View Full Version : Lump on thigh/bottom

31-05-16, 11:00
I woke up this morning and as I was getting dressed felt a lump on the side of my thigh high up close to my bottom. Its flesh coloured with red around the edges and is a maybe 2 to 3 centimetres long. This is on an area where I have quite a bit of cellulite (boo) and initially I though I was feeling that but I don't think it is. Its not particularly hard if I press it, it feels spongy almost like a fatty deposit. It also stings a bit when I tough it.

I haven't noticed this lump before so to my knowledge it has just come up or perhaps was too small to feel before (growing eek). I showed my mum and she said it looked like a raised up bite and it does in a way but I can't think where I could have gotten bitten by anything, I haven't even been sitting on the grass or anything like that recently.

I'm so scared it is something like skin cancer as I have no idea what else this could be. Any ideas of anything non scary it could be? I am so freaked out by this!!! Want to cry.....

31-05-16, 11:59
Hey, sorry that this has gotten you so worried... Whilst I am not a medical professional, I would imagine that it really isn't anything serious, and as you said yourself, is most likely just a bite, spot or something similar. Also, if it is sitting on top of your skin, rather than under it, that also points towards a bite etc.

If you are really worried though and it doesn't go away, then the best thing is to get yourself checked by your GP.

Hope everything works out ok :)

31-05-16, 12:24
Thanks for replying, I'm trying to convince myself it can't be anything that sinister but my mind keeps saying what if... I don't think my GP will take me seriously going though unless I can say its grown or its been there ages :-(

31-05-16, 16:23
I would get your GP to check it out but it might be a bad reaction to a insect bite or a cyst/spot.


18-06-16, 02:54
Ok so this little lump went from being a raised flesh coloured bump, maybe walnut size to turning bright red, to then developing a yellow centre and then turning completely flat with a pitted kind of shallowish grove in the middle that is yellow!!

Sorry that all sounds gross I know! The lump/mark is probs at its most painful now that it is flat and pitted, bright red on outside and pitted and yellow in middle, again just walnut size.

I think it matches the description of being a boil, never had one before though so not 100% but have started reading about boils being MRSA!!! How would I know? Could this mean I may lose my leg!!! I'm tfreaking out that I've left it too long and it should have been healed by now and the infection must be deep in my leg by now, please calm me down!

Does this sound like a boil, could it be MRSA and could I lose a leg etc? Not sure what I should do? Would a pharmacist be able to have a look do you think? Docs are not open on weekend and if I try and make an appointment Mon morning could be a week or more before I get in......

Can't sleep worrying I could lose a limb, I'm being silly right?? All in all this has been three weeks since first noticed a lump

18-06-16, 13:27
I was feeling dizzy and breathless most of last week and still gave the dizziness and light headedness that I have no explanation for, could these be related to this suspected boil I wonder 😳