View Full Version : Visual static from corduroy?

31-05-16, 23:18
I often get a weird visual static/ afterimage when corduroy is in my peripheral vision. Specifically the arm of my boyfriend's corduroy couch. I've provided pics below. The best way to describe it is that the lines seem to really stand out in my peripheral vision, then when I move my line of vision where I no longer see the corduroy, there's an afterimage of the lines still in my vision for a few seconds. It only happens in this instance and is very strange! Does anyone else get this or something similar?

31-05-16, 23:20

01-06-16, 00:14
There are optical illusions (https://www.google.com/search?q=optical+illusions&espv=2&biw=1600&bih=799&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiz5bK_uIXNAhVELB4KHRWpC30QsAQIIw) with lines and spirals and all sorts of patterns that play tricks with our eyes. Most people go "cool... that's weird"... I guess only an anxious HA sufferer would find this concerning.

Positive thoughts

01-06-16, 00:24
Ive just never experienced this before. My health anxiety is mainly focused on my vision so everyone something "new" pops up it makes me a little anxious

01-06-16, 09:33
Nichole bear, I get this all the time when looking at stripes,lines, any kind of linear pattern really. I've had it for years now but have no idea what it is! When I'm very anxious it worries me, otherwise I just accept it as 'the way I am' :)

01-06-16, 14:01
Me too. Any patterns or stripes. It's horrible. :( Even chiffon has started doing it!

Seeing my GP later - maybe she can help me rationalise. :)

01-06-16, 22:59
Have you ever looked at an amsler grid? Some of the lines look kinda crooked for me and that set off my anxiety big time. But the lines change and it makes me think my floaters are slightly distorting the lines? Also I get a diagonal grid-like static in the eye that's closed that transitions into the vision of my open eye. Amsler grids are for detecting macular degeneration but I figure I'm way too young for that. Still, it always gets me worked up when I think about it.

08-06-16, 01:53
Have you ever looked at an amsler grid? Some of the lines look kinda crooked for me and that set off my anxiety big time. But the lines change and it makes me think my floaters are slightly distorting the lines? Also I get a diagonal grid-like static in the eye that's closed that transitions into the vision of my open eye. Amsler grids are for detecting macular degeneration but I figure I'm way too young for that. Still, it always gets me worked up when I think about it.

I had a bout of CSR (Central Serous Retinopathy) when i was around 39. It left me temporarily blind in my left eye. The vision came back but left distortion, a slight colour hue and faded contrast. If your amsler grid is showing distortion on the lines then i suggest you pop to your optician in the first instance. They can check out the back of your eye. Nothing to worry about Nicholebear... you just need to have it checked. If you DO have CSR there is NOTHING they can do (they CAN do laser surgery but that can leave worse scarring and vision impairment than the CSR does)... you just have to wait it out.

I've had two or three bouts of this since, but none were as bad as the first bout.

If you don't know what CSR is... it is caused by stress. The blood vessels in the back of the eye tear the retina and the serous fluid in the eye leaks into the tear, causing it to bubble up. The effect is distortion of vision - either a pinching or bulging of straight lines.

As for the original issue... this is completely normal. Try talking to someone with a striped shirt on for a while. When you look away, your vision where the shirt was is fuzzy. It's kind of like those optical illusions you see on YouTube where they get you to stare at the centre of the screen for 30 seconds whilst the video undulates. You then look at a wall and see it moving. Same thing with the corduroy pattern. All normal.