View Full Version : Is this normal? Anxiety symptoms without a stressor?

29-05-16, 18:14
In August last year I went to my doctor as was having pins and needles in my legs, did the worst thing and consulted Dr Google before I went. My GP was quite certain that there was nothing wrong but ordered blood tests anyway. The results showed that my kidney function was down. The day before I received my results I found out that a growth has been found on my dad's kidney which was possibly cancerous. This news along with the wait for my blood test obviously really stressed me and I lost over a stone in weight in 3 weeks. The pins and needles stopped but were replaced by random sharp pains in my limbs, hands and around my ankles. I was sent for a kidney scan which came back fine along with two further blood tests that also came back ok. This process took about 3 months. In the meantime we found out that my dad did not have cancer but in the September he almost died from pneumonia and was in intensive care for five days and it was touch and go, that same week I also started a new job after being a stay at home mum for the past few years (both stressful situations). The pain continued and I saw my GP in November who said that all in all it sounded like anxiety. I accepted this as only a couple of months after all this happened. I am still getting the pains, even though my dad recovered and is doing well, I love my job and everything else in my life is good. The pains do get worse around my period. My sister is experiencing the same thing and is sick of going to and from the doctors. I just wondered if anybody else suffers from this, months after the stressful event? I would not describe myself as a worrier although my body does react quite aggressively to stress ie weightloss, nausea, vomiting. Some friends have suggested that the pains could be a sign of perimenopause (I am 41) but I have no other symptoms of this. Any help would be appreciated as the only anxiety I have are these pains!

29-05-16, 18:44
I tend to cope with stressful situations quite well then a month or two later the anxiety hits big time! The worst symptoms for me are nausea and digestive problems as well as constant shaking. Your body has been stressed and is reacting to it. Are you taking anything for the anxiety?

---------- Post added at 18:44 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

You might find this link helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=46

29-05-16, 19:25
I take paracetamol when the leg pain gets too bad but nothing else.