View Full Version : Day 8 on cit

31-05-16, 09:27
Morning people.
So this morning I feel like total crap. Lowest I have been since being on cit. sweating, racing thoughts, cannot stop fearing the worst, arms and legs ache with adrenaline and tension. Just hoping I can pull through this. Really worried that I might have a panic attack if I go out of the house even though I have never had one before. I have got to get out of this negative thinking pattern.

31-05-16, 09:42
Morning andy have you read that book I recommend at last a life. It really does help to see anxiety for what it really is I couldn't put it down I still read now even tho I've finished the book. Try and calm yourself with breathing maybe have a shower go for a walk or watch TV anything to take your mind of the feelings you can do this andy stay strong

31-05-16, 10:32
Hang in there!!!! This is normal as I had all the same symptoms as you for the first 2-3 weeks. I actually felt worse my second week. I could barely leave the house for the first 2-3 weeks.

01-06-16, 16:23
First 2-3 weeks were the absolute worst for me as well. The only reason I stuck with it is because I went through it two years ago when I first started Zoloft. Hang in there, and we're here for you!