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04-10-04, 15:14
hello fellow panickers,

Just thought I would tell you all about my successful morning. As some of you know, I am starting a PhD this week. This morning was the induction. It took place in a huge lecture hall with hundreds of people and it lasted two whole hours.[Sigh...] The worst thing is that I was going alone and I didn't know anyone there...
I set off fully prepared with my bottle of water, a snack and my mobile so that I could keep myself busy by texting my friends if I started to feel panicky. However, I soon found out that there was absolutely no reception in the lecture hall so my there was my plan right out the window.[Duh!]
I knew that the most important thing was that I had to get an aisle seat cos often when I sit in the middle of a row, I start to feel panicky, especially when I'm surrounded by people I don't know!! When I arrived, there was a woman who was filing us all into rows as if we were little kids. I saw that she wanted me to sit in the middle of a row so I asked her if I could please sit in an aisle seat. She just looked at me as if I was a freak and relentlessly gave in [:I] It was pretty obvious that I had disrupted her Hitlerian order lol.
But...once the induction started, I was amazed at how comfortable I felt there!! And get this...I even raised my hand and asked a question in front of all those hundreds of people!![Wow!]
At the same time last year, I had a very similar induction for my Masters. When I look back, I remember how nervous I was about it and what a mess I felt while I was there. I was so dizzy and I was sure that I was on the verge of having a panic attack. And as for asking a question...that NEVER would have happened. It's amazing how much progress I have made in a year!!
So, my message for all you panickers is this: Don't give up!! These things take time, you won't get cured overnight. If you give it time and keep trying, you will soon feel so much better!![Yeah!]

Sarah :D

04-10-04, 15:49
Well done Sarah,
I'm so proud of you!!!It amazes me the progress you've made, I'm lucky I've been able to share it with you. Your success is an example to us all and certainly has given me faith in a more optimistic future! I just hope I do as well as you!
Loads of love,

"Many things have fallen only to rise higher":D

04-10-04, 17:55
Hi Sarah

Well done, pleased it went so well for you.

Another positive post for us all to benefit from.

True it takes time but you can start to see the difference and that is what counts.

Love Sal xxxxx

04-10-04, 17:56
Well done Sarah! It sounds like you have come such a long way in a year. Feeling comfortable and asking a question in front of all those people, that's amazing.

It definitely gives me hope that one day I might be able to control my panic attacks and cope with the social phobia much better.

Such an inspirational post giving encouragement to those of us not so far along the path to recovery.


04-10-04, 18:38
Well done Sarah ,

You have worked very hard at tackling your issues and are now seeing your just rewards.

What are you going to be doing your PhD on ?


04-10-04, 18:50
Well done Sarah!

You're right about things taking time but it's worth it in the end. Sounds like you've come a long away so give yourself a pat on the back.

Good luck with your PhD!

Take care

Emma xx

04-10-04, 18:59
hello everyone,

Thank you all so much for your kind words!! It really does mean so much to me.

Meg - I am doing a PhD in History - I am concentrating on European immigration.

Sarah :D

04-10-04, 18:59
Hi Sarah

Just wanted to say well done. You must feel so good about it all. Good luck with your PhD..i'm sure you'll sail through.

Kerry x


04-10-04, 19:15
Hi Sarah, great news today went well for you.

04-10-04, 20:20
Hi Sarah

You did so well!! I like to sit on the end of rows too so you are not alone.

Asking a question as well eh? - You show off lol.

Great news and I am so pleased that things have turned around for you.

Good luck with the course.


04-10-04, 20:46
Hi Sarha,

[Wow!] You are doing so well:D
You have worked so hard WELL DONE.



May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door..

04-10-04, 22:53
hello everyone,

Thank you SO much for your words of support!!

Nic - It felt great to show off , it had been far too long lol. The guy even said "Now, that was a good question." heehee

Sarah :D

04-10-04, 23:57
Hi Sarah

You deserve all the postive posts you are getting. How much further forward you are from last year is down to you wanting to be there.

