View Full Version : night nurse/

14-03-07, 01:41
hey anyone ever try night nurse and if so does it work?

14-03-07, 11:19
Yep I use it to make me sleep and not just when I have a cold.

I wouldn't take the full adult dose though - I take less than the childs dose and it does help.

The only thing is you sometimes do feel a bit groggy the next day first thing - kind of like a bit hung over.

It works well at getting me to sleep though.

14-03-07, 12:48

I thought you were looking for a nurse to keep you company at night time :winks: lol. Sorry about last night hope we still friends but sometimes you have to use tough love eh. Lots of positive vibes coming your way babe. :hugs: :yesyes: xxx

14-03-07, 12:55
hey nic, well i tried tehnight nurse, took the full dose, and guess what i got four hours sleep lol

also pains are stil ther in my head, and now my right eye is starting to go verty blurry lol

when does it end,

bought a hot water bottle though to try and relieve some tension.

14-03-07, 13:13
It ends when you start believing honey


Trac xx

14-03-07, 14:12
i know trac, but with so many physical things going on with me its hard to focus no matter how much i try, even going out into the garden tyo do some work makes me feel tired and worry about how it will effetct me.

never ends does it

14-03-07, 14:40
I used to get like that but i pushed myself even though i felt tired and the tiredness soon went the busier I got, honestly Steve it is a case of pushing yourself and believing what everyone tells you and changing your way of thinking, put everything into perspective, see reason with everything and things will start to get better for you..............been there done that and it does work honey


Trac xxx