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14-03-07, 11:06

Im not a happy bunny :weep: , my weight has shot up and Im looking fat.
The summer is coming and Ive got to loose weight, I dont want to go to slimming clubs because of my anxiety and lack of money.
So today Im going it alone :winks: but if anyone wants to join me that would be very nice :hugs:.

Also, Im thinking of trying a low carb diet for a change, does any one have any tips on this method ?

14-03-07, 12:00
I'm with you mate :D

Last summer I was the heaviest I have ever been, even heavier than when I was pregnant!!:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

My normal summer clothes felt horrible and tight and I felt lumpy and hot and bothered.

I managed to lose half a stone from the summer to Xmas without really quite knowing how - possibly from exercising slightly more.

However this last few weeks I have made a really determind effort to lose and have managed to lose about 5 more pounds. I have approx another half a stone to go and then I think I will just look at maintaining then.

How I have done it recently is to cut out all chocolate and pringles/crisps only allowing myself smaller quantities of these just at the weekend if I need to.

To get over the chocolate craving I have a small bowl of weetabix mini's with choc bits or kelloggs cereal with chocolate flakes.

I tend to substitute fruit for those snacks I was having.

I don't really feel my general diet is too bad it was the extra junk that was adding the weight.

Joining you will help me keep to my goals :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

14-03-07, 12:40
ooo thats great Piglet, I had a shock this morning weighing in at 10st 7.5 lb,

but I am only 5 ft 1" so am overweight for my height.
Dont know if the pill has put more weight on me or not ? But 2 years ago I was 8st 9lb, I am so annoyed at myself for allowing this to happen. For some reason I cant eat much without putting on weight, everyone else can eat 3 times the amount than I can, its very unfair, lol.

I have just had boiled eggs for lunch with a little bit of salad, 100% Low Gi, and carb free. I dont eat crisps much but adore chocolate.

You seem to have alot of self control Piglet, this is where I fall down.

14-03-07, 14:10
Lol I've just had the same lunch.:D

I would love to say I have lots of self control but I fear not :blush:

I think I went along for ages not being able to resist things but the memory of last summers weight and how it made me feel has given me such motivation recently!!

Also once you start looking better in your clothes it gives you such an incentive to keep going!!

Last year much of what I was buying was size 18 and I was squashing myself into stretchy size 16 jeans - when I can fit into my size 14's then that will do for me.

For me though it isn't so much what the scales say, or indeed what dress size I wear, as this is all relative isn't it (my piglets are all very trim 8's and 10's) as I absolutely would look terrible if I slimmed to a size 10. Of course it's acheivable but not at all desirable.

I am a tall girl and need plenty of meat on my bones but I didn't like quite how much I had. I think we all have a weight at which we feel healthy and active at and as such can't really be compared to the next person either.


Piglet :flowers:

14-03-07, 14:14
Oh and Mirry I meant to say the reason I think I am having some success this time is that I make sure I am never hungry.

All I have done is cut out the crap and like I said when a sugar craving comes up I have a very small bowl of sweet cereal - this helps me to feel I am not giving up too much lovely grub.

I also eat plenty of grapes and bananas or carrot sticks if I get a bi peckish before tea.

As long as I am never hungry I can do it!! :D

Piglet :flowers:

14-03-07, 14:45
Hi mirry sorry to hear you feel so low.:hugs:
Im 5"3 in hieght and way 10 stone 6.Im over weight to.last year I was 11 stone 7.I was put on a yeast free diet by a nutritionist and it was the hardest thing I ever did,but it shifted some weight.You dont have to go that far.I get terrible cravings and piglet has some good advise,have smaller portions,have cereal if you crave sweet things.Try not to have to much bread,biscuits ect.If I fancy a biscuit I have a digestive or rich tea and I stay away from chocolate a cream ones.I no longer have tea and coffee so Iv cut out the sugar there.I dont have dairy as I get terrible cramps.We need to exercise to,but thats easier said than done.I walk my dogs so at least I get a walk,if I didnt have them Id be a couch potato.It is hard especially when we feel so low.I find if Im down I eat.I try to snack on nuts and dried fruits.
Your not alone pet.:hugs:

14-03-07, 15:18
i believe the gi diet is the way to go these days!I bought the rosmary connely book and it does seem very tasty[the recipes,not the book!!]cutting out carbs can be bad for you in the long term hun..sensible eating is the key,if only it was that easy.I am always on a diet but i have an eating disorder,so food is my life and my detroyer also.I am 16 stone at present but am keeping it level,i too long to be slim..but ,alas,util the reasons for my binging are sorted this will not happen.Any hoo the best of luck with it hun.Hey pitta bread instead of bread for sarnies save a few cals,i love them!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-03-07, 15:32
Hi gals

Me too - I am in my late 40s and going through menopause - on HRT - and the lightest I was before my kids were born was l0 st 7lbs - I have been l4 stone 7lbs for the last few years - I eat all the time - good and bad stuff - feel dizzy and headachey if I dont eat every couple of hours as have hypglycaemia - and feel fat and ugly> Now squeezing into a size l8 Dorothy Perkins trousers for work but the fat spills out ove rthe top and no amount of baggy blouses, jumpers etc can hide it - I feel so yucky - and dread the summer coz I wear tee shirts as I dont like the heat and even blouses show the flab!!!! Ugh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wenjoy xxx

14-03-07, 16:37
I think thats my problem , I have to eat to help settle the shakes i get from sugar dips. My waist line has a new nick name "MUFFIN" , thats how it looks, like a muffin spreading out of a cup cake.

Ellen, I walk the dogs too but think I need a more aerobic plan, its just so hard getting motivated.... I see women jogging along the shore where I live and I think they are amazing, wish I could do it.
Paddington, I think the low Gi diet/ low carb/atkins diet are basically all the same diet but just twigged slightly for different rules.

I am cooking a curry for tonights dinner, it has no carbs so will be interesting to see if it works, I have put chicken fillets in a dish with cream/curry powder/onions/water. Instead of potato Im making a cauliflower mash.

Im so desperate I even considered buying diet pills but knew that would be silly, the gilllian mckieth pills are £16.99 in superdrug for 30 days !!!!

Think I need my mouth wired ,lol.

14-03-07, 16:45
Hi Mirry,

i'm another one who could do with loosing weight. I loose half a stone over weeks then put it back on in a weekend!
Don't know about GI diets. I'm trying to cut down on things like crisps and alcohol, and have smaller portions. It doesnt help that i have a skinny other half who stuffs himself with whatever he fancies.
Your curry sounds nice, we are having pizza and salad tonight mmmmmm suppose i better go easy on the pizza lol

anx x

14-03-07, 17:34
It seems that there is a recurring pattern here that all of us need to eat to ensure we don't get low blood sugar - my guess is this is completely common in anxiety sufferers since we use our energy reserves up so much quicker.

I think this is why I have had problems with my weight because I am eating constantly to avoid low blood sugar levels which feel just like the beginning of a panic attack.

The trick is to find foods that keep your levels steady and I suppose if our regular meals are really well balanced then this will go an awful long way to helping.

Obviously for me the prob was undoubtably adding chocolate and pringles in the whole day.

Aswell as substituting the little odd bowl of cereal I think munching on fruit and nuts in between my meals is helping. I have cut back on bread but I do make sure I have plenty of protein in there too.

Also where we used to eat a whole pizza each with chips etc, now we will have half a pizza each and the other half of the plate is loaded with salad.

There are so many ways that you can knock a few calories off without going to bonkers with it all - if we don't eat some stuff that we like then we arn't going to stick with it at all, cos it gets boring and too hard.

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-03-07, 17:47
hello all.. so funny i just saw this post, after giving up smoking and becoming agoraphobic in the last 3 years i've put on 2 1/2 stone.. its quite nice because at 6.7ft i was only 8 1/2 stone before but it's all so flabby now and not toned at all.. so.. yesterday i decided to look on youtube to find a fitness video, i found one that was 8 mins long, 'good little warm up to get me started' i thought... so there i was - 1 min in to my "warm up".. going ok... step to the left... step to the right... step (puff) to the right (puff).. oh no that was meant to be to the left (puff).. god this is hard.. step.. to.. the.. left.. i lasted 6 mins... it was so so so funny.. im also trying to cut out snacking between meals but finding it quite hard so brought some fruit bars from the health food shop and because they are made entirely from fruit they are really sweet which is quite good cos im a sucker for sweet things.. let me know how you all get on.. i'll try my 8 min "warm up" (ha ha ha) again in a bit... not quite now though.. lol

14-03-07, 17:49
ops.. im not 6.7ft at all... ha ha ha i'm 5.7ft lol

14-03-07, 17:52
I know I shouldn't be posting on this thread but as soon as I read anything about weight or dieting I can't help myself. I have anorexia and so people tell me I need to gain weight but I don't see it that way at all :huh:

Im so desperate I even considered buying diet pills but knew that would be silly, the gilllian mckieth pills are £16.99 in superdrug for 30 days !!!!

Mirry - I just wanted to say please don't go down that route. I've done it with serious diet pills (the prescription only type) and it is a route to disaster.

There is a lot of sensible advice on this thread.

Karen xx

14-03-07, 17:54
Yes cutting back here and there does help, also portion sizes are important...
they say it should be the size of your fist (not with boxing gloves on ,lol).

Thats true Piglet, when I have a panic attack I ALWAYS turn to chocolate to help settle me down (MAD).

I got some canderel for my coffee today to sweeten it up and it tastes nice.
Its those sweet treats that are difficult for me to avoid, I will check out the low gi desserts for those weak moments.
I caught a glimps of my reflexion in a shop window today and felt really horrified, it certainly lowers my self esteem.
Going to sit and write tomorrows menu, any ideas people ?

14-03-07, 18:00
HONEYBEE, when I read you are 6ft 7 and only in the 8st bracket I thought OMG, lol. wish I was taller so I could reach up higher lol.

Karen, Im sorry you have anorexia, my best friend had that when I was in my 20s, shes ok now but still very slim. How long have you had it ?

14-03-07, 18:35
Hi guys, i could certainly do with losing some weight, so count me in. I preasently weigh 12 stone 1 lb. and i,m 5ft 5 ins, my choclate is my down fall. working nights does,nt help either, yesterday i got my daughter,s bike out of the shed, pumped up the tyres ,and well that,s as far as i got.lol But i am ditermined to cycle to work, it,s 3 miles each way, and now the nights are drawing out abit, and the weather looks ok, i will make a start.:yesyes: see my signature.

14-03-07, 18:37
Karen, Im sorry you have anorexia, my best friend had that when I was in my 20s, shes ok now but still very slim. How long have you had it ?

Did your friend recover fully? I've had it for about 3 years now.

Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I just find myself drawn to anything to do with losing weight :huh:

Karen xx

14-03-07, 19:03
Rickards, thats a great Idea ,I may get my bike out tomorrow and attempt to go round the block.
I went to the chemist and got some sugar free sweets for diabetics ,lol....
desperate times and all that.

Karen, Yes my friend did fully recover, it was 15 years ago and now she has 3 kids and her and her husband have a chip shop. I remember she used to have to go to our local health center for weekly weigh ins, you too will get better in time.
take care

14-03-07, 19:04
forgot to ask would any one like a Sula cream caramel sweet ?
Its sugar free and lasts 5 mins in the mouth...mmmmmmmm !!!

14-03-07, 22:39
I think the main thing here guys is adopting a sensible healthy eating regime with room built in for little treats - I know we all know this really but like Karen found out and Louise Redknapp it is so very easy to get too carried away.

I honestly think the problems creep in when you change everything too radically - little changes are better and adaptations of what your present diet is seem to work well longer term.

I never ever ever miss breakfast and these are some of the things I eat,

1. Bowl of Kelloggs special K Medley

2. Banana smoothie - 2 small bananas, soya milk (my tummy prefers soya) tablespoon of crushed almonds, teaspoon of clear honey and if I have any strawberries or any other berries in they go too. This makes nearly a pint of smoothie and keeps me going no probs all morning.

3. Scrambled egg on toast and a drink of fresh orange

This is pretty well it and I just rotate it all through the week.

Piglet :flowers:

14-03-07, 23:12
Blimey you lot are so ok compared to me.

I have at least 4 stone to lol!!!

I hate clothes and have a huge stomach that irritates me all the time.

I can't find any clothes that fit and are comfy so i wear shorts all night lol.

15-03-07, 01:29
I think the main thing here guys is adopting a sensible healthy eating regime with room built in for little treats - I know we all know this really but like Karen found out and Louise Redknapp it is so very easy to get too carried away.

Very true. I cannot exactly pinpoint when my anorexia started except that I started a diet to lose a few pounds but then found it addictive and a way of dealing with difficult emotional problems I have been experiencing for years.

That's not to say that everyone who diets will develop an eating disorder. Before anorexia I used to self harm but found starving myself and everything I've done since a more effective way of coping. However, now I am worse off than when I started.

I agree with Piglet that keeping the situation in proportion is important. It is who you are inside that matters. I wouldn't want to see anyone else in my position.

Karen xx

15-03-07, 07:40
I have the paul mckenna one and Im sorry to say it didnt help me, I think the reason it didnt help was it said eat whatever you want when you want but just listen to your stomach when it says "Im feeling comfortable now".

Years ago I got really slim, but here I am again overweight.

Nic, I cant wear shorts cos I hate the look of my legs, my body is pear shape so I get the weight around my stomach/hips/thighs and unfortunately my face. You didnt say how tall you are Nic ?

Piglet, smoothies are brill arnt they ? I will be having more of them now the weathers changing, I love mango and banana smoothie, mmmmmmmm.

15-03-07, 09:10
Hey Mirry!! I think I'd tried every diet going, being petite, thats under 5ft, I use to look like a barrel!:D my daughter gave me the nick name, doughnut:D even though I weigh about 10. 4 now I do gentle yoga and breathing excersise, at least 2 a day, and I have learned to only eat when I am hungry, I use to eat contantly but that was just me feeding my anxiety or comfort eating which wasnt doing me any good. I replaced all my junk food, with fruits and cut out all oils from cooking, I also love dancing so just prancing around in the house to music gives me old bones a good workout.
I found with the yoga, it tones the body, and I noticed that I looked taller, yipeeeeeeeeeeee, and I have more stamina and energy, due to the breathing excersise too. It normally takes about 2 months for me to really notice the difference in my shape, and I never ever have weighing scales in the house, the best way to measure weight loss I feel is using the tape measure!!!

At 45 it just seems to take longer to lose weight, and its my tummy that bothers me the most, but I do stick to the excersise, I guess its all about sticking to it, and getting motivated is the hardest. I have tried gyms , not for me, the gentler the better, and so its yoga!!!

Have you ever tried visualization Mirry? see yourself how you want to look, or get a pic of yourself and stick it on the fridge and you could use that as your motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the key is setting small goals, tackling one day at a time and rewarding yourself for sticking to it. I use to think, ok I wont notice anything for at least a month, because weight loss is slow and we dont often see the results, but I knew when I got the tape measure a month later, I would definately know I had lost the inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so thats something you could think about!!!

