View Full Version : Vertigo

29-05-16, 19:12
I keep getting Vertigo for days. It's only when I stand up and walk around. It feels like the ground is moving. My doctor thinks it is anxiety.
I've had my ears checked a lot. And am told they are fine.

Does anyone have any advice?

29-05-16, 21:20
I have this problem. Mine seems to be made much worse by movement. Not much you can do. Some triggers are caffeine, alcohol, sugar and salt. Drink lots of water. Also, try some sort of low dose allergy med.

29-05-16, 21:25
My mother in law is in hospital and while we were there yesterday she told the nurse she felt dizzy, the nurse said Mrs????? I have told you your not drinking enough and your dehydrated and this is the cause of your dizzyness, today after drinking plenty she said she feels much better and is coming out Tuesday,so came home and increased my fluid intake to see if it gets rid of my woozyness

30-05-16, 05:38
I get this too my love, it's extremely common with anxiety and it does pass. I found if I just accepted it and tried not to worry about it constantly it seemed to dissipate, also it's important to work on whatever's stressing you out or what could be causing you to feel out of balance, diet, water, exercise all help but also acceptance and just "feeling" it literally helps me so much. You'll get through it, a doctor has told you it's anxiety so you need to try and alleviate the anxiety which isn't always easy but with time and patience it's possible. Xx

---------- Post added at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:37 ----------

Speaking to a psychologist is really important too! They deal with talking so many people through this, find someone who specialises in anxiety. Love and light