View Full Version : How comfy is your bed?

Brandy snap
14-03-07, 01:18
Hi everyone,

I would be very grateful if members could take a moment to fill in this poll so I can go in bed shops armed with information and not take two years to make a decision like last time. Many many thanks. Hope you all have comfy beds and a good nights sleep. Brandy Snap

14-03-07, 03:32
Hi Brandy
We bought a latex bed with a memory foam top about 6 mths ago and it's great.My wife and I both have bad backs and it's done us wonders.
Couldn't recommend it more

14-03-07, 10:42
Sorry hun I have no idea what mine is other than I think it could be springy with a good layer of foam on. I do remember it being massively expensive 12 years ago.

The previous bed had one leg held up with books so this was pure luxury by comparison.

Good luck with it all and I agree at least if you know exactly what you want before you go it saves getting dithery on the day.

Piglet :flowers:

14-03-07, 10:54
My current bed is awful, I really should get a new matress for it. I'm sure I would sleep better. I think it's just a normal sprung one, but very old and bumpy unfortunately.

I've always wanted one of those memory foam mattresses, like the one on the crazy infomercial advert, cant remember the name now, space age material from nasa, etc, lol. The price is unbeleivable tho! For a peice of foam, I can't understand how they can charge so much.


14-03-07, 19:09
Kip on the floor it,s cheaper, no seriously, my bed is brill and it,s king size. my hubbi get,s out and i get in, i work nights you see ,and just love all the bed to myself!:yesyes:

Brandy snap
15-03-07, 02:43
Thank you all for your replies. I'll check back later to see if any more. Meanwhile I'm off to what's left of a night of unyielding discomfort! Brandy Snap xx:emot-wave:

26-05-07, 15:06
I've got a Sealy pocket sprung mattress and it's really really comfortable :)
The only down side to the pocket sprung ones is that for the first 3mths you have to turn the mattress over and top to bottom every 2wks which can be a bit of pain in the bum.

I think you get what you pay for with a bed so it's worth spending as much as you can afford. I got mine half price in a department store sale and paid about £600 for it, but that was about 5yrs ago.

20-08-07, 10:31
Open coil. I think.

It's very old. I bought it in 1995, the whole bed and mattress together were £99.

I need a new mattress. I have blankets folded over under the sheets so the springs don't poke through.

20-08-07, 15:12
I've got a massive bean bag bed that doubles up as a sofa during the day.

It's comfy as anything as it moulds to my body shape but the only thing I have to remember is to top up the filling every 6 months or so as it can get flat.

Gordon XX

20-08-07, 15:28
My bed has a pillow topped matress!

Its like a thin duvet stitched on to matress really comfy!!

Only downside is you cant turn matress over!!

Sweet Dreams:D

Luv Kaz x x x

14-11-08, 07:50
I can feel every single spring in my back.
Its a really crappy cheap matress that came with the really cheap and crappy bedframe. I WAS DESPERATE! I was sleeping on the floor...lol. I've had it for 3 years now, anyone wanna buy me a new one???

Sometimes when i turn over the springs even make my funny bone in my funny...not a comfortable sleep at all. Saying that, if i am tired enough i can sleep standing up.


14-11-08, 12:06
not sure how comfy my bed is in my room lol, i sleep on sofa in living room!!

14-11-08, 20:41
My OH is off sick with a really bad back at the minute and it is costing us £75 a week in physio bills. I dragged him off to 'Dreamz' & 'Bensons Beds' yesterday to try out some new beds with memory foam in mind. We tried a few which were complete memory foam and did not like them one bit. You could not turn over as it was as if the mattress was pulling you down and it felt quite suffocating. The best one we tried was part latex, part memory foam and it was heaven. We tried loads but kept going back to that same one as it was so comfy. We are going to keep shopping about for now and see what we can afford in the new year. I would rather pay a decent price and save on the bed frame (the assistant said that aslong as you have a good mattress it doesnt matter about the frame).
Good luck with your bed hunting and i think you will get good advice from both these shops. Go and try some out, just make sure you arent too tired when you do, it's a killer! lol

16-11-08, 15:12
i am getting a new bed which is an electric bed. the matress is that it fits into your shape.

16-11-08, 20:26
i really need a new bed, mine is over 10 years old, let me know how u get on, then ill go invest lol

17-11-08, 10:56
I rent a furnished house and the bed was already here. The mattress is really firm and very uncomfortable.I don't know what kind of mattress it is. There is no point to buying a new one because if I move out I will have to leave it to replace the one I got rid of so I am stuck with it.

17-11-08, 11:00
what are water beds like? I have no idea what my bed is, a normal bed? it's ok, I so want a comfy matress topper!