View Full Version : Dropped phone in tenple region. Worried

31-05-16, 14:39
Hi guys I had a nap earlier today and was reaching over to pit my phone down on the floor next to me and dropped it on the side of my head.

The corner bounced hard off head in one spot a few inches above my ear and slightly fprward-basically almost the exact spot where your skull is weakest ��

It hurt and that side of my face felt funny bit I went back to sleep.
Now a few hours later I have slight pain on that side of my face and it feels a bit 'full'. So scared. Is this hit (from about a foot up) enough to cause a brain bleed. It was centred on just one spot so I'm so worried

I have an exam tomorrow I need to revise for and I'm panicking that I should be in A&E and that I'm going to die really soon and I just dont know what to do.

31-05-16, 14:52
The skull is very hard, it is extremely unlikely that a phone dropped on it from 12 inches would cause any lasting damage. It will be bruised, that's all.

31-05-16, 14:59
The skull is very hard, it is extremely unlikely that a phone dropped on it from 12 inches would cause any lasting damage. It will be bruised, that's all.

Ok, that's what I keep reminding myself. Its just you hearof people falling and hitting their head on a cabinet or a rock or ball thrown at a child temple or even a punch to the head and it causing a slow brain bleed.

The fact it was one corner, increasing the force to that point which is what is worrying me, especially if it was almost nearly exactly where the sensitive point where the three bones meet is.Do you think this will make any difference?

I'm not good at judging relative forces really as have never really experienced a hard blow to the head ��

Gary A
31-05-16, 15:44
All of the things you mention that cause slow brain bleeds are infinitely more forceful than a phone dropping on your head from 12 inches.

You are not going to die and you will not suffer any type of trauma from this. I doubt you'll even get a bruise.

If this is the type of thing that's going to put you into an anxiety spiral then you are going to wind up being terrified of absolutely everything. This type of thing shouldn't even give you any other thought than "ouch, well that was annoying."

31-05-16, 15:47
Go watch a heavyweight boxing match and come back and tell me if you're scared.

31-05-16, 16:08
Hi , I'm 6'2 I bang my head on things on a daily basis , ok my brain is slightly mental or I wouldn't be on here but otherwise never had a brain bleed , it would have to be a 1980s brick phone thrown by an Olympic shot putter , you will be fine physically mentally I wish I knew the answer to that one , take care chap