View Full Version : Social Security Disability Hearing

31-05-16, 11:06
Please wish me luck tomorrow! I feeling very nervous and getting myself worked up as I have my Social Security Disability Hearing tomorrow. I have waited 2 years for this hearing and I am so scared I am going to mess it up or say something wrong. I just want to get it done and over with. :scared15:

Has anyone else received permeant disability due to their anxiety, depression and panic?

31-05-16, 13:36
Good luck Victory. A friend of mine got it for depression. Denied the first time got it the second time. And that is fairly typical. But he didn't have to wait two years.


31-05-16, 23:03
Glad to hear that! I got denied the first time and when I appealed. Now I have to go in front of a judge with a lawyer. It took two years because they are so backlogged with cases.

01-06-16, 03:48
Hi Victory - How did it go?


01-06-16, 16:39
I think it went well! My hearing was a half hour long and they found that their were no jobs that I can work, which is a good sign. My lawyer also thinks I got it. Now I have to wait 30-90 days for a decision.

01-06-16, 17:32
okay good to hear. keeping my fingers crossed.

04-08-16, 17:37
Thanking God today! I was approved for disability. Now I don't have to worry about jumping back into work and I can slowly ease my way into it when I am ready! :D:D:D

04-08-16, 18:09
That good news Victory. how are you feeling on the tabs.. im not good at all with the increase.. all the original side affects but doubled!! grrrr but hanging in. xx

04-08-16, 20:38
Glad to hear it. What a long process it can be ... Years to finally get some relief.

04-08-16, 21:50
Thanks Polly & Swgtl

Polly I am feeling a lot better, but not sure what my psychiatrist is going to do at my next appt. This was a trial to see how I would do. Hope you start feeling well soon.