View Full Version : allergies or something sinister?

01-06-16, 09:40
Since i was little i've always been clearing my throat A LOT. I never thought much about it because i am allergic to a lot of things, and i recall that i started doing that after a particularly bad cold.
Nowadays, i am worried that it might actually be LPR or something worse. I do have reflux ocassionally, but it's always when i am really anxious, i can eat anything and i never fear that it might cause any burning or discomfort. I've had bad episodes but they were almost certainly caused by overeating.
I also don't drink or smoke, i stopped drinking carbonated and sugary drinks and although my diet is not the best, i try not to eat much junk.

What worries me is that if it is lpr or reflux, what if i have damage to my esophagus or larynx? I have been feeling my throat a little sore but i was in finals and inside air conditioned buildings, and the air was pretty dry plus tons of abrupt temperature changes.
Does this sound like lpr/reflux, or is it more probable that it's related to my allergies? (i am allergic to almost everything in the city where i live) I've had several blood tests (even a lupus scare, thankfully everything came clear) and i've been to the doctor for different things, and no one has ever mentioned my throat looking sore/red/damaged...

I would really appreciate your input, i have been freaking out about this for many weeks...

Elizabeth Fry
09-06-16, 03:40
I hope this helps a bit. It doesn't sound like classic reflux and you've modified your diet to reduce the acid provoking foods which would affect most people anyway. Rhinitis and postal drip can cause a sore throat also. Anxiety doesn't help one bit - as we know. Be kind to yourself.

19-06-16, 23:37
I have the exact same symptoms I also have LPR. Your go can give you ppi's to help with acid and to stop your esophagus from becoming inflamed. Unfortunately I'm still suffering with the excess phlegm and throat clearing :(