Love sky

15-03-07, 09:25
Thanks Nigel - I will take a look at those suggestions myself for when the willpower wobbles!!

Karen - thanks for putting your perspective in there hun!

I watched a programme awhile ago about why french women on average weigh alot less than their british counterparts and it all came down to lifestyle in the end.

I'm not saying any of this us mind you, as it was very much a generalisation but they always made mealtimes an event, tended to only eat at mealtimes and snack on fruit in between if needed. They built in exercise to their daily routines by walking where ever poss, rather than use the car etc. They did not seem to be gym fans (me too) and the thought of eating a kebab and chips after a boozy night out produced such an expression of shock that I laughed out loud!!

I think if you can exercise along with some of the other stuff I have already said then that gives you a boost too.

Apart from yoga I also jump on my little trampolene most days and now youngest piglet and I have got back to playing badminton in the garden cos the weather has been so nice.

We both play with all the grace of a toddler and an elephant toddler at that - I wear wellies and she wears her slippers and we have an old sheet as a net. The shuttlecock bounces off things like the shed but we still keep it in play and yesterday tried playing with 2 rackets each - I looked like Edward Scissor hands and a few planes tried to land on the lawn :D :D :D :D

Half an hour of that each evening has left me knowing I've been using muscles I can tell you!

Piglet :flowers:

15-03-07, 10:39
Sky, I love your idea that any weight loss wont show for a month, this struck a cord with me. I think when i diet for a week and see I havent lost weight , i give up. This thread is so motivating so this morning I have been round the shops looking at all the low carb/gi food out there (which their are loads) and ghetting some great ideas for my sweet tooth moments.
I managed to buy sugar free chocolate , mmmmmmmmm.

Piglet, The french are healthy eaters, I had a disscution with a friend of mine who is obese and we discussed childhood and what messages we got from food, my mother used to say.....eat all your dinner THEN you can have a dessert,. which i belive trained me to eat bigger amounts cos i would do anything to get dessert!

15-03-07, 14:39
Hi guys...i have a recpe for you..chop your fave veggies..i put onion[or leeks]courgette,tomatoes,aubergine,peppers,chillies into apan with herbs,garlic and a tin of chopped tomatoes.Let it simmer down till the sauce is thick and yummy serve with chicken breast [ i cover mine in lemon pepper,then cook in oven]you can even poach the chicen in the veg mixture while it simmers away.All the veg mixture is free foods on any diet:yesyes: I am naughty as it is 2.45 and i have not eaten yet:lac: as once i start i find it hard to stop and 6 stone is such a huge ammount to lose:weep: As for visualisation,i have been visualising myself slim since i was 13!!Oh some of my outfits were divine,my fave was a blue suede mini skirt suite,i was 14 then oh and drove a sports car too:winks: would be funny if it werent so ruddy sad:blush: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-03-07, 15:07
mmm.. all these posts are making me hungry.. :)

15-03-07, 16:06
Thanks for the recipe paddington, I have just come home from the school run and the first thing I did was go to the kitchen to look for food !!!
Its a very bad habit cos im not actually hungry yet. So instead I came onto this page to re read all our thoughts on slimming and its helped .

Tonight for dinner I have,
Diced turkey, stir fryed with beansprouts and veg (COMPLETY CARB FREE), i will add some soy sauce and oyster sauce for flavour.
Then for afters (he he) I will be having a little bit of sugar free angel delight (low carb) with added milk.

Then a sweet coffee in the evening whilst watching eastenders, yay!

Now must think tomorrows menu plan, ..........sigh

16-03-07, 11:33
yum,that sound lovely Mirry:D all my wieght watchers stuff arrived today,i have no feeling of joy at all:lac: lord i joined 8 years ago lost loads of weight then put it all back and 2stone more:weep: still i will have another go at it.Have not eaten yet ,again:wacko: i know it slows down weight loss ,but it's a kind of power game with me,oh i do wish my relationship with food was healthier:emot-fail: Oh wellit's good to talk hun:flowers: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-03-07, 13:12
Paddington, ive never tried weight watchers, Ive done the slimmingworld and rosemary conerley ones before and lost alot of weight with both of them.

I am a typical yo yo dieter, I dont eat much protien foods which maybe why I have a problem. My sister in law is slim and eats sausages alot and ham slices. Where as I eat mainly carbs which can gain the weight.

I have just got alot of diet drinks in for the weekend, DAY 3 AND i CANT FEEL ANY DIFFERENCE YET ,LOL.

16-03-07, 13:16
Mirry this is something I have noticed in our house too about carbs being the prob.

I am trying to step up our protein too and slightly lower the carb side of things.

Piglet :flowers:

16-03-07, 13:30
Piglet , I managed to pick up two great books from the charity shop this week, one is called.....
Complete food combining -all you need to know about the hay diet.,by Peter & Donna Thomson.
It fully explains the science of food combining and the reason why it works.,apparently if we eat protien and carbs together we will gain weight but if you eat them seperately you will loose weight.

Also , 500 low carb recipes, by Dana Carpender. Mainly protein recipes but it explains that different people can tolerate different levels of carbs in their body, if you eat to many you can start to feel tierd and gain weight,,they call it CARBOHYDRATE intollerance.

Tonight , may cook a sort of sheppards pie, mince topped with cauliflower mash. Also a baked apple with cream, mmmmmmmmmmm lol.

16-03-07, 13:32
OOh dinner sounds lovely.

Keep me upto date as I always like hearing new recipes, specially if they don't involve red meat!!

Piglet :flowers:

16-03-07, 14:33
I stood in front of bedroom mirror last night in my undies and wept when I saw how big I now am - l4 and half stoneish and 5ft 8 - size l8 but I just look like a whale - how could I let myself get like this- and now at 46 years old its harder to lose the weight coz I hate being hungry as it triggersa panic attack.
Theres only so much raw carrots and fruit you can eat betwen meals without gettting a dodgy tummy!!! Wenjoy x

16-03-07, 19:53
ooooooooo Wenjoy :hugs: . Dont be so hard on yourself, at least you are facing up to the problem which is a great start :yesyes:

The summer is coming and if we can drop a dress size wouldnt it be great :D

A few months ago I listened to 2 friends of mine who are overweight, they told me not weigh myself and to put the scales away :wacko:, well I got bigger in that time and decided I was avoiding the problem and that I needed to face it. So weighing myself this week was a shock but also hopefully the begining of a slimmer me. This evening Ive had a weak moment and ate some icecream but decided that now Ive eaten it why should I give up ? No, Im back on track again cos If I manage to be controlled 5 days out of 7 then I should still loose weight (slowly).

We have it hard enough with our anxietys and probally end up eating for comfort,,, But we can do it, we CAN loose the weight if we want to ...
TOGETHER :hugs: .

16-03-07, 20:08
Hi guys...i have a recpe for you..chop your fave veggies..i put onion[or leeks]courgette,tomatoes,aubergine,peppers,chillies into apan with herbs,garlic and a tin of chopped tomatoes.Let it simmer down till the sauce is thick and yummy serve with chicken breast [ i cover mine in lemon pepper,then cook in oven]you can even poach the chicen in the veg mixture while it simmers away.
Good healthy recipe MR. I would only eat the tomatoes though :wacko: :unsure:

Karen xx

19-03-07, 12:16
Hows it going everyone ?

Ive been eating more protien , trousers feeling a little looser but havent weighed myself yet. I have eaten diabetic chocolate and mainly meat and veg., banana and mango smoothies have been nice with plain yogurt.

I am making a lemon merangue (spell?) pie later today with canderel sugar,and will try to do some Jogging,lol.

take care

19-03-07, 13:14
Sounds like it is going well Mirry.

Does anyone have a quick (and easy :huh: ) recipe for a simple tomato sauce? I want to do fish with tinned tomatoes in a sauce but I onion doesn't agree with me and I don't want to mess around with loads of herbs etc that I'll probably never use.

Is it ok to put things like peppers in something like this? How long would it take to cook? :shrug: You can tell I'm not used to eating or cooking :oopsie:

Karen xx

19-03-07, 16:27
Well thats a challange, a tomato sauce that doesnt have any onion in it ???

How about a tin of tomatos blended, with salt and pepper and chopped up mushrooms, heat in a pan and add some butter to make it taste creamy...
or even add some corn flour to thicken it up if it looks too runny :shrug: .

Do you like garlic ? that would add alot of flavour .

19-03-07, 17:02
Dont know if anyone is interested but I made a low carb cake today which is absolutely delicious. I just made it up and cant belive how nice it is...
if anyone wants the recipe let me know.

19-03-07, 21:09
Well thats a challange, a tomato sauce that doesnt have any onion in it ???
Hmm... onion gives me indigestion and tummy problems when I have enough of those already :huh:

How about a tin of tomatos blended, with salt and pepper and chopped up mushrooms, heat in a pan and add some butter to make it taste creamy...
Thanks for trying Mirry. There is no way I'll eat butter :ohmy: and I don't like mushrooms :blush:

Sorry, I am difficult I know :sofa:

Well done with the cake! I am hopeless at cooking even if I did want to eat.

Karen x

19-03-07, 22:31
Can I reccomend "India and Neris's idiot proof diet" It's on play.com and amazon and it's honestly changed my life. They also have a forum at www.pig2twig.co.uk.

They both lost 5 stone each and are real women... their books addresses why you eat and helps combat some of the "head stuff"

It's basically a low carb diet like Atkins but more head and women friendly... Even if you just have a read of the book it's a great start! I've lost 6lb in 4 weeks and i feel fab :)

19-03-07, 22:31
Mirry please may I have the recipe for the cake!

Karen sorry not to be able to help much on the tomato sauce - I am not a great cook I'm afraid and need recipes for practically everything but I am getting better! :blush: :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

19-03-07, 22:44

Right for the fish in a tomato sauce this is what I have done in the past: Place the fish on a piece of foil and on top of it put the chopped tinned tomatoes (or the cartons of tinned tomatoes that already have herbs in with the tomatoes). If you want to add herds to plain toms then mixed herbs or herbs de provence are good and only means having one jar of herbs in the house. You can add your sliced peppers on the top of the toms if you wish or any other veg like courgettes or something, leeks are nice too if you like them. Then wrap the foil round like a parcel and bake in the oven (approx 200 degrees for electric oven) for about 20 minutes (depending on size of fish but 20 - 30 mins is usually fine). If you wish to cook the tomato sauce separate from the fish then you could add that at the end and cook that in a saucepan and just cook the fish however you normally do but it's lovely when it's all cooked together in a parcel. There are obviously lots more ingredients you could add to the toms but they are not ones you'd necessarily be happy using and I used to find the fish tasted great baked in foil with just the toms and maybe some veg and herbs. As mirry said garlic is good - if you like it you could add a crushed clove to the toms.

Mirry - Sounds like you're doing great, well done.

Lisa x

19-03-07, 23:07
Hi Karen

Do you have a blender a hand one will do!!!!

Open a can of tomatoes season with salt and pepper and add a pinch of sugar and blend till smooth warm up in saucepan and if its too runny mix a teaspoon of cornflour with a bit of water stir into mix and bring to boil stirring all the time!!! You must use the pinch of sugar cos it gets rid of the acidity of the tomatoes!!!!

WOW So proud of you mate ........taking an interest in cooking AND asking for recipies.....you have come such a long long way:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

And you can buy tomatoes with herbs in them in a tin too!!!

Hope this helps:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x

20-03-07, 00:51
Thank you Lisa and Kazzie.

Lisa - cooking in the oven sounds like something I might be able to attempt. Sorry to be dense but do you pour the tomatoes in with all the juice or not?

Kazzie - thanks for your receipe too. I don't have a blender. I am trying to find healthy, low fat and low calorie options to eat that allow me to feel I still have control over my food intake and also keep those involved in my medical care happy too.

Piglet - no worries mate! You make a good marmite and cucumber sandwich! :winks: :)

Karen xx

20-03-07, 01:09
Lisa - cooking in the oven sounds like something I might be able to attempt. Sorry to be dense but do you pour the tomatoes in with all the juice or not?

Karen xx

You are not dense sis. If I was using whole tinned toms I would not use the juice and just chop the whole toms up as they are quite watery when chopped anyway. If I was using chopped toms I would just use them straight from the can/carton just how it is. Hope that helps.

Lisa x

20-03-07, 03:43
If I was using whole tinned toms I would not use the juice and just chop the whole toms up as they are quite watery when chopped anyway. If I was using chopped toms I would just use them straight from the can/carton just how it is. Hope that helps.
Yes, thanks that helps :) . It sounds nice.

Karen xx

20-03-07, 07:36
Re: Low Carb Cake

3 oz wholemeal flour. (a small amount of carb)
3 oz fibre (you can buy a bag from the chemist, not considered a carb )
1 tsp mixed spice
3 oz butter (protien)
4 tbs artificial sweetner
1 tsp vinegar
5 fl oz milk (protien)
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
one handfull of chopped almonds (protien)
one tablespoon of raisins ( high fuctose)
one handfull of sunflower seeds (protien)
one handfull of pumkins seeds (protien)

simply mix all together in blender, then grease a tin and add mixture.
Place in oven on gas mark 3 for approx 1 hour.


Note : This cake has a very High protien level,high fibre level, high omega 3 levels and will not cause blood sugar spikes :yesyes: .

I will try to find a way to replace the 3 oz of wholemeal flour (somehow) although this cake is very filling so would only need a small slice.

20-03-07, 14:04
Ihave startd my wieght watchers properly now,but i am a begger for not eating enuff:wacko: then eating way too much:weep: I love the fish in foil recipe..mmmmm yum!Thanks for that.I do that with chicken breasts too:) You all seem to be doing so well.proud of you Karen for askin for recipes,i will wrack my brain for ya too:hugs: I did smile whan you said you would only eat the tomatoe:D out the recipe i posted.he he he!!I do struggle with my body image ,oh guys i had to go visit a hotel yesterday[my son's reception ]and when they showed me around their honeymoon suite..AGH:w00t2: THERE WERE WALL TO WALL MIRRORS ON THE WARDROBE!!!!I just wanted to run away:weep: It helps to chat on here tho guys..off for my ww soup now:emot-puke: .xxxxxxxxxxxx

20-03-07, 14:13
lol, paddington , who ever invented mirrors should be ashamed of themself putting us through all this pain !!!

Im going thru all my old slimming world books, my jeans feel a bit tighter today ? dont know why ?
Ive just put in the slow cooker a chicken curry for tonight,

chicken, curry sauce and veg.

