View Full Version : Pains in legs -anyone else?

31-05-16, 15:37
I nearly lost my dad a few months ago, as a consequence I was really stressed and started feeling pains in my arms and legs. They are sometimes a fleeting stabbing pain and other times, especially in my shins a prolonged ache. I hardly notice them when I am at work or busy so I am guessing that they are psychological as they are worse at night. My Dr did say that they were most likely caused by stress (this was back in November) but they are still happening even though my dad is fine and I don't feel particularly stressed or anxious at the moment, except about these pains. They do fluctuate from day to day and exercise either helps or makes it worse, I can't seem to find a happy medium. Can anybody suggest anything, I just want them to stop as some days they are really painful. Should I still be getting the pains even though I am not stressed?

31-05-16, 23:44
You may not feel stressed as such, but your body has been through a shock (nearly losing your dad) and it can take a long time to recover. If they go away with being busy then you need to distract yourself of a night time. x

01-06-16, 05:43
Hi i get the same things and had nearly convinced myself they were blood clots. Mostly in my legs more than anything else. Especially my shins and the meat of my thighs on the sides.

The best explanation my gf gave me (shes had a panic disorder for years and nearly crippling attacks) is that the more we think about our symptoms, the more we feel them.

Its a recursive loop and the only thing i found that helped was to just stop caring. My doctor told me i was healthy as ever so whenever i got a pain i just dismissed it and told myself i didnt care. The pains mostly stopped and now ive got a whole slew of other problems but thats neither here nor there.

We all get fleeting pains in our extremities due to the stress hormone and just exertion. Its like a papercut, as soon as you remember you have it, it hurts, and as soon as you forget about it, it stops.

Aspirin works well for small muscle pains and cramps, and it also thins out your blood which helps keep blood clots from forming, so just in case you were worried about clots like i was, itll take a bit of weight off your mind. Dont take it daily, though cuz its bad for your stomache. My doc told me to take it for arrythmia and high heart rate so ask yours first.

anyway cheers