View Full Version : Toxic shock syndrome??

01-06-16, 00:26
So first I'm pretty disappointed in myself that I find I am in a compulsive spiral after 4 years of ocd CBT therapy. But here I am. I cut myself in glass from a broken lamp at home goods today. Pretty bad cut actually, but no stitches necessary. I had the thought that I could develop TSS from my cut, this actually happened to someone my friend knows. Now I'm stuck and freaking out. I feel very achy, chills, low grade fever, all out of nowhere. I do workout pretty intensively 5 days a week so sore muscles could be a possibility, although this feels a little different. IDK what I hope to accomplish from posting this, maybe I've worked these symptoms up in my head from being laser focused on this...just a little scared and unable to talk myself out of this one!😡😡😢

01-06-16, 04:21
Never heard of that happening. I would just clean and bandage the cut. your most likely fine and just worrying yourself bit of you feel like something is wrong call the Dr