20-03-07, 14:53
yum-yum bubble gum!!OOPS SECOND CHILDHOOD GOIN ON:blush: That sounds lovely.I do make curries with low cal sauces,yummy.And i must say,my lunch was lovely!!Not at all the pukey i thought it was gunna be!:D I had 3 slices of nimble put low cal coleslaw on bread [never eat butter or spreads]then loads of salad and a slice of corned beef[really thin]and made a kind of club sandwich,i had that with ww tomatoe soup,and it was lovely and i am stuffed to the gills!!:yesyes: all only 5 points or bout 350 cals![dont flinch Karen,i KNOW you:flowers: ]if you left off the meat you can knock off 100 or so cals[is that better hun bun:flowers: ]Now i have had breaky and lunch...hey that is soooo good for me.Maybe it will help my body shed some lard if the poor thing knows it's gunna get fed on a regular basis!!:wacko: I will have skinless chicken and the veg recipe i posted earlier for tea,see even tho i am full iam already thinking of what i am having to eat next:nonono: :emot-fail: :wall: :curse: :redcard:oh i do annoy myselfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ma Larkin
20-03-07, 15:24
I love all your ideas, you are all an inspiration to me for helping each other out whether it be to slim or put weight on. I've put 2 stone on in the past 12 months due to the pill injection. I should have had my last injection at the beginning of March, but didn't bother & I can already feel my jeans getting looser & am really hoping that it was the injection that was the problem to my weight gain. At 40 I'm not so bothered about the lumps & bumps (although I would be if I had a love life lol!!) but I hate the cellulite that comes with it. I'm not bothered about the covered up bits, but I always get podgy knees even though my legs are still skinny when I'm on the hefty side! Don't be ashamed to buy bigger sized clothes, rather than having your love handles spread over the side of your jeans, you'll be surprised how much slimmer you will look with proper fitting clothes. For those pear shaped people, wear longer tops, there are some absolutely gorgeous tops out at the moment (I'm, so glad these drop waist tops have come back into fashion - they hide a multitude of sins) and with some nice cut trousers, you can look absolutely fab whatever size you are. Never be ashamed of your size, whether you think you are too thin or too fat & make the most of what you've got ladies & gents! Pamper yourself with a new hair do or makeover, you'll feel tons better.

Anyway, here's my recipe "Ma Larkin's Salmon Frenzy" or somat like that haha!!

Get a nice piece of salmon fillet and season lightly with garlic salt and black pepper, then wrap loosely in tin foil and place on a baking tray.

Get some vine tomatoes and place in a foil takeaway tray (complete with lid), drizzle with virgin olive oil or chuck in a piece of garlic butter and season with black pepper, add some chopped muchrooms as well if you like them or any other veggies that you fancy i.e. peppers, onions.

Put the salmon & the takeaway tray in the oven for about 20 mins on gas mark 4 and you have a gorgeous quickly prepared meal that even Ainsley would be proud of!!

I always use tin takeaway trays, you get a measured amount of food this way, and no washing up!!

Good luck to you all and remember, size doesn't matter, we're all the same size lying down haha!!

Les, xx

20-03-07, 16:27
lol, Les what a great idea using foil trays to save on washing up, I will do that when I have guests to cook for.
Your right about clothes looking too small make us look worse, I need bigger clothes yet dont want to buy any incase I get really slim again.

Love the salmon recipe !!!

20-03-07, 17:04
I am with you to babes i lost 2 and a half stone last year and i put it all on again at christmas i have started my diet and healthy eating plan again counting checks like they do at scottish slimmers you are aloud 45 checks a day 1 check is 25 calories if you write down what you have each time you eat and the calories it works to help you lose weight love julie xxx

21-03-07, 04:11
all only 5 points or bout 350 cals![dont flinch Karen,i KNOW you:flowers: ]if you left off the meat you can knock off 100 or so cals[is that better hun bun:flowers: ]

LOL MR :D You know me too well. I definitely wouldn't eat the corned beef :ohmy: but I would have plain white fish! Or Marmite :yesyes:

I did eat dinner with a friend tonight - a small plain jacket potato and baked beans. That's something I cannot eat alone and wouldn't even have attempted with encouragement a while ago!

Karen xx

21-03-07, 12:15
I At 40 I'm not so bothered about the lumps & bumps (although I would be if I had a love life lol!!) but I hate the cellulite that comes with it. I'm not bothered about the covered up bits, but I always get podgy knees even though my legs are still skinny when I'm on the hefty side!

Good luck to you all and remember, size doesn't matter, we're all the same size lying down haha!!

Les, xx


Lovely post thread Les and I found myself nodding more than once or twice :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

21-03-07, 12:38
Yes Karen ,i do know you hun :) lol!!!Fab about the meal with your mate tho hun,:yesyes: I love the idea of the take awy cartons to measure food ,it means i can have a take away!!!:yesyes:

28-03-07, 21:54
Has anyone introduced excersize into their daily life ?

My husband got me a workout dvd , its that girl of corry, Vicky Entwistle,
well I had a go today and it was really good, she lost 2 and half stone doing it and looks fab, she went from a size 16 to a size 6 :yesyes: .

It has a 10 min warm up and a 20 min fat burner follwed by a 10 min body toner then a 10 min belly shrinker. But it doesnt say how often I should do it but something tells me it should be everyday :shrug: .

It also says you can drop a dress size every 3 weeks doing it which would be lovely.

28-03-07, 23:14
Wow I want to get this now. I want to be losing that kind of weight :yesyes:

Karen x

28-03-07, 23:21
:D Right Karen get back over to your own thread - cheeky monkey :hugs:

Piglet :shades:

28-03-07, 23:24
:D Right Karen get back over to your own thread - cheeky monkey

:oopsie: I've been well and truly told off! I'm running off to hide and order the DVD now :sofa:

Karen xx

29-03-07, 09:26
:D :D :hugs: :busted:

No dvd's for you young missy!! That's another one for the banned list!

Piglet :flowers:

29-03-07, 09:54
I have bought a treadmill:ohmy: i dont go on it very often tho:blush: i was sure i would,but i dont:lac: I kinow it is very important to do some excercise[that dvd would KILL me!!And 3 times a week should be more than enuff Mirry:) ]I have a condition called lymphoedema:weep: this causes sweling of my legs and belly area.I am sposed to walk every day to help it but it can also make it worse..mmmmmm helpful that ..NOT:mad: So my weight is not a true fat weight as the lymphatic fluid is heavy..not an excuse guys honest..my weight can fluctate by 12 pounds or so in 5 days!!So iam trying not to go on the scales,as i am doing well in controling my eating urges[slip up at times:wacko: ]But when i do weigh myself ,it will say i have lost 5 pounds then it goes back on the next day!!It is the fluid,but now i am worried that as the fat cells empty they will fillwith this fluid so i am doomed to obesity without the food!!!!I used to got to a clinic for post cancer care.Most people get this if they have lymph glands removed,breast cancer patients get it in their arms .Any hoo they were not much help,just givr you compression garments to wear which are very tight and uncomfy and dont do much really:weep: Sorry guys ,it is such a relief to talk about this problem ,i've got carried away:blush: wonder if any one else on the site has lymphoedema???Hey i may go on my treadmill today now:) OOh a recipe i made last night ,stir fry with NO oil.I used a drop of chicken stock!!Workd like a dream,put prawns in it too..very yummy:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

29-03-07, 10:12
hello guys, OMG i want that dvd... altough i have a feeling i'll get a quater way through it then have to sit down for a chocolate biscuit... lol, is it hard mirry??? :wacko: i'm so unfit, :blush: i used to walk about 16,000 steps a day before i stopped working now i'm just a flabby blob, :lac: i've been slowly putting weight on for the last 3 years and i need to lose 1 1/2 stone ish... so not that much in the great scheme of things :yesyes: but still enough to make me wanna do it... i went on youtube the other day to do an workout on there, :yesyes: i found an 8 min video and thought it'd be a good warmup, HA, warm up my a*se, i had to sit down after about 6 mins,:blush: and no i didn't get up to do the rest, :blush: :blush: but i gotta start somewher i suppose, as for that video, i'm gonna get it, :yesyes: i'd think doing it 4 times a week would be enough to start losing weight.

29-03-07, 10:20
hi paddington, i know someone who's got that... have to checked out this site?


good stuff about it relating to diet etc... im sure you probably know it all but thought id post it anway

29-03-07, 10:34
wonder if any one else on the site has lymphoedema???

Well LJ talks about it from time to time on her thread - she has it in the one foot and we were discussing recently that she found flyflot sandals very comfy to take into account this one fatter foot.

Love Piglet :flowers:

29-03-07, 11:14
Wow :ohmy: thanks for that piglet[put that reply on your scale hun:flowers: ]maybe i could talk to her some time about it..maybe i shouls ask the question on the forum??What you think,it causes me anxiety so it is still fitting in a way!!Love Paddie:flowers: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

29-03-07, 14:25
Paddington, Im sorry you have swelling in your tummy, it must be very uncomfortable (is it ?).
I just get swelling in my breasts really bad, thats why Im trying out a pill to help it, is there nothing they can give you to help take the swelling down daily ?

29-03-07, 14:48
hi mirry, i bought the same dvd as you earlier, have you been doing it often? i'll let ya know how i get on.. determined to look good in a bikini this summer... do you recon if i do loadsa exercise that means i can eat loadsa chocolate too ??? :) i'm such a chocoholic

29-03-07, 14:55
Honeybee, thats what Im hoping , that I can eat and still loose weight.
I did the DVD last night for the first time and then again at 7am today, i did the whole 50 mins(always start off determined lol).

What I like about the dvd is, It isnt hard to follow, the moves are sensible and you can feel its doing something. We have just got back from my sons hospital visit and I fell asleep in the car,lol so it must be doing something (probally a shock to the system). If I get my energy back I may do it again tonight . Ive got so much weight to loose I feel I must work hard at it cos the dieting alone just isnt shifting it.

Let me know how you get on with it.

29-03-07, 15:00
ha.. i have a feeling you're more determined than i might be when i get it through the post... 7am??? are you mad??? i could never do an hour's exercise at that time in the morning.... ha ha ha... i'll let you know how it goes, don't wear yourself out too soon, you might get a bit disheartened if you do too much too soon, or maybe its just me thats like that :winks:

29-03-07, 16:11
Hi Mirry,

I don't mean to be boring but I agree don't do too much too soon. Also muscles need time to recover so it's actually better and more effective to exercise every other day than every day as that gives the muscles time to recover inbetween. Do it daily if you wish though but not twice a day, you won't get any more benefit by exhausting yourself and overdoing it.

It sounds a good DVD but I'm always wary of things that say you can lose a dress size every three weeks as weight should come off slowly and steadily if it's to be kept off (and so you don't burn muscle instead of fat) ie no more than 1-2lbs per week. Saying that I am impatient when I am on a diet and want results right now! lol. As for weight loss I was told by a top nutritionist (she writes in some magazines and helps many celebs) last year that the body loses weight on a 2 week cycle and that's why some weeks we can hardly lose any and then we may have a better loss the next week etc.

Good luck :D

Lisa x

29-03-07, 17:22
LJ, I am feeling so desperate, I have never been this heavy before yet struggle so much on the eating side of things. So cos they keep saying if you burn up what you eat then you should loose weight it makes me feel that is the answer.......I will go for it and learn the hard way (as usual) lol.

Dont know why, but Im sourounded by slim people everywhere !
Makes me feel terrible.

29-03-07, 20:57
Hi Lisa

Karen - No DVD's like that for you I agree and you shouldn't be in reading this you naughty girl! :hugs:

Yes, I know but the title stands out above all others in the active topics list :blush: I haven't ordered the DVD yet but only because I am feeling ill.

Karen xx

30-03-07, 18:29
Thanks lj,how kind of you to write that post :flowers: .I am going to look at the site now.:) What caused yours hun?.Mirry,there is no medication sadley:weep: I had my lymph nodes removed from my groins during an operation to remove a cancerous tumour..they have to do this to check if it has spread.I am very lucky as it had not so did not need chemo:yesyes: That's why i dont like to harp on about it too much,But it makes my legs and tum heavy and uncomfortable.Any hoo thanks all for your interest,that is what i love about this site,you are never alone with anything!!:D I am sticking to my healthy eating tho gang,still not showing on the scales tho:weep: But have not been on my treadmill:blush: next week i will:winks: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-03-07, 18:35
I am sticking to my healthy eating tho gang,still not showing on the scales tho:weep: But have not been on my treadmill:blush: next week i will:winks: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well done Paddie hun - at least you know the fuel in the tank is top quality.

That is what I aim for, healthy eating with some room for treats allowed - before it was more all my meals were treats lol!!

Piglet :flowers:

30-03-07, 18:42
Id love a treadmill, they cost so much money...

I borrowed my parents once and loved it.

Im finding my eating really hard at the moment, im having a really long period its been 13 days now, so its making me want sweet things.

31-03-07, 12:35
Thanks lj,for replying.I know you can get spontaneous lymphoedema,it is a strange condition i think:wacko: so little is known about the lymphatic system really..hey ho as you say there are folk much worse off than us tho.Hey Mirry if you were local you could use my treadmill..i must use it i know..i think it's all to do with my general self loathing that puts me off:weep: i wobble when i walk and it revolts me..so more reason to use it hey!!Oh this mind of mine,what a bore:wacko: Well i am going out for a meal tonight and have pre chosen my meal off a menu ifound on the net[thanks again Karen:flowers: ]Oh my good god,it will be hard not to cheat,but i am determined to stick at it..a small steak and prawns is what iam going for.when i really want all the smothered pastas or burgers[frankie and bennys is the restaraunt:ohmy: ]Thanks for the encouregment Piglet:flowers: i have always eaten pretty healthily,just too much of it:blush: no one who knows me well can see where this weight comes from:shrug: Ido think the binge starve routine i have had for so long goes a long way to explain it..i have buggered up my bodies ability to store and use energy..like today so far i have only eaten half a tomatoe..i know it is the wrong thing to do,but the habit is so hard to break:weep: Of course when i have my meal later my body will hold on to the calories as it thinks that tommorrow it will be starved again..All this knowledge and yet i cant seem to break the chain.But i will try.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi would love to eat ..GUILT FREE:weep:

31-03-07, 13:04
Of course when i have my meal later my body will hold on to the calories as it thinks that tommorrow it will be starved again..All this knowledge and yet i cant seem to break the chain.But i will try.

It is hard Paddie hun, or we'd all be exactly the right weight all the time wouldn't we mate!!

If you can try to break the habit of the binge/starve thing and have small but regular meals I'm sure it would help and you wouldn't feel hungry then either.

