View Full Version : Wife had mole removed. I panic. Need perspective!

29-05-16, 21:19
My wife went to a standard checkup of all her moles at her dermatologist. No other reason that a campaign to get people aware of risks etc.

The doctor found one 'suspicious' mole. This mole was not suspicious, the dr said, with the naked eye but only in the dermatoscope (magnifying tool). The dr said it should be removed, and that she could either do it there and then (private derm clinic) for a fee, or go the route via her GP. She removed it immediately.

Removal was with a 6mm tool (meaning the mole was 2-4 mm).

They sent the piece of skin off for pathology analysis (3 weeks for response)

(1) Mole was not suspicious with the naked eye (must be reassuring, OR??)
(2) Dr said it was an option to go via GP for removal (If really bad looking, she would have said things differently, OR??)
(3) Mole was 2-4 mm (Advanved melanoma is ususally 6 mm or more)
(4) 3 weeks to get result (If dr should have thought it looked bad, she would have speeded it up, OR??)

When my anxiety gets the better of me (which is basically all the time) I think she will have 'hidden' advanced spread cancer and die. I need help to get a perspective on this!