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View Full Version : But I thought It Was Suppose To Be Good For U

14-03-07, 03:19
I have been getting out more and more everyday and its getting spring here.The snow has all but melted away and the weather is warming up really perfect.I go out and feed the animals and have been doing more than usual with no really adverse reactions other than hearing my heart vibrating more than usual.I get really tired which seems to go and come but seems to be getting better.Somedays I feel almost normal but today I got out and was out most of the day.The sun was bright and it was a pleasant cool outside so I didnt think much about it.I got really weak from being in bright sunlight as we live at 8400 ft high ,a mile and one half above sea level.The sun is pretty strong .I came in laid down for a bit because I was exhausted and then started feeling a little better,but my pulse seemed too light.I got back out and played with the animals and road the atv for awhile even shot my gun a few times all the time still feeling weak.I came in and ate and then rested but went back later a couple of hours and my heart seemed to be vibrating all over my body and I could really hear it thumping in my head.I did what I had to do and the breathing thing got a little better but the whole thing unnerved me.I am more tired than I have been in a long time and worried about my heartbeat although other than a few missed beats seems to be ok..The back of my head under the base of the skull seems to be tender and I have been getting headaches everynight about dark.I don't know if this is a blockage of an artery in my head or maybe just a vertabra out of place or tension.I checked with the nurse down the road and she said that it was mostly because im out of shape the more i do the less I would notice the heartbeat vibrations its called getting back into shape.I have gained a few pounds that makes me feel better but well I still worry about this whole heart thing and blockage.Our neighbors come by almost everyday and she is a veteran head nurse at a hospital and she swears there is nothing wrong with me other than not getting out enough and etc..I think that maybe she is around me enough to know the symptoms if there was hopefully but today I feel so bad.I thought you were suppose to feel better when you did more so why do i feel so bad and more panic ,is it because being outside and using muscles i havent in a long time made me tired and made my heartbeat faster and made me anxious or could there possibly really be something wrong and nobody realizes it but me? She is a trained professional almost doctor status shouldnt she realize any odd symptoms and the doctors have told me the same all depression ,could they all be right or could i know something they dont and there is something to all this? I just thought you would feel better doing a little more everyday but mostly what i did was feel worse and anxious after the sun went down.

14-03-07, 05:59
Don't know about any of your other symptoms, but the tender spot under the base of your skull and headaches sounds like a neck strain of some sort, probably because youv'e been doing more and you are out of shape.