At the end of the day though if you are eating a pretty balanced diet then you know you are getting all your right nutrients a least! :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

31-03-07, 15:51
thanks Piglet:hugs: yes it's true about my health.I had a blood test and i am not lacking in anything,or have high cholestrol:D You are right about eating little and often..itisthe only healthy way tolive..gosh years ago when i was slim and active i never thought about food..the eating disorder only reappeared after a time of stress,so i know i can beat it as i have done it before..but i literaly think of food 24 hours a day 7 days a week etc :weep: I pull at my rolls of fat and cry out in self disgust,i have been known to hit myself too:blush: i call my self bad names etc,,so i know it is a mental health issue ,and i do need help but when you are obese drs etc assumeyou are simply greedy:lac: i do feel tho.that i am gaining more control,the meal tonight for instance..as i have pre chosen it i am not afraid to go,as i would be overcome by choice.So i think i will enjoy it as i wont feel the guilt:yesyes: luckily i trained myself years ago not to eat desserts so i am not even looking at the menu for puddings:D Thanks for being so kind and understanding Piglet:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxps all i have to fear now is the actual going out:wacko: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

31-03-07, 17:03
Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxps all i have to fear now is the actual going out:wacko: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ahh, well I know that one only too well!!! :blush:

You go my lovely and then report back to Headquarters on your return!:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

31-03-07, 21:03
ahh padington, ive been calling myself bad names latey, its like im disgusted at my weight gain and lack of control. Usually the sentence will have the word FAT in it ,lol.
I think the trouble can lay alot deeper, emotions can cause all sorts of problems and I believe I do alot of emotional eating and wish I understood why ? My kids have argued alot today and I found myself turning to food, its like a form of depression, I feel misrable so then I eat.
Why cant I feel mirable and turn to exercise ? like my husband can.

31-03-07, 21:40
ha ha.. i agree mirry, i hard a really hard day today so i went out and got a bottle of wine, some joe's ice cream, a toblerone and some star burst... hmm, not so great for my diet, but at least i didn't give up giving up smoking :yesyes: yay 2 days into it, i'll just get fatter instead... lol

02-04-07, 08:28
good for you Honeybee giving up the smoking.....nasty habit that is and so expensive. Im too poor to smoke lol.
Well I did my excersizes at 9pm last night, it felt so difficult to do, i really didnt want to do it but once i did it i felt great and couldnt sleep, I should of know better.

Paddington, you dont happen to be in Hampshire do u ?
your treadmill sounds just the ticket ?

02-04-07, 08:53
HI guys
i know the feeling,i have put on 2 and half stone while taking the mirtazepine, now i am off it i have managed to lose half a stone but got 2 to go and would like another 1 off before summer. It was impossible to shift while on the drug as it mucked up my metabolism so much that eventualy i was dieting just to maintain my weight. Having said that, i did help me mentally. So today, monday! lol,is D Day for me, back to walking, exercising and cutting out the rubbish, imstill gonna have 1 day off a week even if it makes it slower,after all you gotta live.
so no more fridge pickers wearing big knickers.

02-04-07, 09:38
Hi Paddie

How was the meal? I hope you were able to enjoy it guilt free. That's the problem with eating disorders, the guilt of eating further erodes already low self esteem.

As you know, I too call myself all sorts of horrible names because I feel so bad when I eat. It is a vicious circle and tackling the emotional and mental health problems underlying the eating disorder is what I believe is important.

I do think the binge starve routine i have had for so long goes a long way to explain it..i have buggered up my bodies ability to store and use energy..like today so far i have only eaten half a tomatoe..i know it is the wrong thing to do,but the habit is so hard to break
Ditto for me :blush: My way of trying to avoid eating has always been to put off eating for as long as possible during the day and consume the calories I allow myself for my evening 'meal'. Now I am trying to change this way of coping, instead having regular meals and snacks of fruit if I am hungry.

It is not at all easy because having anorexia I believe I should avoid eating altogether and most people who do not understand the illness also think someone with anorexia never eats. Of course I do eat or I would be dead :wacko:

I would love to eat ..GUILT FREE:weep:
Yup, me too :ohmy: but I don't seem able to manage it at present. I can only take things one day at a time. I am very fearful today (as it is my weight check day at my GP surgery) and also I haven't slept well and so have been awake since 4.00 am.

But I am trying to be sensible and am currently eating breakfast of Bran Flakes with some strawberries. I would normally aim to starve for as long as possible but that will lead to food cravings :sad: so I am doing things differently today.

Paddie - you can recover from this. Have you had any help with self esteem as that could prove really beneficial?

Anyway, I hope you had a good evening and enjoyed the food.

Karen xx

02-04-07, 09:48
Hi Mirry

I think the trouble can lay alot deeper, emotions can cause all sorts of problems and I believe I do alot of emotional eating and wish I understood why ? My kids have argued alot today and I found myself turning to food, its like a form of depression, I feel misrable so then I eat.
Why cant I feel mirable and turn to exercise ? like my husband can.

I think it is really quite common to eat when emotional or comfort eat. Food becomes a way of comforting ourselves and dealing with the stresses of the day. Emotional needs can easily become confused with anger, anxiety, depression etc and the brain quickly picks up on the signal that eating helps you feel better - temporarily!

Have you considered self hypnosis. This Stop Emotional Eating (http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/downloads/weight-loss/emotional-eating.html?1388) hypnosis download could help. Or you might like to try the Control Comfort Eating (http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/downloads/weight-loss/comfort-eating.html?1388) download. I have used a number of these dowloads and found them helpful.

Now maybe I could have a go on that treadmill!!!:winks:

Karen xx

02-04-07, 11:14
Of course I do eat :wacko:
Karen xx

Just not enough eh!! :winks:

Piglet :flowers:

02-04-07, 11:50
ooooo Karen I recon you know alot more about this subject than the rest of us ! I will take a look at your reccomendations tonight (when kids calm),
Ive just eaten a mini kitkat fun size .......but it wasnt that much fun lol.

Nell, You sound very determined.....infact you have inspired me to keep going,, Ideally I have 2 stone to go so understand what you mean about "fridge pickers wearing big Knickers" that really made me laugh.

02-04-07, 12:40
Mirry hun - do keep going!!

I have just ordered some stuff from the catalogue and I am now ordering a size smaller and on 2 items I had to go 2 sizes smaller. Feeling much trimmer!!

Piglet :flowers:

02-04-07, 13:42
WOW Piglet, well done you !!!
I cant wait to do that .

02-04-07, 16:02
Well I was aiming for a size 14 and if I can consistently be around this then that will be just dandy - another halfstone to go and then I will need to maintain.

Do you think maintaining could involve being bad at the weekends. Yeah :yesyes:

Oh and I have done very little exercise the last few weeks so I want to tone up now (as much as you can after 3 kids and being on the wrong side of 40)!

Piglet :flowers:

02-04-07, 16:31
Do you think maintaining could involve being bad at the weekends. Yeah :yesyes:

Of course! :) Treats are a part of normal life for most people. It is when people like me take food restriction to extremes that the problems arise.

I know I probably shouldn't be on this thread (hiding from Lisa! :sofa: ) but if I weren't caught up in my eating disorder I would be advising anyone wanting to lose a bit of weight to keep it in perspective. Life is no fun believe me when I feel guilty about every bit of food I eat.

So, yes, general healthy, regular meals and also treats.

Mirry - I hope the downloads help - they promote healthy eating. Dieting implies being denied of food.

Karen xx

02-04-07, 16:33
Just not enough eh!! :winks:
Enough for me!

I am happy today as they had British strawberries in the supermarket - yum! :)

Karen xx

02-04-07, 18:55
Ooh are they a bit cheaper yet mate as I love adding strawberries to smoothies but they are pricey during the winter months.

Piglet :flowers:

02-04-07, 22:03
I know I probably shouldn't be on this thread (hiding from Lisa! :sofa: )

Hmmm very true and I have spotted you now! :emot-poke: :winks:

Piglet - well done for losing the weight you have, that rebounding must be paying off :yesyes:

Hi to everyone else :emot-wave:


02-04-07, 22:10
Please can any of you give me some ideas for lunchtimes - nothing complicated but getting bored of having a sandwich etc. It needs to be quick to do too.

Thank you

Piglet :flowers:

02-04-07, 22:20
hi piglet... i have fresh fruit salad and greek yoghart or a wrap with quorn bits, kidney beans and salad.. yum!!! although neither are very quick to make but i dont care when they taste so good...

hi mirry, i haven't been following all of this thread but i was wondering how you're getting on with your fitness video?? mine still hasn'tr arrived yet but i'm sure i'll be trying it out as soon as i comes, well maybe the 1st couple of mins anyway before i fall on a heap on the floor. lol.

03-04-07, 07:43
lol Honeybee, when I woke this morning I knew id done the excersizes, all my muscles dont know whats hit them but Its made me realise how lazy I have been, I have weighed myself cos I havent followed a 100% diet -
more like 68%.

The wrap sounds nice, ive a packet in the freezer that needs defrosting,
I may put tuna and mayo in mine with sweetcorn, mmmmmm.
The past 2 days Ive had a big sweet potato for lunch, takes 1 hour in the oven and I top it with extra light mayo and a small bit of grated cheese and salad. Piglet I dont know how long it would take in the microwave ?

Ive got to make a big Ginger cake today for the kids,,, I will find it hard not to eat any .

03-04-07, 07:46
OOOOOOOO just said on GMT, coming up soon...... all about a diet pill that makes you drop 1 dress size. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Knowing my luck it would make me go up one dress size :ohmy: , lol

03-04-07, 12:54
OMG... woke up this morning and tried on a pair of trousrs ~ didnt fit.. tried on another pair ~ looked like i'd sprayed them on... uh oh, all my clothes are starting to get really tight, gotta do something about this..

anyone know of any good alternatives i could eat instead of chocolate??? i've got such a sweet tooth i know i just wont be able to diet unless i can munch on something sweet too...

i havent read all this thread cos there's so much of it but would a regular on here be able to tell me if there are any recipies throughtout it??? if there are i'll go back and read it all for some inspiration.

mirry ~ you dont need to defrost quorn before you cook it, its not like meat, just fry it and its ready in 5 mins

anyone have any dieting tips???

03-04-07, 16:08
OOOOOOOO just said on GMT, coming up soon...... all about a diet pill that makes you drop 1 dress size. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Oh I missed that :huh: :sad:

Honeybee - Could you try eating some fruit instead of chocolate if you crave something sweet?

Karen xx

03-04-07, 16:36

I buy a packet of weetabix choc mini cereal, or some sort of treaty type cereal and if I have a bad craving for choc I have a very small bowl of these instead, or I have an Options hot chocolate mint drink.

Or I have a deal with my neighbour and she keeps chocolate for me and just posts one through the letterbox each day for me! Currently she is storing all the easter eggs for my kids since the silly episode of 2001 where I ate them all myself!! :blush: :blush: :blush: :shrug:

Piglet :flowers:

03-04-07, 16:37
yeah i do eat LOTS of fruit anyway, i do eat really well, i just tend to eat crap on top of my good diet.... apparently if you cut sweet things out of your diet it only takes 2 weeks to stoip craving it and to become accustomed to the new tastes so i should just cut it out really.. its like my drug though, i really do feel deprived if i cant have it every day... oh well, its not the end of the world is it???

03-04-07, 17:58
Hi every one:hugs: having a real bad time at present ,but willreport back on the meal as i promised..first tho,honey bee,try sugar free lollies:) the ones you can get from the chemist and othe places too..i used them when i gave up smoking.Also jam or honey on RYVITA:wacko: Well it helped me hun:D Karen NO MISSY no tread mill for you:lac: :winks:very proud of ypur way of thinking hun,what a huge leap forward for you:flowers: :flowers: i am in wolverhampton Mirry or you could use mine anytime,SOME ONE SHOULD!!:blush: well the meal..DA.DE.DAHHHHH[SAID IN HORROR FILM MODE:D ]I had a panic on the way there,it's the b-ham new road it scares me witless,iwas not driving either!!Wellwe got there it was RAMMED.....i just wanted to run away..but stood my ground[with a litle help from me mate 'stella',you know that french tasty heady one that hangs round bars:D :D ]so i stuck to my chosen menu,and felt no guilt what so ever,i even managed to taste my son's veggie meal:yesyes: i did enjoy myself and so did every one else.It was lovely when they brought the cake out too,he was so surprised:ohmy: I didn't touch the cake at all:D i am sorrry to say that the next day i did have pangs of guilt ,oh i could of had less ,why did i taste Chris's food...BECAUSE IT IS NORMAL.....that is why,So i have stopped beating myself up over it.Guilt ,as karen says too,is a huge part of this problem..it overshadows any joy you may feel :weep: But iam trying ..my body may be catching on too as i have lost 4pounds,not much ,and it may turn into fluid weight ..but it's a start:) My new passion is fish fingers on nimble,That is quick for lunch Piglet or are you veggie?Or felafels[cauldron do some low in cals]with salad and low fat dip..yummy:) .Well done for losing weight guys..not you missy:flowers: you know who you are:D :D :sofa: yes you:) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-04-07, 19:14
Well done Paddie :yesyes: :yesyes:

The meal was a great success for you and well done for dismissing the feelings of guilt, which serve no purpose except to further lower self esteem.

Well done for losing weight guys..not you missy:flowers: you know who you are:D :D :sofa: yes you:) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Umm... I suspect you mean me Paddie :shrug: I haven't lost weight. I've gained :sad: I do need that treadmill!

Karen xx

03-04-07, 19:50
OOOOOOOO just said on GMT, coming up soon...... all about a diet pill that makes you drop 1 dress size.
Couldn't resist looking this up on the website :sofa:

But I know really that diet pills are a bad idea and can have bad side effects and cause long term health problems - which is the situation I'm in now.

The one mentioned won't even be available for a couple of years anyway. Sensible eating in moderation is much more sensible believe me.

Karen xx

03-04-07, 20:29

I just read this thread (well not all of it, it is too long lol) and I thought I would put my tuppence in!
The easiest way I lost weight, no-one will like it though....is anxiety! When I first became ill with anxiety depression last year, I couldn't face food so thus lost a stone. I then started to feel better but had got a buzz out of losing a stone so consciously tried to lose more, which wasn't that difficult as I had lost all my cravings for sweet stuff and junk food and my body had become accustomed to less food. I then lost another half stone, but realised I had a bit of a control thing going on, so relaxed myself a bit.
I am now in a situation where I am overweight, but not hugely so, but it wouldn't harm me to lose another stone. Or if I maintain at where I am that would be good too. So can I join in?

I plan to (and I do) always always eat a healthy filling brekkie (home made muesli or two slices toast)

lunch is a couple of sandwiches and my evening meal is whatever the family are having.

I try not to snack on anything other than fruit but as my happier head has come back, so has my desire for goodies! I keep in cereal bars, as they give me the sweet taste I want but not too much calories. I try to work on the premise that a little of what we desire does us no harm.
Are we meant to share our weight/ sizes....? can I not just say how o'w' I am?????

03-04-07, 20:54
Hi guys,

been following this with interest....your all doing so well!

would you mind if I joined in? I reckon I have about 3 stones to lose (horror!!!) and I really repulse myself...and probably hubby too...in fact definitely hubby too :weep: .

