View Full Version : White spots on nipple help!

31-05-16, 22:59
I've got massive health anxiety about BC and
have been for tests three times in the last 3 years for lumps.
My recent worry is about these white spots on my nipple ducts
they look like milk plugs but I'm not pregnant! or breastfeeding.
Does anyone else have this? Seems to get worse if I have been
doing a self exam and it's much worse on my left breast, hardly
see any dots on my right.
I was doing ok until I came across a post on a BC forum and a women said
she had these and had BC :(

It's so scary what should I do?

31-05-16, 23:09

I'm new here, and although not female, I am well aware of how frustrating and scary it can be to stress over different "symptoms" surrounding the same issue despite being given the all clear several times by several doctors.

Whenever I had found new symptoms, I would go back to my doctor. My doctor was well aware of my HA and was nothing but supportive. Explain honestly your worries and what you have found. You will no doubt be examined, and given your previous all clears it sounds like it will be nothing to worry about. Once you have been told this, try your best to put the worries of the symptom to bed, reassured that an experienced medical professional has no concerns.

This (with time) worked for me. Trust in your doctor(s) is the most important thing. I have family who are junior doctors, and knowing the training and effort they have put in to just get to the early stages of their careers, experienced GP's have a wealth of knowledge and experience. I believe you can take comfort in knowing that they know what they are talking about. Accepting this and accepting my HA was the best way that got me on the road to recovery :)


31-05-16, 23:21
Thankyou for your reply.

The thing is I do trust in my results I just find new symptoms.
What I fear is having to have another mammogram again on top
of the three I've already had in the past adding to my radiation
exposure. :(

31-05-16, 23:36
I think what is also important to note is that Dr's will weigh up the benefits and risks to the exposure of radiation when deciding whether to refer you for scans. If it's not necessary, they will not scan you. If you insist that is a different story, but again that comes down to trusting your GP.

You are assuming that this symptom you have found is harmful, and a definite "red flag" that can only be resolved with a mammogram. It is more than likely nothing and has a totally harmless explanation, but only your doctor can tell you that. I can't tell you, and you can't tell yourself. Your doctor will order the best thing for your health.

As for your HA, another thing that helped me was weighing up the odds and thinking rationally. If you've had 3 scans in 3 years, all coming back clear with no abormalities, why would this all of a sudden be something sinister? Again, only your doctor can tell you this, but please (and I speak from experience) do not worry about the outcome of your GP consultations. If you're concerned, book an appointment and let the professionals do the rest :)

All the best,


01-06-16, 00:09
Thank you reassuring words 😊

01-06-16, 00:27
No worries :) Let us know how you get on :)