View Full Version : Meningitis fear for 4 months...

30-05-16, 18:43
Hi, I'm new here. I considered myself to be quite worry free until February of this year. I came down with a viral infection, and it was the worst I'd ever felt in my entire life. That's when I realised I have HA. I was convinced I had meningitis and made frequent trips to the doctors and urgent care centre. They took an ECG because my heart rate was so high and after a night of panic they concluded it was just a "viral infection". So I went home, hopeless, feeling absolutely drained and ill. I eventually got over it and things went back to normal...well, until now. Last week, someone at my school got meningitis and passed away, and it sent me reeling. I cried because my fear had come back, and this person got sick and came to school everyday with the illness, because the doctors said it was the "flu". After three days, they collapsed at home and died in hospital with septicemia because the meningitis had gone too far and it was too late. The past week my throat has felt off but when I found out that they had died I felt so so ill. Then I began to feel really poorly and told myself I had got it too as the school decided to send letters out with all the symptoms on which I was constantly checking for. I've not had any severe headaches, or neck stiffness or light sensitivity. I still have my mild sore throat and I had a fever that kept going up and down but that's gone now. I'm just so afraid I have meningitis and I've had the jabs (C and the new ACWY jab for 14-18 year olds)...:weep: I'll be so grateful for any replies, thankyou :(

30-05-16, 19:10
It's pretty rare to get meningitis if you have been vaccinated. You can still get it, but chances are very low. Also, meningitis is not very common at all! So I wouldn't stress. Usually the symptoms are pretty severe and your doctor's would have known! What happened to the student at your school is such an unfortunate but extremely unlikely event. I am surprised their doctor missed it! You need to trust and understand that the common flu is a lot more common than meningitis

31-05-16, 13:11
Thanks for the re-assuring reply. I woke up this morning and most of my aches had gone and I've begun to get more cold like symptoms you wouldn't really get with meningitis. I'm thankful I've been vaccinated but my HA always makes me think I've got the worst disease possible. I guess I fear it so much because it has a rapid effect on one's body and can strike at any time. I'm still keeping a look out for a rash/neck stiffness/severe headache just in case (even though it's extremely unlikely as you said) so yeah thanks ever so much for the reply, have a great day and God bless:hugs::blush:

31-05-16, 14:15
I remember being in secondary school must have been 14 at the time, when we had a case in the school, so we will all given the jab.

I can remember when I was about 6 or 7 there was someone who I knew very close who had it and she was very lucky her parents took her into the hospital when their did otherwise she would have died, also from my memory one of my cousins from my Dad side family had it as well, she seems to fine now but we never seen any of my Dad side of the family or very rarely but hear a lot on FB.

31-05-16, 15:09
I remember being in secondary school must have been 14 at the time, when we had a case in the school, so we will all given the jab.

I can remember when I was about 6 or 7 there was someone who I knew very close who had it and she was very lucky her parents took her into the hospital when their did otherwise she would have died, also from my memory one of my cousins from my Dad side family had it as well, she seems to fine now but we never seen any of my Dad side of the family or very rarely but hear a lot on FB.

Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear that meningitis has been in your life quite a bit. If you don't mind me asking, did anyone else at your school contract the disease? I'm curious as it's happened to me quite recently and has naturally got me worried. I've had jabs and stuff but it sucks they're not 100% effective, but at least it's better than not having any protection at all. Thanks for the reply :blush:

31-05-16, 16:38
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear that meningitis has been in your life quite a bit. If you don't mind me asking, did anyone else at your school contract the disease? I'm curious as it's happened to me quite recently and has naturally got me worried. I've had jabs and stuff but it sucks they're not 100% effective, but at least it's better than not having any protection at all. Thanks for the reply :blush:

Thanks no idea whether anybody in school got it. It was all hush hush we got a letter confirming we had a case in school. I think if there would have been more cases we would have been told. I am in mid 30s now.

The person who was close to us was a friend of my mum's it was her daughter, but nobody else was affected. I think she must have been about five or 6 at the time.

31-05-16, 23:52
Surely you would have contracted it by now? Try and think logically, you are fine :)