I think Ive spent thousands on every diet club going over the years but I think diets really dont do it for me. Im a real emotional eater and end up almost punishing myself with food...make any sense? I dont really know what normal is any more...Im either starving or binging. At the moment I dont have breakfast, sometimes have lunch, sometimes have dinner, sometimes have both and feel terrible lol. I eat next to no fruit, drink too much fizzy juice and wonder why I feel and look rotten lol.

yesterday I ate hardly anything, weighed myself again this morning and had put on a pound (another of my addictions is weighing myself at every opportunity, even though I know its so WRONG, and then beating myself up over the result lol)

So if its ok with you all can I tap into some of your enthusiasm and motivation.............please? :blush:

Coni X

03-04-07, 22:58
Coni - more the merrier hun! :D

Paddie - well done matey :yesyes: Also I love fish fingers and I love falafal balls (are they quite good then) so I will deffo think of those for lunches ta very much!!

honeybee - I am just the same in that I eat good food but it was the extra crap of crisps and chocolate that was/is my downfall. I have to say I have had one bag of crisps and a couple of odd choc pieces in the last month and it is definately getting easier. I think that is cos when I do need a sweet fix then something like my little bowl of cereal takes the edge off and keeps me focussed.

I did try the new kelloggs special K with strawberries and chocolate today as my little treat (just a small bowl) and yes that will do me nicely.

Happyone - like you flower I never miss my breakfast ever!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

04-04-07, 08:10
coni, I had to ask my husband to hide my weighing scales cos I kept getting on them daily.... I will get out my old slimming world books today and share some recipes if thats ok ?

I did my excersize yesturday at 1pm and it was just as well I did cos at 4pm I felt really Ill , we were taking the kids to a drive thru mcdonalds and as my hubby ordered the food I came over really ill "suddenly" and a headache.
Didnt eat a single thing !!!
woke up this morning with a bad cold (again),, but cos my throat is hurtuing Ive eaten a bowl of choc chip yogurt for breakfast.
When I was on the slimming world diet I ate loads of muller light yogurts cos they are classed as a free food - any yogurt that is fat free you can eat freely on the slimming world diet.

04-04-07, 11:46
Mirry I haven't done any exercise to speak of for the last week as I have felt like I've been fighting off something too and sure enough like you I have a cold today and so does one of the piglets - mine isn't too bad and I thought it was hayfever yesterday but no it's a cold.

Best thing to do is to pack in the exercise for a few days and just deal with the healthy eating for now - you and Janice can get together when you feel better! :yesyes:

I would love to hear any ideas from the slimming world book - it does seem to be mainly the lunchtimes that I'm having probs with. Breakfast seems to be sorted and keeps me filled till lunch and dinner is always straightforward.

Lunch is the prob cos if I don't feel filled up enough with foods that sustain me for some hours then my risky snack time is from 3.30 to 5.30 before dinner. This is the bit I need help with.

I love the idea of falafel balls Paddie and wondered are they very good for you then. I tried them at Xmas in our buffet and they were totally yumcious!

Piglet :flowers:

04-04-07, 13:32
Piglet , I also think I have a slimming world recipe somewhere for making falafel balls, I will go look now !

04-04-07, 13:43
falafels recipe;

Place a can of chickpeas in a pan with fresh water and boil for 5 mins,then leave to simmer for half an hour.Drain and allow to cool for 15 mins.
mash chickpeas with garlic,fried onion, coriander,salt and pepper in a medium bowl.

form mixture into small balls, fry in 2 " of oil (or spray with frylight and pop in oven) for 15 mins on gas 6.

serve with , low fat fromage frais (can mix with lemon juice and pepper) and salad in a pitta bread.

04-04-07, 13:57
Hi mirry, Today i have received my PAUL MCKENNA,"THINK YOURSELF SLIM" package.Yes it cost me £50 but i have seen the results of people that have tried the "programe" and have lost the weight.As it only arrived at 1 pm i will begin my "programe" tomorrow 5th april, it is for 90 days so it will finish on the 3rd july.[ofcourse i will continue at it] for those of you going to the t.g. meet up you will see what i look like now, and when i have finished i will put a picci of me after on this site.Hopefully you will all see a difference in me. I currently weigh 12 stone, and would like to loose 2 stone, I,m taking a break from n.m.p. and will return in july with my result.:flowers:

04-04-07, 15:17
Lovely Mirry thank you - I've printed that out and will have a go very soon.

Rickards - try and come on every couple of weeks and tell us how it's going.

Love Piglet :flowers:

04-04-07, 15:18
ooo mirry, im so so eating that tonight, yummy!!! thanks

04-04-07, 15:34
Hello :flowers:

this seems to be a very interesting thread.... i am glad i am not the only one who is trying to lose a few pounds I have not had time to read through it all but it has really impressed me the way you are all supportive of each other

well i am 5ft 4 and the heaviest i was was a few weeks ago i was 13st 12 which means im obese i have now managed to get to 13st 3

it seems a long long hard road for me cos i really need to get to about 9 stone in the end.... at least the weight is going down rather than up now :)

i can hardly believe i find myself in this position... i used to be anorexic as a teenager weighing about 6 stone!! but there is a whole lot of emotional problems i have with food... as soon as i recovered from the anorexia i started to drink alcoholicly, i am also bulimic and at times a compulsive eater

I feel really depressed about all the weight :( but, It IS possible for me to get back to a size 12, i have witnessed others managed to do it!!!

each day i am trying to exercise, eat healthy fruit and veg low fat and keep off the alcohol....

one day i want to try and find the peace within myself and stop hurting my self with alcohol and unhealthy food behavior....

i will keep on trying folks! ! thanx 4 bein there :)

04-04-07, 15:41
Welcome Rach and well done on what you have managed so far.

I think we are all anxious on this thread to achieve our weight loss using a healthy balanced diet as long term that will leave us healthier and hopefully trimmer.

For me certainly I want to be eating well - like putting the top petrol in my tank and if this can lead to a fitter healthier me then that's fab.

We are not aiming for the silly size zero just your everyday sizes appropriate for our heights etc - so welcome aboard and if you have any meals you are fond of that you think help you to eat well then please tell us.

Funny how we get stuck in our ways and how interesting other peoples menus seem isn't it.

Piglet :flowers:

04-04-07, 16:36
Help over Easter (off msn)

So if the aisles of your supermarket have turned temporarily into a Willy Wonka style river of chocolate, how exactly are you going to cope with the temptation (http://www.tescodiets.com/start.cfm?code=410600)? As usual we have the answers!
Prepare your friends and family.
Giving chocolate at Easter time is a tradition. Unless you tell people not to buy for you, they will. Ask your friends and family not to give you chocolate presents this year, but don’t be afraid to ask them to get you something else instead! (You don’t want to deprive yourself completely).
Get motivated.
You know this challenge is coming. Get ready for it. Be armed with reminders as to why and how much weight you want to lose. Pin them to your fridge, hang them at your desk at work and keep them right to the fore of your mind.
Want it.
You may think you want chocolate but lets compare how much you want chocolate with how much you want to lose those excess pounds and to reach your personal goal (http://www.tescodiets.com/start.cfm?code=410600). Want this more.
Think yourself thin. You should have a mental image of how you will look at your ideal weight. Every time you eat foods that are off the plan or miss an exercise session you are further away from this goal. Imagine yourself moving forward all the time until this is no longer a mental image but a reality.
Sticking to your diet and exercise plan is a daily challenge you face and face successfully. What’s so different about Easter? You can do it now – why wouldn’t you be able to do it then. It’s just another day. Your resolve is more difficult to crack than an Easter egg.
Keep your energy level high.
When there are so many temptations around, be careful not to let your blood sugar drop dangerously low. If this happens, you will become weak and hungry and your desire to eat will be very strong. If there is chocolate around you may be tempted to reach for it instead of a healthier snack. Eat small meals frequently and never starve yourself for long periods of time in preparation for a big meal. It will backfire in the long run.
Arm yourself.
Buy in a good supply of chocolate alternatives. For example, low fat chocolate yoghurt, low fat hot chocolate mix, chocolate flavoured breakfast cereals or try the recipes in our Healthy Bytes section. That way you can get your fix without facing the consequences.
Take the approach of minimising harm.
Do not deny yourself completely - the chances are you will do more harm than good. Buy yourself a couple of bite-sized chocolate bars and allow yourself to have one each day over the holiday weekend. You can either replace your snack with this or accept that you will lose weight (http://www.tescodiets.com/start.cfm?code=410600) a little more slowly.
Make room.
If you know you want to join in on the chocolate munching sessions with friends or family and are not willing to withstand the temptation – make room. You can do this by incorporating extra exercise sessions for the Easter weekend. Be warned however, for every square of chocolate you eat, you would need to walk at a moderate pace for 10-15 minutes. Have a speedy recovery.
If you do slip up at this difficult time make sure you get back on the wagon ASAP. Don’t leave it till tomorrow or Monday. Do it now. Accept that you have made a mistake, examine where and how you went wrong, learn from it and move on. It happened. It’s not the end of the world. Be gentle with yourself but resolve to have a really good week to compensate. You can do it!

Love Piglet :flowers:

04-04-07, 16:48
wow , where do i begin ???

Piglet, great read, I will check it all out in a min and let you know what I think.

Lisa the tofu stuff need marinating before you stir fry it or grill it, if you buy the tofu silk, it can be blended and mixed with a muller light yogurt and sugar free jelly for a lovely dessert (just set it in fridge).
And dont worry about starting and stopping, as long as your not going up!

Rach , glad your joining us, hopefully together we can keep each other going - you have done well the past few week alone, so imagine how much further you can go.

Honeybee, let me know how they turn out (dont go putting them in the deep pan fryer ,lol)

Rickards, Ive got that same programe!!! paul mckennas.
I did it for one week in january, I think I may try and give it another go.
Please keep us informed how its going.

04-04-07, 17:05
Great post Piglet

Buy yourself a couple of bite-sized chocolate bars and allow yourself to have one each day over the holiday weekend.
I can't allow myself this though :ohmy:

Karen xx

04-04-07, 17:07
No I can't do that either hun - I have no willpower.

I saw the article on msn so I thought it may have some use for us all.:D

Piglet :flowers:

04-04-07, 17:20
LOL Piglet! Glad I am not the only one :winks:

There is some good advice in the article.

Karen xx

04-04-07, 17:38
I have seen a advert for easter ideas,
It said for a healthier easter, melt some chocolate in a pan and dip strawberrys (half way) in the chocolate, then put them in the fridge to set.
Once set hard, you can eat.....mmmmmmmmmmm.

will have to buy some strawberrys.

04-04-07, 23:02
Hi guys,hi coni:hugs: we are soooo alike hun:) hi Rach:hugs: and lj:hugs: hope i haven't missed any newbys out:) i will look for some veggie recipes,i have a book!!All low cal stuff..if you look back at the earlier posts i did a recipe for a veg tomatoe sauce thing which is good with past or spuds.The recipw for the felafels sound scrummy,i will make some ..but the cualdron ones are very low in cals and fat too Piglet so they are good for convenience.Erm...i weighed myself today and i had lost 5 pounds so that is 9 now!!!:yesyes: I ,too,have big family party in june and july too,i do hope i can lose more for then:) i am now 15 stn 8 pds...still obese but the other side of 16 stone which is good:D I thinki this support is very helpful:flowers: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-04-07, 23:07
i weighed myself today and i had lost 5 pounds so that is 9 now!!!:yesyes:

Oh well done Paddie love, that's brilliant.

I will get some of the Cauldron falafel balls (is that the freezer section or the cold section) and leave making them for days when I am feeling in the mood!

I am so pleased to hear that they are low calorie as when I had them at Xmas I loved them. That will be a lovely lunch.

Paddie sometime you should come and join us on the thread 'Country quirks' too.

Piglet :flowers:

05-04-07, 07:57
Paddington , well done loosing the 5lb :winks: :yesyes: :D .
oh Im soooooo wishing it was me :mad: , lol.

Infact Paddinton and Piglet are doing really well, you are both the BIGGEST LOOSERS ,lol :hugs: .

LJ, you sound just like me, comfort eating is so destructive, I think we need to find a way of having things in the fridge for pickings, any ideas people ?

05-04-07, 08:08
Did anyone watch that programe called the truth about food last month ?
It said the best way to loose weight was to eat soups, in studys it was found that soup kept people full much longer (more than a sunday roast) ,so

This is what I am making today;

Tomato and Lentil soup,,

place in a large pan,
3oz orange lentils
1 onion (chopped)
tin of tomatos
1 stock cube (or 2 tea spoons of chicken bovril)
heat for (approx)40 mins, when cool blend in blender.

05-04-07, 12:03
Paddington , well done loosing the 5lb :winks: :yesyes: :D .
oh Im soooooo wishing it was me :mad: , lol.

Infact Paddinton and Piglet are doing really well, you are both the BIGGEST LOOSERS ,lol :hugs: .

LJ, you sound just like me, comfort eating is so destructive, I think we need to find a way of having things in the fridge for pickings, any ideas people ?

hi mirry, like you i snack terribly. i buy lots of fruit bars from holland and barrett, they are made by 100% fruit and they are so yummy. i tend to go and buy loads at a time but my boyfriend ends up eating more than i do... :lac: i like the idea of chocolate strawberries... mmm, i tend to eat a fruit salad everyday with greek yogart anyway... mmm

05-04-07, 12:04
tomato and lentil soup sounds good. my favourite is curried parsnip soup. its a lot nicer than it sounds

05-04-07, 12:14
I love curried "anything" Honeybee, unfortunately my nearest holland and barret is far away,,, Ive just eaten a muller light strawberry yogurt and I dont know if I am imagining it but my trousers feel more comfortable today.

Did you get the DVD in the post yet ?
I didnt do the excersizes yesturday because Ive got a bad cold , but i will do it today.

05-04-07, 12:31
Ooh yes the soup looks good!

I find keeping washed grapes available at all times helps me snackwise too!!

Piglet :flowers:

05-04-07, 12:41
I love curried "anything" Honeybee, unfortunately my nearest holland and barret is far away,,, Ive just eaten a muller light strawberry yogurt and I dont know if I am imagining it but my trousers feel more comfortable today.

Did you get the DVD in the post yet ?
I didnt do the excersizes yesturday because Ive got a bad cold , but i will do it today.

no it still hasn't arrived. i ordered it from amazon. if its not here tomorrow i'll chase it up. in a way its nice it hasnt turned up cos when it does i'll have to do it. all my clothes are staring to look a bit (ok a lot) tighter, so really need to lose some weight. only a bit though so shouldn't be too difficult. altough i have just given up smoking and last time i gave up i put on loads of weight so i'll need to keep an eye on my snacking.

have you got any health food shops near you? they should sell them in there. my mum used to give them to my bro and sis when they were little as treats (or to bribe them) instead of chocolate, they used to love them.

