View Full Version : urinary symptoms causing anxiety or anxiety causing urinary symptoms?

29-05-16, 20:07
I am a 22 year old female, no prior health issues. My anxiety and depression strikes at random times in my life. I can be fine for years(4-5 years) and then it strikes, lasting for months. In 2015 it happened again for about 4 months and now it seems to be creeping up again. i experience panic attacks, crying and hyperventillating, cannot be alone, and i only want to be around my mom for some reason. I had never had urinary pain or frequency before in my life so this caused my anxiety and depression to happen again. i saw tons of doctors and a urology specialist, had a cystoscopy and countless pelvic exams. Nothing was wrong.
The symptoms went away for a while (a year almost) and i had zero anxiety, none at all. All of a sudden i get a burning that lasts for days, a high white blood cell count, no uti and my anxiety becomes crippling. The worse my panic attacks are, the worse my physical symptoms, especially at night. I fear the doctors are dumb, i have a weird incurable disease that came up out of nowhere and that doctors don't care, or either it's all inside my head. I have had every test done, and can't even speak of IC (urologist highly doubts this) and the thought of it sends me into panic for months, to the point where i lose so much weight an it affects me very badly. Why can i live years without this and all of a sudden depression and anxiety completely takes over my life? And why these symptoms? I am so happy with my life, and there has not been stress to set this off? I am terrified it will eventually affect my sex life, relationships, and college career.

29-05-16, 21:20
Most women have flare ups of cystitis at some stage in their lives, some more than others. The problem lies with your health anxiety.
When we are anxious about our physical symptoms they become magnified and seem so much worse than they really are.
For instance a headache can become a brain tumour in our anxiety ridden minds. We Google and read the symptoms associated with a condition and our headache increases and our mind introduces those symptoms to encourage us in our nightmare.
So we suffer far more than we should from what are everyday symptoms to other people.