View Full Version : Bruise on upper inner thigh...??

Appa Yip Yip
31-05-16, 23:30
I just found a bruise on my upper inner thigh, more towards the back than exactly inside but still considered my inner thigh. It's very purple and a little more than an inch in diameter, oval shaped, and I have absolutely no idea how I got it. How could I even get a bruise there? Even if I had sat on something, it's not in the right spot, as it's more inner thigh than back. I am a little freaked out because it just looks really bad and ugly and I feel like I should remember getting a bruise like that. I had a ton of blood work done lately that was all good, including CBC and an immune panel and all was normal. I was over my leukemia fear but now it's creeping up again.

Has anyone ever gotten a bruise there? I'm really worried.

31-05-16, 23:57
I went through a period of worrying about lymphoma after finding a couple of Lymph Nodes in my neck. As a result, I poked and prodded around my groin/thigh area looking for more and ended up with some bruises. I have also had blood tests and everything came back normal, but I bruised around the area of the test for a week and a half! Some people bruise easily with no sinister cause.

Have you ever cut your finger and not noticed any pain until you see some dried blood on your hand? This could easily be one of those scenarios. I think the key thing is if you are genuinely worried, go and see your doctor. If not, leave it a few days and see if it subsides. But remember, if you bruised easily due to a sinister cause it wouldn't just happen in discreet areas, but everywhere, even if you bumped into something.

With all those blood tests, have trust in your doctor and the results. But as I said, the only person who can diagnose is a Dr. But think logically, clear (extensive) blood test. A cancer in the blood would have showed up.

All the best,


Appa Yip Yip
01-06-16, 00:21
Thank you. Oddly, the immunologist even said, without knowing my fear of leukemia,that my neutrophils looked good in particular and in the case of leukemia patients they lose all their neutrophils. But with this new obscure bruise I'm finding myself freaked out again, mainly just because of the location. I'm not even sure I could have sat on something, it's just a very odd place to get a bruise. It's also very dark purple and just bad looking.

01-06-16, 00:36
Well I think you can put the Leukaemia worry to bed, can't you? You have just yourself explained to me why you do not have Leukaemia.

Our bodies do weird and wonderful things all of the time, it's only when we are hypersensitive to them that we notice every single change. Had you not been suffering from HA, would you have even noticed this bruise? If you had, would you not have just thought: "Oh, a bruise"?

Let the rational thoughts push through the irrational ones. I cannot tell you if it's anything sinister. My logic (I am not a medical professional) tells me that it's just a bruise, but if you are worried, go and see your doctor. They will be able to tell you, or put you in the direction of people who can :)

Don't let the worries ruin your life! Enjoy yourself :)

All the best,