05-04-07, 14:15
Hi every one:hugs: hey Piglet ,they are in the chiller cabinet ,but you can freeze them,why bother ,get them down your wazzack i say!!:D Well i weighed myself again and YEP!!!.2 pounds back on:lac: :weep: i KNOW it is the lymph fluid but it is so disheartening and then i eat less which starts the whole cycle off again.:wacko: It is because i did a lot of gardening yesterday,Am so down i thought it would lift my spirits..it did ,but all the kneeling and hauling my huge carcass about the place has made me swell up..:wall: :curse: Hey Ho..such is life..Any way here is the veggie recipe useing tofu i promised.....it's a stir fry so quick and easy this is for two..200grms tofu..clove of garlic[i use lazy garlic:blush: ]2 inch ginger,peeled and grated[or lazy ginger:blush: ]..2 tablespoons of teryaki sauce ,and 2 of tomatoe sauce.i tablespoon of sherry.optional..1 teaspoon sesame oil..1 tablespoon of sesame seeds..175grms carrotts cut into sticks..100grm sugar snap peas,cut on the diagonal..100grm baby sweetcorn..i red pepper sliced..100 grm beansprouts..Put the tofu in a non metallic dish.Mix together the garlic.teryiaki sauce,tomatoe sauce.sherry[i dont bother with the sherry]sesame oil and sesame seeds,and pour this over the tofu.leave ,covered,for an hour.Spray a large non stick pan with spry light .drain the tofu[keep the marinade]stir fry the tofu for 5 mins on a high heat..add the veg[not the beansprouts yet]cook for 1 0r 2 mins then add the marinade and beansprouts and cookfor 2-3 mins,you can use smoked tofu too...cals per seving 315!:flowers: 2and a half point on weight watchers!I have loads of recipes if you want more :flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-04-07, 14:19
Hi all,

Paddie - Thanks so much for that recipe, I am always looking for new vegetarian ones :yesyes: .

Lisa x

05-04-07, 14:22
No Probs hun.let me know when you want more:flowers: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-04-07, 15:47
get them down your wazzack i say!!:D Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Piglet :flowers:

05-04-07, 15:49
Yes,Piglet, I have very elegant turn of phrase when i try:D :D :D :D xxxxxxxxxxxx

07-04-07, 07:36
Hi Guys, hows it going ?
As its easter and the chocolate eggs can be tempting, what alternatives do you have in place ? (looking for Ideas).
I made a big batch of soup for today and have my fridge stocked with muller light yogurts.
I spoke to a lady I know who has lost a lot of weight recently and she said she did it with soup and yogurts..and her other tip was squirt lemon juice on everything you eat because it lowers the GI of that food.
Also I think a important thing to do is plan ahead,
I am following the slimming world diet, does anyone know the slimming world method ?

Breakfast: Mullerlight yogurt with banana.
midmorning : Apple.
Lunch: Homemade Soup with one slice of wholemeal bread (B ).
Strawberrys and plain yogurt.
Dinner: Falafels with jacket potato and salad topped with greek yogurt.
Evening : A slice of cake (10 syns)

Have also made sure I have Diet Lemonade and coke in the fridge for weak moments and another important thing is to keep busy, really busy as that stops snacking.

I dont know why but I love those BEFORE AND AFTER photos, lol.

07-04-07, 11:01
Well I am just gonna try and keep focussed Mirry for the next few days - I am too pleased with being able to fit into smaller sizes to want to spoil things now.

As it's also my birthday I usually get baked a choc cake too but I will take a slice for me and everybody at home and then let my eldest take the rest of it back to her flat. I will prob allow myself a bit of the piglets eggs too but will then adapt the rest of the food I eat the next day to compensate.

I love before and after photo's too hun and they don't just have to be of people thin and fat, they can be before's and after's of anything (like my plate, full then empty)!! :blush: :D :D

Piglet :flowers:

07-04-07, 13:43
Hi everyone,

ive done ok this week...managed to lose a whole 1lb...yes a whole one lol...only another how many to go:huh: ....too many to count :blush: lol! Seriously I suppose its ok cos I havent been totally good. I'm trying the 'change one thing at a time' approach..so this week I have been trying not to eat after dinner (a problem time for me)...and next I'll tackle my crisps habit...though I think I'll stick with the nothing after dinner for another week, cos I had mixed success with that this week.

I was told by someone that it takes 3 weeks to form a habit and 3 weeks to break an old habit so we'll see.

Easter doesnt bother me too much as I'm not that much into chocolate to be honest...rather have crisps or cheese...or wine...probably worse actually. I once thought about trying the vanilla scented patches (I think you used to get them in boots) as the smell of anything sweet does put me off eating (it takes a lot to put me off food I can tell you, but that definitely does). Anyone tried anything similar?

Tomorrow the plan is for us to go a long walk up a local hill (or rather attempt to go up the hill...whether we manage remains to be seen). One thing about sunny Scotland...lots of hills to practice on lol!

Happy Easter everyone:hugs:

Coni X

07-04-07, 14:35
Hi All

Hope you are all managing this Easter!

My breakfast now consists of Bran Flakes with fresh fruit (no milk) and I am much more comfortable eating breakfast this way - anorexia means I have a problem consuming more than the occasional drop of milk in a cup of tea :oopsie:

For anyone with chocolate cravings at Easter what about allowing yourself a small bar or chocolate, or even a fun sized bar. Lower fat chocolate mousse is another idea. Or a cereal bar or cereal which has small flakes of chocolate. I keep plenty of fruit to try to ward off chocolate cravings :yesyes:

Karen xx

07-04-07, 15:08
Talking of milk Karen - on the whole I tend to drink soya milk (is that as high in calories as normal milk I wonder), I can have cows milk but in moderation only and the soya does seem to suit my system better.

What I have started doing this week on the mornings I have my museli or cereal, is actually heating my milk - somehow this makes the cereal a cosy satisfying experience (piglet really - do stop being so dramatic, it's only cereal). No really, it sort of makes it feel like more of a meal!!

Karen its actually the way quite a few people eat cereal to have it as a dry mix.

You know what that has given me a little brain wave. I wonder if I bagged up some of my more treaty cereals (with odd bits of choc swirls in) into small snack size portions and kept them for the times you want to snack on something crunchy (like I do with my pringles) if that would help!

Piglet :flowers:

07-04-07, 15:54
mmmm sounds good piglet !
I too have soya milk, cos when I drink milk my stoach gets swollen, apparently I may be lactose intollerant but I can eat milk in dried form.
Karen, I love mouse......what ones are low fat ? Its a bit like eating air tho,lol.
CONI, fantastic loosing 1LB !!!! Bet your really pleased with yourself, and to think its just like loosing a 1LB bag of sugar (really heavy to carry).

Ive been a good girl all day, Ive been painting my hallway a really daring colour "soft Lime" thought it would look terrible but Im really pleased (stops me eating keeping my hands busy).

07-04-07, 17:02
Hi Piglet

Talking of milk Karen - on the whole I tend to drink soya milk (is that as high in calories as normal milk I wonder), I can have cows milk but in moderation only and the soya does seem to suit my system better.
I didn't have any idea about soya milk as I tried it once and didn't like it! However, I've had a look in my book for you and these are the comparisons for 100mls of milk:

Whole milk: 67 Cals 3.9g Fat
Semi-skimmed milk: 49 Cals 1.7g Fat
Skimmed milk: 34 Cals 0.1g Fat
Plain Soya Milk: 34 Cals 1.9g Fat
Soya sweetened: 47 cals 2.1g Fat

There is not a lot between skimmed milk and plain soya milk in terms of calories, just slightly more fat - which is not a big difference or high to anyone who doesn't have an eating disorder :blush:

When I was still having milk with cereal I did prefer it warmed too. I used to eat Weetabix but now prefer the plain Bran Flakes with fresh fruit.

You know what that has given me a little brain wave. I wonder if I bagged up some of my more treaty cereals (with odd bits of choc swirls in) into small snack size portions and kept them for the times you want to snack on something crunchy (like I do with my pringles) if that would help!

Yes, a good idea Piglet :yesyes: Much healthier too than chocolate or Pringles :winks:

Hope this helps.

Karen xxx

07-04-07, 17:10
Hi Mirry

Yes, mousse but it is a bit like eating air but if you just want the chocolate taste some a lower calories than some chocolate bars. The average is still around 125 cals though so you could have a fun size chocolate bar for that, or maybe one of the cereal bars with chocolate chips (Special K for example).

Another good way of getting a chocolate fix is to have a low fat version of hot chocolate made with water. I prefer Cadburys Highlights, but there are other varieties like Options and many supermarkets do their own.

Or what about Piglet's idea of a small amount of cereal that contains some chocolate for a snack?

Well done for keeping occupied. It does help and if you can distract yourself for 20 minutes when experiencing a craving it often goes anyway.

Karen xx

07-04-07, 17:11
PS I think I'll be in trouble with Lisa if she sees I've been posting on this thread again :oopsie: :sofa:

Karen xx

07-04-07, 17:26
We won't tell her if you won't :D

Anyway you have been informative today, not naughty so I think that's allowed!:winks:

Love Piglet :flowers:

07-04-07, 18:08
Anyway you have been informative today, not naughty so I think that's allowed!:winks:

Thanks Piglet :) :flowers:

I am trying to use this thread as a healthy eating resource rather than to reinforce my eating disorder.

Karen xx

07-04-07, 19:22
Thanks Piglet :) :flowers:

I am trying to use this thread as a healthy eating resource rather than to reinforce my eating disorder.

Karen xx

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

08-04-07, 14:56
Ive been good again today (so far).
I feel really focused the past 3 days , think it was after seeing myself looking terrible in my spray on trousers .
Ive eaten so far.....

Breakfast : yogurt & banana.
Lunch: egg and salad. 6 cadbury roses chocolates (cos its easter).

Tonights dinner: Chicken curry with the falafels (no rice) followed by
sugar free jelly.

We have booked up to go away on the 29th April and Ive gopt to go in the swimming pool !!! OMG just the thought scares me......my swim suit is too small, how much can I loose in 21 days ?

08-04-07, 15:22
Well done Mirry. You do sound really focused and today's menu seems healthy. I think the chocolates are allowed since it is Easter :winks:

We have booked up to go away on the 29th April and Ive got to go in the swimming pool !!! OMG just the thought scares me......my swim suit is too small, how much can I loose in 21 days ?
Be careful here Mirry. There is the question of how much it is possible to lose and what is safe. The recommended safe weight loss is 1-2lbs per week or 0.5-1kg.

If you starve yourself or deny yourself too much that can lead to the risk of eating the foods you've deprived yourself off afterwards. And starving yourself is not a good thing to do healthwise (I know I am a fine one to talk :blush: )

How about treating yourself to a new swim suit instead?

Karen xx

08-04-07, 18:51
Karen , Maybe I should look at the maternity swimware ?, lol.
Realistically speaking , I could be half a stone lighter by the time we go away which would be great. Karen have you allowed yourself some easter chocolate ? after all its easter (he he).

08-04-07, 20:44
Karen have you allowed yourself some easter chocolate ? after all its easter (he he).
Umm... no :ohmy: . I've had strawberries!

Karen xx

09-04-07, 09:23
ooo Karen, no chocolate at easter ? I am so weak, I seem to have no determination when it comes to chocolate.

Also Do you have any recipe Ideas that are low fat/cal ? that I could try,
Im going to do a tesco online shop.

09-04-07, 10:59
Hi Mirry

It sounds like you are doing fine as it is.
Asking an anorexic for recipes is not a good idea :winks: If I could I would starve myself completely like I was doing last year. But I don't want to go back to hospital and so I have to eat.

I mainly have plain white fish with salad or baked beans for dinner so my diet is not very varied or exciting!

The Ian Marber's Food Doctor Book (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Food-Doctor-Diet-Club-Day/dp/140531690X/ref=nosim/psychologysol-21) is supposed to be good.

Karen xx

09-04-07, 10:59
Hi everyone...hope you all had a nice, fairly choc free sunday. I had some (the shame) but not too much, though my children bought me a GIANT galaxy easter egg which keeps winking at me from the corner of the room! Didnt I say I wasnt that bothered by chocolate lol?:winks:

Well we went for our walk yesterday:yesyes: and only made it about a third of the way up:shrug: ! I thought we were almost half way and we had only just reached the gate at the bottom lol...I was devastated!:weep:

It was very windy here yesterday, definitely blew the cobwebs away! It was also a stark reminder of how unfit I am...my back was killing me, my heart pounding and I could hardly breathe....and they say exercise is good for you lol! Actually at one point I got a bit twitchy as I thought what if I have really bad palpitations/a heart attack/stroke/hubby or kids take ill and we're half way up a flippin great hill? (ok...not quite half). But needless to say we were all fine. Think the dog was traumatised though...he's only got little legs so probably walked 3 times as far as us...in fact I'm sure he looks a couple of inches shorter today lol! He now hides when he hears the word 'walk'.

Anyway my goal for the end of the summer is to be able to go all the way up.

Hope you've all had a good weekend.

Coni X

09-04-07, 12:02
Well given that it was Easter and my birthday I ate a pile of crap yesterday :blush: :weep:

I devoured loads of birthday cake some chocolate and nearly a whole box of the finest fudge. I honestly do feel bloated today and have a pot belly just like I am pregnant.

Piglet feels yesterday was ok and fun but doesn't intend to make a habit of it and is back to focused thinking today!!:yesyes:

Love Piglet:flowers:

09-04-07, 16:41
happy birthday for yesturday Piglet, sounds like you had a great time :yesyes: ,
The thought of eating fudge sounds fab, I just love sweet food too much:weep: .

Coni, well done getting half way up the hill :winks: , hills are really difficult , and make my heart beat fast too. Today we went out for a country walk and stopped and played badminton and football, the sun was so hot and I was running all over the place , pleasing the kids and my weight loss hopefully?
This lady walked past with her dog and she was so slim and attractive it made me feel ugly, so I ran about even more thinking "thats how I want to look":blush: Then to add insult to injury, whilst sitting drinking my diet coke , the dog sat behind me in my shadow (looking for shade) and my son said "lets all sit in mums shadow, shes so big she makes enough shadow for us all to sit in
:ohmy: :weep: :mad: :lac: .......I thought Im not that bloody fat , am I ?

Stopped at shops and got some Muller layer yogurts, just tried one and they are lovely..... says vitually fat free (unlike me ).

Happy dieting people :winks: .

10-04-07, 16:05
hi mirry... do you think that dvd has made a difference??? mine finally arrived today so gonna give it a go in a bit (when my fella is mowing the lawn so that he's not about to laugh at me)...

really hope i can manage to keep motivated cos all my clothes look terrible on me and i bought a new top yestaerday and for the 1 st time ever had to buy the next size up... gulp...

anyway need to get fit, slim and sexy for the summer months... then i can go back to roast dinners and chocolatey desserts to keep me warm during the winter... yay

who out there has already lost weight??? i was just wondering how long you think it'd take to lose 1 half stone whilst eating healthily and doing a workout 4 times a week :shrug: any ideas???

10-04-07, 16:32
Honeybee, The video is certainly making me fitter, when I did it yest I found for the first time that I could carry on once the dvd had ended !!!
My stomach isnt popping outwards now which looks better in such a short time and today my husband said to me at 6.45 am, your face looks slimmer...
but when i got on the scales today it said I hadnt lost any weight, so I felt really upset cos I have been an ANGEL.
Could it be the daily work out has made my fat trun into muscle ? as Im told muscle weighs more.

Still I am not giving up, this weight has to come off and sometimes it takes a few weeks to kick in (so Im told), I really think i have low thyroid problems sometimes cos the weight doesnt come off easily with me.