Love Sal xxxxx

05-10-04, 10:57
Hi Sarah!

Sorry Im late posting! Its been bedlam this weekend here!

Well done you for your mega acheivements! :) You are a huge inspiration now go get that degree!! It has your name on it! :D

Love and thoughts... Minny..xx

05-10-04, 13:15
Hi Sarah,

A BIG WELL DONE TO YOU. You did so well give yourself a big slap on the back! (not to hard though as it might hurt) LOL!

Excellent progress keep up the good work!! You never know in another year you might be at the front giving a speech to everyone!!!

Take care,


05-10-04, 17:10
LOL Pips - you never know I guess!!

A big thanks to everyone for all your support

I just hope that tomorrow goes just as well as I have registration

Sarah :D

06-10-04, 13:11
Hi Sarah

I hope registration goes well for your today. I'm sure you'll be fine, you've been doing so well.


06-10-04, 17:40
hello briary,

Thanks for your post!! Yes, registration went quite well. I drove to town, spent 5 hours there and then drove home. I was with a mate so we had quite a good day even though we did spend 2 hours in a queue. I've also signed up for some uni societies as I think it will do me a lot of good to get out more. I start Japenese classes next Tuesday. All in all, a very successful day!!

Sarah :D

06-10-04, 18:03
Wow Sarah, you are doing so well. Definitely a very successful day. Well done.


12-10-04, 15:22
not much to say as everyone else has said it so well but blimmin heck you actually said a question in front of loads of people! thats soooo cool that must really be a huge hurdle youve overcome and really mark an end to your panicky days! I wonder you say you have made progress in the past year - what are your top tips for fellow panickers? were you on medication, and did you kind of step up your degrees of involment in socail situations until you got to this point?
well done again


12-10-04, 19:54
Wow Sarah

Well done on two counts - firstly on being so confident in your induction lecture and secondly for starting your PhD, as a mere Masters student completely stressed by the idea of getting through the next year, I'm totally in awe of your wisdom and committment. Go girl go [^][^]

Lots of love Jo xxx

12-10-04, 23:15
hello JP and Jo,

Thank you both very much for your kind words of support!! I am really quite surprised at how well I am coping...

JP - you asked me how I have managed to make so much progress in a year. Well, to be honest it has been a mix of things. Firstly, I have been on Cipralex since last November and it has worked miracles for me. It is the only med I have been on for panic so I have nothing to compare it to but my psychiatrist swears by it. I feel better each month!!
I also see a counsellor who is really nice and supportive. It is good talking to someone who really understands.
Lastly and perhaps most importantly, I have had the support of Ed. He has pushed me into doing things the whole time, especially when I was ready to give up. I probably would have done as well if it hadn't been for him! Thank you Ed :)
Anyone can get through it as long as you try hard enough. Make sure you put yourself in those situations that scare you most, etc.

Sarah :D

15-10-04, 15:59
Congratualtions on your acheivements!
I just wondered if i could ask you, as i'm planning to do a masters next year but the thought currently terrifies me - have you been able to get much support from the university themselves? I always wonder if it might help to tell a tutor or someone about my condition, but there's the risk that they don't know what you're talking about. How i wish i was just diabetic or something. but i thought anxiety was supposedly really common these days, so maybe universities are used to people with such problems? What do you think?

15-10-04, 19:20

Read this post as Briary has had a similar problem .....

University (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1775)


18-10-04, 17:56
hi Ellen,

Sorry, I just saw your post now...

My uni has been really supportive this year during my MA. I have told my supervisor and the course leader about my problems and they have been very understanding. I have been offered extensions, although luckily I never needed them. Each uni also has counsellors that are available to all students who tend to be very good. Just make sure that you tell people about your problems cos if you do, they will be very understanding. Hope this helps!

Sarah :D