View Full Version : Dreadful dizziness

31-05-16, 20:00
I have struggled with panic/anxiety for 5 years now. Recently, the dizziness and lump in throat have returned. Along with a sensation of not being able to breathe deeply enough. I have been fine for a long time, had it under control but this dizziness is really frightening. I am 38, with a lovely husband and 2 great kids. This anxiety just ruins everything. I want to scream. I am a logical, intelligent person and these very real symptoms turn me into a frightened wreck. I feel like a crazy woman.

31-05-16, 20:51
You're an intelligent person and you know these symptoms are caused by anxiety. So don't let them frighten you. They WILL go in time and the sooner you stop being anxious about them the sooner they'll go.
I've recently had a time of being dizzy myself every day and yes, it is scary but I chose to ignore it and keep myself occupied. I knew it had to be due to anxiety because I've had quite a time of it lately.
What I do is take myself off for a walk and do lots of deep breathing. I tell myself that if it was anything other than anxiety it wouldn't come and go and it would get worse, which it doesn't and in fact completely disappeared after two weeks.
I hope yours goes soon.