View Full Version : What is up with this remaining tenderness?

29-05-16, 20:21
About 9 weeks ago I hit my head quite hard on a sloping ceiling, as I was going to sit on a couch beneath this same ceiling. I remember hitting my head, and also saying in my head "Oh ****!" and going to sit on the couch after. My friend who was in the other room said he heard me say "Oh ****!" - I don't remember saying it out loud though just in my mind. There was no vomiting, and no other signs. The next few days I had a few headaches, and I went to the doctor, who checked my eyes and my neck muscles, and said that the aches were from the neck, and internal bleeding was very unlikely. After that, no more symptoms. Recently, I noticed however that if I press quite HARD on that spot where the hit happened, it hurts slightly. Not a big pain, but different than pressing the same way on the other side. It has been 9 weeks since hitting the head. Should this be something to worry about, and what could be causing such tenderness long after? After I have pressed a few times on that spot like that for the past days, it has become more tender, meaning that slight pain happens even when I brush my hair in that region. What could be causing this, and what should I do? Thanks!

29-05-16, 20:39
Poking, prodding and yes, pressing "quite HARD" anywhere on your body enough will cause irritation, swelling (especially nodes) and pain.

Leave it alone is the solution and answer to your question.

Positive thoughts