Honeybee, Id imagine you could loose half a stone in 3 - 4 weeks , not long at all really - stick at it.

10-04-07, 16:41
Hi All

Mirry - Keep at it you are doing well.

but when i got on the scales today it said I hadnt lost any weight, so I felt really upset cos I have been an ANGEL.

Could it be the daily work out has made my fat trun into muscle ? as Im told muscle weighs more.
Yes, it means you are probably toning up which is good and you are doing well if others are noticing :) .

Honeybee - Yes, I have lost weight but not for a few months - but I wouldn't recommend my methods as I have anorexia. Mirry has given some good advice.

Piglet - I think the cake and fudge is definitely allowed on your birthday :yesyes: It is also fine as a treat along with healthy foods.

Karen xx

10-04-07, 16:54
Karen I like the idea of you using this thread as a sensible way of keeping your weight stable, infact I think we have alot to offer each other, seeing things from boths sides. Its finding the right balance isnt it?

Ive got some sugar free Jelly, and its lovely..really tasty and goes nice with the yogurts.


10-04-07, 17:06
Eaten better today and thankfully haven't gained anything just stuck at the same weight. I have another half a stone to go. I find it much harder in the school holiday than I do on a normal week do you Mirry??

Got my tesco shop coming tonight and have ordered falafel balls which if it fills me up enough with salad then that would make a nice lunch.

Love Piglet :flowers:

10-04-07, 17:16
Thanks for your reply Mirry.

Karen I like the idea of you using this thread as a sensible way of keeping your weight stable, infact I think we have alot to offer each other, seeing things from boths sides. Its finding the right balance isnt it?

I must admit that when this thread started and I read the title I had thoughts of using it as a way to indulge my eating disorder, but I am now making a lot of effort to eat regularly and healthily, and there are some good tips on here.

I would also hate to see someone else go down the road I've been on and if I can say anything that helps keep perspective then that also helps me too and I feel I have been able to possible warn others of the dangers.

I sometimes have sugar free jellies with fruit. It makes a good and healthy pudding. Yoghurt is fine and good for you too.

Piglet - Do you find school holidays more difficult because of the change of routine and having the younger Piglets around more? Perhaps it disrupts your usual eating routine during the day, you spend more time doing things with the Piglets and maybe have different foods in the house than normal.

I'm sure you will be fine as you are so focused and sensible :)

Karen xx

10-04-07, 17:56
I'm sure you will be fine as you are so focused and sensible :)

Karen I am someone who loves pink kettles, Enid Blyton, pringles and spitting rolos competitions - hee hee you have way more faith in my abilities as regards the above two qualities than I do!!:blush: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

10-04-07, 18:58
Karen I am someone who loves pink kettles, Enid Blyton, pringles and spitting rolos competitions - hee hee you have way more faith in my abilities as regards the above two qualities than I do!!:blush: :yesyes: :yesyes:

I do have faith because you always give such helpful and sensible advice to members of this forum - and I am including myself there!

I also like the pink kettle but it wouldn't match anything else I have!

Spitting Rolos sounds sensible to me - much better than eating them :yesyes:

Karen xx

10-04-07, 22:12
spitting rolos??? no get em down ya necks girls... hee hee

mirry, i did the dvd earlier... OMG i managed the warm up and about 15 mins of the actual thing... sure it'll get easaier though... cant wait to get some weight off... as for you losing weight, even though you're still the same weight it might be worth taking you measurements cos you might be getting thinner and you could be losing some of your fat but because you'll be building up your muscles you'll stay the same weight for a while... yes muscle is a lot heavier than fat but dont let that get you down, a toned body is a lot nicer than a flabby one no matter what size you are...

karen, i wish i could say something or do something to help. my step mum had anorexia for abouyt 10 years and said it was the most horrible existence of her life, :hugs:

10-04-07, 23:14
Spitting Rolos sounds sensible to me - much better than eating them :yesyes:
Karen xx


Love Piglet :flowers:

11-04-07, 00:03
karen, i wish i could say something or do something to help. my step mum had anorexia for abouyt 10 years and said it was the most horrible existence of her life, :hugs:
Thanks Honeybee. It is a very miserable existance trying to get from one day to the next eating as little as possible and definitely NOT gaining weight. But then being dictated to by others about what my weight should be :lac:

I just wish I no longer had this obsession with food, not allowing myself most foods, the guilt, the repulsive person I see looking back at me in the mirror and the doubt that I will ever be able to eat normally ever again :weep:

I am glad your step mum recovered. Many people with anorexia never fully recover.

Karen xx

11-04-07, 07:40
Piglet, I somehow find it easier when the kids are off school.
I think its because I usually do the school run and this makes me stressed out 5 days a week, and of course when I am stressed I turn to food.

When the kids are home, I have more time to plan ahead and feel happier having them with me, it just goes to prove my weight problem is emotional.
I wish I half a stone to go and not 1.5 - 2 stone.

Honeybee, how did you find the excersize effected you the next day ?
My left leg ached for days but its fine now (must do it again).

Karen , when I was 18 I think I was going down a slippery road with food obsession, I got down to 7st .7lb at one point and thought I looked fat - of course I wasnt , but I know what you mean about it being difficult to control.

11-04-07, 13:13
:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: I ate choclate and i have drunk wine too:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: Not lots of choclate,but i always feeel soooooo disgusted with myself,i dont even like it that much:ohmy: :blush: My weight keeps fluctuating too,up 4 down 2 up 3 down 1;;lord it is never ending ..so here i am turned 1 oclock and have eaten nothing :lac: i know this makes matters worse,but the old habits just kick in:weep: before the easter hols i ws in such a good routine..imust get back there!!Well done everyone for doing so well.Hey coni i was the same the other day...i thought am i about to drop dead:huh: i had only walked about 20 yards!!:shrug: I will go and have a salad sarnie:flowers: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxx

11-04-07, 17:09
before the easter hols i ws in such a good routine..imust get back there!!
Easter threw my diet plan out too. You can get back on track. I was determined only to eat fruit from now on but I've seen sense and am back to regular eating.

Having breakfast could help you know or how about a smoothie if you cannot face eating something?

Mirry - Glad you managed to get out of the weight obsession. Being trapped in a world of eating disorders is no fun at all. It gets to the point where there seems no way out.

Karen xx

11-04-07, 23:44
hi mirry, well my first attempt was pathetic but i did it again today about 4pm and already i cant walk up and down stairs... think i'll be doing nothing but laying on the beach tomorrow... its a good workout though, except i couldn't do all the squatting at the end cos my knees are really weaka and hurt loads...

12-04-07, 10:01
LOL honeybee, It is hard at first to adjust isnt it. Keep doing it ,it does get easier in time. Just think how good it is for you and your burning all those calories. I got myself some skinny cow Ice cream lollys, they are really nice and low fat.


12-04-07, 11:45
Seem to be back on course now and I am wearing a dress over my jeans that last year fitted really really snuggly at the thighs and this year it's much looser!! Hurrah!!

Piglet :flowers:

12-04-07, 12:03
I am also overweight, I put so much weight on during my 2 pregnancies and never lost it. (60pounds)
I tried so many diets Weight Watchers etc, but nothing helped. I always lost a few pounds and put them back on again.:wacko:
Now I found myself a new GP and she is also a nutrition consultant (don't know if this is the right word for it). She is very nice and also a mum of 3 and she is supportive. What she told me (I hope you will understand this) ist a diet is absolutely useless, unless you are planning to stay on it forever. Because once you start getting back to your old routine, you will put weight on again.

She told me to change when I am eating and the size of the portions. It is important to only have 3 meals a day instead of the 5. She said that the body would produce insulin once you eat something and that will stop the fat burning.....
So what I have been doing during the last 2 weeks is eating 3xday. And between the meals I have to drink 2-3 litres of water or tee. In the mornings I am allowed to eat the most, for lunch less than in the mornings and just a bit in the evenings. If you want to have chocolate, fruit, crisps etc. just eat them after breakfast or lunch. I try to eat less fat and low sugar stuff but I can still have all the things I want. Needless to say I am not eating chocolate every day.:winks:

I lost a few pounds already and still didn't miss out on anything!

Maybe this could work for some of you!

12-04-07, 13:00
oh i agree... its a life style change... before i was agoraphobic i was doing about 16,000 steps a day, now i do about 5,000.... not good... so i'm trying to do at least 10,000 a day now...

when i was so active i could easily eat desserts and not put any weight on but because of the lack of exercise i do now i've decided to cut them out of my diet... i've never really believed in diets...

to be honest, rather than lose weight i'd just be happy to tone up because even though im not huge i'm just all flab which isnt too attractive. i wanna get fit too.. i started smoking again last october-ish and i find i get out of breath just walking up the stairs now, which is disgusting really, anyway im in the process of giving up so hopefully i'll start to fel fitter soon....

as for drinking water, i dont drink enough but i do know how amazing it is to drink 8 glasses a day... i made an effort to a couple of years ago and my skin was glowing from drinking so much water...

13-04-07, 08:41
Hi Hila, thanks for the tips,sounds like your doing well on it let us know how u continue.

As for me I weighed myself again an still no weight loss !!! I just cant understand it, Ive followed the slimming world diet perfectly, Infact Ive had less than I can eat and yet I still havent lost anything.

Thinking of seeing GP if it continues.
Hope your all doing well.

13-04-07, 10:19
I would lose more weight by doing some sport. But with me an my heart anxiety I don't like to move at all..................:lac:
But I found a place where they do cardio fitness. (for the heart) I will try that first and I would like to start swimming again.

13-04-07, 10:44
Hila - I used to be scared about exercising because of my heart etc, so I invested in a little trampolene (rebounder). I got the best quality one I could buy a couple of years ago and it is still used regularly now!!

When I first got it I just jogged gently for about 2 mins and now I've built that upto 20 mins. I put my most funky music on and jog for about 4 or 5 songs. I do try and do this as often as poss and I've found it's the least anxious cardio exercise I've tried so far.

Piglet :flowers:

13-04-07, 11:52
Hi hila,very sensible advice!!I have yo-yoed up and down for years with my weight and now it wont shift:weep: yesterday i was 3pounds lighter than today!!!And i did not cheat either:weep: I stick to healthy food and watch my portion control too,i too have a lot of weight to lose,5 stone[6 to be perfect!!]i do lean towards weight watchers as it is low in saturated fat,which is bad for us.I hope you do well on your new eating plan.Well done piglet ,i bet you look lovely in your outfit hun:flowers: I have a litle trampoline thing too...gathering dust in the cupboard:blush: maybe i will get it out:) Karen,:hugs: thanks for the smoothie idea but i cant bear the texture of them ,i'd rather havre a tomatoe:blush: :) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-04-07, 12:04
Hey did anyone see GMTV ? they say there has been found a fat gene, if you have been passed this gene from one parent it increases your chances of having weight problems and if you have been passed this gene from both parents then you have a 70% MORE chance of having weight problems.

I found it interesting, both my nans had weight problems, infact one of my nans was obese all her life. Both my parents are overweight , my mum is about 3 stone overweight and my dad about 1.5 stone.
At one point my mum got really obese .

Now, my husband is skinny, he eats so much and nothing makes him gain, also his mother is the same ...shes 7.5 stone so I belive it does run in familys.

13-04-07, 17:17
I was reading about the herbal pill called Adios, you know the one that has that annoying advert .

On its website it says that it stimulates the thyroid gland therefore speeding up weight loss. So I went to my local chemist to buy some today it cost £9.95 so it was adios to my money !!!!

Then I popped into superdrug and it was £8.95 in there (annoyed).

Will take one with each meal to see if it helps.

13-04-07, 18:09
I can only warn you taking this stuff. I just had my thyroid removed because I was hyper als the time. I also lost 40 pounds during that time. But the other symptoms were a nightmare. Anxiety, panic, hairloss, sweating, very fast heartbeat, moodswings etc.

Never play with your thyroid levels!!!!!:ohmy:
And to tell you something else, some people don't lose any weight with an overstimulated thyroid. But your body will not thank you for this.


13-04-07, 18:19
Hila, it cant be that bad if you can buy it over the counter ?
My doctor suspected I have an underactive thyroid but the tests came back negative, Adios is just simple herbs that you can buy here in the uk, its nothing serious, its harmless.

13-04-07, 18:28
Doesn' sound harmless to me?! Is there a website I could find that adios?

Take care

PS: Sorry didn' want to be rude!:flowers:

13-04-07, 20:02
I was reading about the herbal pill called Adios, you know the one that has that annoying advert .

On its website it says that it stimulates the thyroid gland therefore speeding up weight loss. So I went to my local chemist to buy some today it cost £9.95 so it was adios to my money !!!!
Ahem!!! Didn't we have this discussion about diet pills :ohmy:

I realise how desperate someone can be to lose weight and how appealing it is to try these pills. The ones from shops probably are not as dangerous as some available out there but one thing can lead to another and before you know it using pills becomes an obsession in itself.

I wasn't going to mention this because I didn't/don't want to cause alarm but yesterday I had what I considered a 'binge'. To me it was a binge. I felt I had gained loads of weight. I was distressed and I panicked.

So, I took a dangerous type of diet pill, along with something else, spent the whole day being sick and feeling like death warmed up. It has been pointed out that I could have died. When I developed an eating disorder I started with pills from the High Street, and I am not saying any of you will develop an eating disorder, but I am just pointing out where it can lead.

I have just spent the afternoon in casualty being checked out because I could've done some serious harm to myself.

Please be careful :hugs:

Karen xx

13-04-07, 21:05
ok so why didn't you ring me after this "binge" :shrug: what with getting the good news you had as well, talking to me might have helped, any way are you okay and none of this lark about "I didn't want to worry you" am extremely worried now and everything was looking so positive.:weep:

Okay so now I will stop nagging and send you lots of TLC:hugs:

13-04-07, 23:23
Hi Stargazer

ok so why didn't you ring me after this "binge" :shrug: what with getting the good news you had as well, talking to me might have helped
I don't have any excuses except I am always so ashamed when I binge, even if some others don't consider this to be a proper binge. I also was not thinking clearly and haven't been all week really due to the health problem I told you about and also severe lack of sleep. I went into automatic punishment mode :blush:

any way are you okay and none of this lark about "I didn't want to worry you" am extremely worried now and everything was looking so positive.:weep:
Sorry you are worried and upset. I've been checked and everything is fine. It was just a precaution sending me to casualty because of what I took in order to purge. Please don't worry. My GP knows all about it and I am feeling more positive again today.

The reason I posted what I had done to myself on this thread was because I wanted to warn others of the dangers of starting to use diet pills, even ones that 'seem' harmless. It can get out of hand.

Okay so now I will stop nagging and send you lots of TLC:hugs:
Thanks hun :bighug:

Karen xx

14-04-07, 00:02
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Karen.

