to hospital yesterday the d dimer was negative but now im terrified the aspirin could of caused a false negative :'(
there no swelling it just awful pain from groin down :(

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 ----------

does anyone know anything about the test or aspirin or any advice at all
i rang 111 and they were like we dont think itd effect it but it says use of anticoagulants can cause false negative and i know asprin is a blood thinner

30-05-16, 14:31
cant control my fear today feel like i cant take anymore
im so convinced i have a clot :'(

Gary A
30-05-16, 15:52
You don't have a blood clot, this isn't your first negative D-dimmer either.

Stop this needless fretting.

30-05-16, 16:16
my worry is that i forgot to tell them i took aspirin every i know anticoagulants can cause false negative but im not sure if this includes aspririn

Gary A
30-05-16, 16:24
Stop trying to justify your anxiety.

I repeat, this is not your first negative D-dimmer. You do not have a blood clot.

30-05-16, 20:07
im not trying to justify it
i know they have been negative before but i was unaware if my apsirin use could of effected the recent one
do you suffer anxiety? your pretty harsh in your responses i am only asking if anyone knew if the medication could effect the test i know nobody can tell me if i have a clot or not

Gary A
30-05-16, 20:16
I'm not harsh, I'm blunt. You keep going to the hospital and getting them to perform this test on you, and each time it comes back negative you attempt to invent something in your head which can keep you worrying.

Your job is to attempt to fight your anxiety, not justify it.

30-05-16, 20:26
im not trying to justify it
i know they have been negative before but i was unaware if my apsirin use could of effected the recent one
do you suffer anxiety? your pretty harsh in your responses i am only asking if anyone knew if the medication could effect the test i know nobody can tell me if i have a clot or not

Frankly, you are trying to find ways to keep this fear alive. Gary is spot on on that you've been tested several times and it's been negative. He's just being direct in telling you that as tea and sympathy does no good. The aspirin factor is a "non" factor plain and simple. If indeed the medical professionals thought it was, you would have been re-tested (.) Period.

I know you're in a real spiral and have been for a while but you have to at least try to help yourself just a little here. Stop Googling! If you can't ask a loved one to put a block on that and other medical/search engines. Do something.. anything to distract yourself. Read a book, listen to music, go for a walk... anything but sit and ruminate on what quite frankly is an irrational fear.

Positive thoughts