View Full Version : Going to see my dr tomorrow and dehydration Q

14-03-07, 11:00
Need to have a chat with my dr tomorrow about how anxious I am again, hoping for a self help book and cbt.

Also im concerned about how ill I am recently, I seem to be picking up alot of illnesses when the kids are ill but my husband seems fine, he doesn't catch anything from them. Its one thing after another with me lately and I used to be fine. My full blood count was fine last month so I know the dr won't say much.

Also I feel so weak lately, hard to explain this but can anyone shed some light? I feel sort of dizzy/light headed, body feels sort of achy, I feel abit sick and stomach feels tight. So hard to explain but I get a wierd feeling all over if I do to much but the thing is its not too much really. I am 27 yrs old, 3 children and im trying to do housework and I suddenly feel dizzy and sick, like ive done to much when im pregnant, lol! which I am not. Could this be caused by my low ferritin (iron stores)?im not anaemic at all though. Also I don't drink much, im a crap drinker, I must admit I probably only drink 1 cup of de caf coffee a day then I might sip water here & there and manage say half a pint doing that and thats all day long. I never drink properly, not sure why. Could this be making me feel this way?can dehydration be caused by the amounts im drinking or should i say not? i am only 5ft so surely I don't need to drink that much, lol! I just don't like drinking, im odd:winks: I am eating fine.

At the moment I do have a virus so yes I feel abit off colour and dizzy anyway but urghh its horrible.

I am drinking some OJ and hubby is bringing more mineral water home tonight.

14-03-07, 11:04
PS I am dreading seeing my dr, ive been off medication now since last June, noway am I going back there. I hav also had abit of counselling but not cbt as he said I seemed fine but now ive taken abit of a step back, maybe its a blip. Still im dreading going and admiting defeat.

I do have a lovely supportive dr, he is quite young, which I find helps and a very good listener. I am lucky to have a dr who I feel I can talk to but I still feel im going there admiting defeat and I always worry what people say about me.

I use to be very ill with my HA, my dr did all he could for me, I drove him mad honestly so I hate to go back and burden him.

Sheik N Shimmy
14-03-07, 17:03
Also im concerned about how ill I am recently, I seem to be picking up alot of illnesses when the kids are ill but my husband seems fine, he doesn't catch anything from them. Its one thing after another with me lately and I used to be fine. My full blood count was fine last month so I know the dr won't say much.

I've picked up colds/flus/viruses regularly from my daughter since she started school two years ago. My wife seems to be immune. This could be because I smoke and pick up bugs more easily. Or maybe when you are anxious your immune system is weakened.

At the moment my neck is sore from swollen glands and I've a bit of a cold/cough/flu thingy. I had one last month too. I reckon there are a lot more new strains of infections going around these days because there is more international travel / immigration etc.

I had a blood count just over a year ago and it was fine so I'm trying not to slip back into my old anxiety ways too much.

I hope you get better soon.

14-03-07, 20:04
Thank you, very reassuring.

Glad you are doing well.

14-03-07, 20:14

i never get sick, and in the last year i have also caught all kinds of bugs...
im still not feeling that great. i seem to suffer similar symptoms as you, but i dont think i have a virus/flu...and also the dehydration thing is happening for me too...i dont have kids sadly, so im not sure where im picking all these things up from...i also think there is more strains of things going around because everyone i speak too also seems to be getting sick a lot lately as well....must be something in the air i guess...

if i was you i wouldnt worry....my friends who are parents are always catching thier kids ills, and one parent always seems to get away without it.
perhaps your just a bit run down and more suseptable to it.

take care

14-03-07, 20:18
Hiya hun,

How are you feeling now? Better I hope!

Have you have a ferritin level taken? You can have a low ferritin but a high HB (so not aneamic) so it could be that!

It could alos be that you aren't taking too good a cre of yourself!! Not drinking enough, running after the kids etc!! I know when I felt bad with ME that I never drank enough and I felt exactly the same way that you described!!

When you go to the Dr, ask him about it and what the causes could be. If you are feeling achey and tired it could even be something like ME/CFS, which in my opinio, giving a name to how you feel actually helps!!

Anyway - good luck and let us know how you get on!!

Keep smiling,

Dshell xx

14-03-07, 22:04
Hi Ya

You are drinking way too little and dehydration can cause no end of symptoms!!!!

You need to drink 2 litres that 4 pints of water a day!!!!

Try it for a few days and I bet you will feel loads better!!!:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x

14-03-07, 22:54

Dehydration will make you feel bad; drinking more will improve your energy levels, help get rid of headaches, clear your head, etc.

I think sometimes we catch a bug, then another before our immune system recovers, then it's a downward spiral because our bodies never recover to full strength before another virus hits it.

I am the same as you - my hubby never gets anything and I cop the lot! But then again, he's just not around the kids as much as I am, not constantly mopping running noses or being coughed at all day long.

I think you will feel much better for talking to your doctor. The anxiety is as much (if not more) of a problem than the actual physical symptoms. He sounds very understanding and I think you should make the most of this.

Let me know how you get on.


15-03-07, 08:58
Thank you all,

Yes Dshell I have low ferritin, it was 19 in august then 18 in october and it was last taken in February and it was 21.3, dr said still VERY low. I am on 2 iron tablets a day. My full blood count was fine though.

I do need to drink more and I will. I am just very anxious about why I feel so rotten at the moment. I am aching, full of cold, feel sooooo tired but I know its all from being around 3 ill kids, taking care of them on my own etc... its very hard work and demanding.

I feel a little depressed this week, I have so much on my plate, I hate having 3 ill little ones all at once. I am so stressed, being stuck in the house aswell, i need some fresh air!!!! Getting out to the dr will be a nice break, lol! He is a fab dr so I know I can really tell him how im feeling, I am nervous about going and admiting defeat, thats how I see it but I know once im there I will feel better for going. I also have green snot, blood from nose today so thats worrying me (yet again another worry) but I know green snot doesn't necessarily mean ive an infection. My kids all have green snot with this virus, lol!

Thanks again.