View Full Version : Ok making progress? More of an annoyance pressure in rectum

31-05-16, 17:02

Id say I might finally be starting to get over this I think? It's been hell anyway this morning Id say I finally went as normal God it was euphoric anyway I felt like I emptied myself then about 5 mins or so later I have this annoying pushing, pressure like sensation it's not extreme to the point where I'm running to the bathroom to have a bm as it feels like that.

Feels just sort of pushing like trapped wind even tbough Theres none in there as far as im aware there's been a little itching aswell. My stomach is grumbling like crazy atm.

I just feel shit again, felt great for probably an hour but it's just gone downhill again seems to be up and down.

Gary A
31-05-16, 17:24
Why don't you just go to a doctor?

31-05-16, 19:44
Why don't you just go to a doctor?

Seriously. These threads are getting ridiculous. No matter what we say, it doesn't work or help.

31-05-16, 20:13
There should be a "Poo Diary" thread where people can share their poo stories ~lol~

Here you go... Take this test (https://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/how-experienced-in-pooping-are-you?utm_term=.dxE8O8rAL#.hr6rBr2J6)to see how many types of poo you've had. I've actually had most of them! If you're going to talk about it all the time, you might as well have some fun with it... Hmmm... that didn't come out right... Hmmm... that didn't either! There must be something wrong! ;)

Positive thoughts and poo threads

31-05-16, 22:34
Wouldn't say they're ridiculous I need to treat this anxiety though

Gary A
31-05-16, 22:39
Wouldn't say they're ridiculous I need to treat this anxiety though

Well then go to your doctor. There is honestly zero point in repeatedly posting graphic descriptions of your body waste to a forum full of strangers whom you patently aren't listening to anyway.

If you really want this dealt with then that's the first step.

01-06-16, 00:03
Definitely ridiculous, excessive, overly graphic, and you post on multiple forums across the Internet daily about bowel movements in explicit detail. Get help, man. We have gI've advice, yet you make the same thread every day.

01-06-16, 05:12
With the itching as well I would say again that roids are likely, Lockey. My roids would itch when they are "up" (a nice image for you all there! :biggrin:). A quick examination from your GP could confirm roids. At worst they would refer for a more detailed examination up there but only if they can't put their finger on it. :winks:

Graphic, yes. No more so than the various women's threads around this forum about intimate health really. I doubt any men will be raising that though unless they want to be quickly http://www.bestemoticon.com/smiley/combat/0193.gif

I guess women are more comfortable talking about matters of the body as they start early on in life when we are still towel flicking each other. But I draw the line at sexually graphic (and pictures of the bits involved) but only because we have kids on here.

01-06-16, 12:55
Ahh ok cheers, Id say it's getting a little better I feel a little bit better now went to the doctors but that was 4 weeks ago now, just keep getting random panic during the day which is horrible atm

01-06-16, 13:17
Was that about all this BM stuff? What did they say, if so?

01-06-16, 18:42
Yeah he said it should go back to normal this is when i was on the lacto lose mentioned nothing of hemmies but he did say the blood before could have come from a cut from straining (fissure)

02-06-16, 04:41
Yes, that's very likely. All this straining and going so much is going to cause issues like fissures and roids.

This is obviously a big anxiety symptom for you and it's possible that treating the anxiety will make it go away or at the least it will reduce it because you will be less worried about it. If it doesn't go away then there are practical steps you can take to work on improving your GI that could help with this just as those with IBS (which it could also be as Annie said and she knows about that) look towards supplementation methods to improve their symptoms.

The NHS are tell us to see a GP if we get any blood from that region but remember that a doctor will look not only at red flag symptoms but anything that shouldn't be present with them. So, someone saying they are so focussed on their BM's, going more often and straining, etc will start pointing to fissures and roids. If they had a concern about a condition, and remember that could mean something they can sort and not what you have been concerned about, then they would be trying more tests.