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-04-07, 09:53
Karen dont worry I would never take anything else, to be honest I didnt know if I should try Adios but as Id dieted and excersized for 2 weeks with out any loss I decided to try it. I only took 1 tablet with my lunch yesturday and didnt bother with my dinner cos I started feeling put off about them.
Anyway I weighed myself this morning and have lost 2.5lb !!!
feel this isnt down to 1 pill tho, this is down to my diet.
Karen you really shouldnt of taken a pill , I dont understand anorexia
but hope you feel that you can talk to us about it.

take care xxx

Hilda, yes there is an Adios website which tells you all about it, it gives list of ingredients and all the info you need.

14-04-07, 13:43
Karen you really shouldnt of taken a pill , I dont understand anorexia but hope you feel that you can talk to us about it.

I know I shouldn't but there are dangers for everyone. I explained what happened to me as a warning to where it can lead.

Mirry, I am glad you've decided against taking the pills

Piglet - Thank you mate :flowers: :hugs:

Karen xx

16-04-07, 07:18
Put my Jeans on this morning and they feel quite loose "YES" "YES" !!!!
But im not weighing myself , dont know how long I can hold out tho, my face looks a little slimmer too. Still a long way to go but I can do it.


16-04-07, 09:43
Well I am pleased this morning - Monday morning is weigh day for me and I have lost another pound. I thought with Easter and the school hols if I could just not gain any I would have done well, so to lose another pound especially when it puts you in a lower stone category is great.:yesyes:

I do feel my clothes are looking much better and my current weight places me nicely in the middle of the normal weight range for my height. I think if I wanted to I could still lose another stone and be still in the range but I think another 5lb's should do it.

The only downside is I think as you get older it can be quite ageing to lose too much - I definately think my face looks a bit older now, so I guess you have to strike a balance don't you.

Mirry I am going over to the craft thread in a mo cos I want to ask your advice please.

Love Piglet :flowers:

16-04-07, 11:44
Firstly Karen ,i am sosorry you had a panic and harmed yourself hun:hugs: food and all it entails can be hell:weep: Monday is my wiegh in day too,and tueaday ,wdnesday..you get the picture:blush: :weep: well it's amonth now and i am back up to 16 stone:weep: :weep: :weep: i ate toomuch the last 3 days and so all the weight has gone back on:weep: :weep: :weep: i went to the sea side for my other halves birthday and we had a picnic.Then for tea i had burger and chips:weep: then yesterday for tea i had fish and chips:lac: :lac: :weep: i then went on to danger overload[it happens when i eat bad food ,i binge on rubbish ],l feel so disgusted with myself that i stuff my face with anything and cry at the same time:lac: :weep: :weep: i wish i could sick it all back up,cant even do that properly:lac: .I may leave this thread as i feel i am a pain .,moaning all the time ,i hav e a severe problem with food,maybe this is not the right place for me..soz guys feel sooooo sad today.:weep: :weep: :weep: I do think itis wonderfuul for you all tho for losing weight and keeping food in a healthier mind set than i will ever be able to do.I am a huge lard ball with no value to man nor beast.:weep: :weep: :weep:Love Fat Paddie .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-04-07, 14:40
Oh Paddie hun don't you dare leave this thread :lac: .

I totally relate to the whole eating bingeing then feeling upset at the weight gain as this is what I was doing last year.

Even at Easter I ate nearly a whole box of fudge so it would be over and done with and then I could get back to proper eating the next day - that's a bit mad isnt it.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

16-04-07, 16:05
Paddington, please dont leave this thread, youve had a blip but you can bounce back...dont punish yourself for what has already happened, you cant change the past but you can change the future by your actions TODAY.

This thread is all about the good and the bad, so we can all be here to support each other. Another thing, if you like chips then Ive got a slimmingworld alternative, you can eat burger chips and still loose weight !!!!

Please dont go


16-04-07, 16:41
Ok here it is PADDINGTON ....

Burger and chips (eat as much as you want and loose weight)

Slice your potatos into chip shapes and boil in water for 5 mins.
Drain , then place them onto a baking sheet, spray them alot with fry light spray (I soak them) then pop them into the oven for approx 40 mins .

For the burgers, quorn burgers are fat free, just pop them onto the baking tray for 15 mins.

serve with baked bean or salad.

Followed by chopped up fruit and a lovely muller light yogurt.

16-04-07, 18:10
Oooh liking the sound of that Mirry hun.

Piglet :flowers:

16-04-07, 20:54
One of the big secrets for weight loss is do not punish yourself. eat sensibley, nothing after 7 at night. Always eat breakfast, it fills you up till lunch time. If you must snack between meals eat fruit, but be careful, bannanas have a lot of calories in them. Water fruits like black berries etc are best. Cut out cheese and stop drinking. If you must have tea or coffee dont use milk. On the subject of the milk use fully skimmed, you will soon adjust to its taste and soon other milks will taste oily. Drink plenty of water, water fills you up and also keeps the bodies fluids under control. Exercise, dont go daft , walk every where, power walk if you can. Do something everyday, however, make it a different something or the body becomes used that exercise and stores up fats to cope with it. Get plenty of sleep. Dont make a diet the meaning of life. use a smaller plate, grill dont fry, chicken and fish are two of the best meats to have, If you have sardines, put em on toast and then grill them avoid sauces like ketchup and brown sauce, its like eating pure sugar thats been coloured and had a tatse added. just be sensible, look for gradual weight loss that way you will be able to maintain it.

How do I know this method works, easy, if you remember just over a year ago i was very depressed and suicidal, my weight went through the roof. Using the regime outlined above I lost 6 stone in 9 months. More importantly from a female point of view I lost it of the waist and hips very fast, my tape measure was to long after the first week. Fiannlay resist the usrge to measure and weigh yourself except for bi weekly. The difference will be a good confidence boost.


16-04-07, 22:27
Top post Keith - thanks hun, lots to digest there if you pardon the pun!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

16-04-07, 22:50
Hi Keith

I agree with most of it except .....

"nothing after 7 at night. "

That is just not possible for me cos of the hours I work and if I ate that early I would start snacking again.

I see a dietician and she said as long as I eat 2 hours before bed I will be fine.

Alex and I usually eat at 8.30 pm

16-04-07, 22:55
I have discovered a serious downside of all this fruit and veg ! I can't keep off the loo.

I eat fruit for breakfast and lunch is usually a salad with some meat or another cos I can't eat wheat and I SOOOO miss a sarnie.

Spent most of today on the loo and this is the norm for me - too much fruit and veg and salad.

I see a dietician and we are trying to work through it but it is so laborious and trial and error!

Any tips for breakfast and lunch that aren't fruit or wheat based?

17-04-07, 07:48
Nic, I avoid yeast which is in bread so make myself something like a sweet potato for lunch or corn / rye crackers.
How about a fry up for breakfast? all made with fry light (no fat).....

Also are there cereals without wheat ?
Do rice crispies have wheat in it ?

Also how about flapjacks as a treat ?

Its not easy following a restricted diet, your dietician should have some ideas for you, they are usually really good. When my son was 2 he was on a severe restricted diet avoiding milk/egg/beans/nuts/fish/egg/wheat it was a nightmare ,but the dieticians gave him some energy drinks and lots of top tips.

17-04-07, 10:08
Thanks Guys:hugs: thanks for the recipe too Mirry..i am not a big chip fan oddly enuff:wacko: well I AM...but only allow myslf thigs like that bout 4 times a year,soooo when i go on a bender..i gain very easily:lac: a pain ,but i have caused my problems by not eating then over eating .Thanks for the support tho,guys it means sooooo much:) Kieth wow!What can i say!!That is a very restrictive diet mate!!NO BOOZE:w00t2: ....SCAREY!Seriosly tho,you have done a fab job,you must feel wonderful..i will read thru your diet again slowly:) Now, i will have some breakfast,i am so bad at eating during the day,i must break the habit:mad: and go for a stroll on my treadmill..oh have to tell you guys i put it onto a programme and OH MY GOD...i had to jump off:wacko: My legs were going so fast and i couldn't keep up..mmmm wont be doing that again..baby steps aye!!:flowers: OOOHyou must try cauldron 's musheroom burgers!!Divine in a pitta bread with salad,very healthy version of a kebab!!!Thanks again you guys:hugs: Love Paddie[padded and proud!!:) ]

17-04-07, 11:50
Nic - would gluten free bread be any good as a substitute??

What about a visit to your local health food shop and see about the above or other breads made from maybe oats or something. I could knit you a loaf!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

17-04-07, 14:07
or make your own bread nic, have you got a bread maker ?

Paddington, well done getting on the treadmill.
You wont belive this but my aerobics has left me with a sprained ankle !!!!
Did it last night and my ankle hurt all the way thru it but stupidly I carried on (desperate to loose weight) then in the night I couldnt sleep with the pain,this morning I walked my daughter to school (well hopped) then went to work for 2 hours, then to my sons school to collect holiday forms then to the shop (the shops another story see my next post), now my ankle has swollen up !!! Sitting here with feet up and hubby doing school run.

Bloody excersize is sometimes more trouble than its worth , thought it was meant to be good for me ?

17-04-07, 15:32
Oh mirry hun,i dont believe it:ohmy: it is easily done i guess,like stressing the little bones that are not used to the strain:blush: i do hope you get better very soon hun:flowers: erm,i never got to the treadmill,:blush: but have moved about more in general today.will that do:huh: ....yes Nic do try pitta breads and wraps too,i had a wrap with felafels and salad for lunch and it was yummy:) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-04-07, 16:27
How are we all doing ? I had a blip last night cos hubby got me a chinese takeaway !!! I couldnt cook cos my ankle hurt to much but today its alot better. I have made up some turkey mince burgers for the first time ever, and will be cooking them on my george forman grill served in a bun with salad.

Only 8 days till I go away on holiday for 5 days, so hoping i can loose a couple of pounds by then. We are going to Devon and will be using the swimming pool !!!! Any one know what type of swimwear is most flattering ?

18-04-07, 16:44
Hi All

Mirry - Glad your ankle is a bit better.

Nic - What about eggs for breakfast? Or porridge?

Paddie - How's it going?

Karen xx

18-04-07, 17:09
Any one know what type of swimwear is most flattering ?

I favour a full length Kaftan meself mate! :yesyes:

Nah seriously though I would wear a cossie and then have a sarong wrapped round the lower half until you go in the water that is. I tell you what though hun I see all sizes and shapes on the beach and they don't care, which makes me think good on ya!!

Piglet :flowers:

18-04-07, 20:26
thats true Piglet, Ive got myself a lovely lady shaver that has a binkini line attatchment ,lol. Im so proud.

18-04-07, 23:05
:shades: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

19-04-07, 07:11
any smoothie recipes people, thanks

19-04-07, 10:20
My favourite smoothie always has bananas as it's base and everything after that is optional.

High power smoothie for days I need a good energy boost

2 bananas
soya milk
handful of oats
tablespoon of crushed almonds

this maynot be low calorie but boy is it good for you and it takes me through to lunch time really well!!

Piglet :flowers:

19-04-07, 10:44
A full length kaftan:sign20: oh Piglet that has made me laugh hun:D I agree with the crossed over front cossy too and you can get them with a colour within a colour too,it gives the illusion of a small waist:) I have not worn a cossy since i was 32, then i wore a shirt over the top:blush: and i was only 10 stone!!I adore the sea,Mirry have a wonderful holiday in Devon,aint it divine!!I go to cornwall ,but will not go away again till i am slimmer,i spent the last hols crying on the beach:weep: i vowed,never again!!My sea attire consists of jeans rolled up or long skirt tucked in knickers!!!!What a lovely site aye gang!Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-04-07, 11:15
I think the victorian bathing cossies in this picture would be perfect for me :D


How in not really that many years did we go from that to thong bikinis! :shrug:

Mirry have a great holiday :yesyes:

Hi to everyone else :flowers:

Lisa x

19-04-07, 11:31
Oh how I would love to wear that sort of costume, after all ,the thong was surely invented by a man ?
I Like the smoothie recipe piglet, I will give it a go today.....Ive been very good so far today , had a yogurt and banana for breakfast but I will be meeting friends in the pub for lunch soon so must be careful what I choose.

19-04-07, 13:12
Lol at the costumes Lis - I really really like them!!

Piglet xx

19-04-07, 13:15
LJ:ohmy: YOU FOUND MY HOLIDAY PICS:ohmy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:roflmao: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-04-07, 13:19
OOH FORGOT!!Quorn peppered grills are only 108 cals each and make a fab burger!:yesyes: Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-04-07, 13:38
LJ:ohmy: YOU FOUND MY HOLIDAY PICS:ohmy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:roflmao: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lol. Funny we seems to have the same costumes eh!

I love quorn stuff but not tried the peppered grills, so will do sometime, thanks for that.

Lisa x

19-04-07, 13:44
I am the one in the brown cossy LJ:D !!Yep do try the grills ,igot them cause my musheroom burgers were sold out,but these are even less cals!!:yesyes: Paddiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-04-07, 15:55
paddy , how strange cos I picked up them burgers at iceland today before I read this post ! (Great minds).
Im sitting here feeling sleepy thinking I should do my excersizes, sigh.

23-04-07, 12:27
:blush: I went out today and had the worst dizziness that id had in years,
I was holding onto a wall , too frightened to take a step further:weep: ...
When I bent down to pick up my bags it felt scarey. So I come home and eat a big bag of maltesers :lac: .

I cant belive the dizziness came back:shrug: , I didnt sleep last night and when I did get to sleep at 4am I had a nightmare which really upset me.

feel crap !

23-04-07, 14:04
:blush: I So I come home and eat a big bag of maltesers :lac: .

Mirry I so love you - that is a really me thing to do aswell!!! :hugs:

The dizziness is really horrible isn't it - I get patches of this from time to time and I'm not keen at all!!!

I haven't lost a bean this week but not gained anything either and definatley do feel better at this weight than heavier - so onwards and upwards I think.

Big hugs pumpkin and I hope you feel better as the day goes on.

Piglet :flowers:

23-04-07, 14:47
Although I don't need to lose any weight, I do need to maintain my present weight and I have found that the older I get the harder it is to keep the same. I feel like I am on a constant diet to be honest :weep:

I bought myself a treadmill back in October and push myself to power walk 4 miles a day, but some days it's really hard as I don't sleep very well and am constantly tired. Like others on here I am going through the menopause and I have found that makes it all much harder.

At the moment I am 7st but I'm only just 5ft so that's about the right weight for my height. I do try to eat healthily but I do love chocolate and at the weekend I bought a couple of huge Toblerones as they were on a 'buy one get one free' offer in Woolworths. I had actually bought them both for my married son but my partner decided to start eating one of them :ohmy: Now every time I go into the kitchen I eat a bit, then I feel guilty for doing that :blush:

23-04-07, 17:07
Thanks for the support Piglet, when my husband came home from work....I quickly ran to the bin to try to hide the evidence ,lol.
I cant get over how bad the dizziness was, I thought I was going to die !
I lay down in bed for 30 mins and fell asleep for 10 mins, then woke up in a panic. Ive been having sleep problems for the past 6 months now and think its my hormones.
Alabasterlyn, at 7 stone and 5 ft, you really have nothing to worry about (you must be at the lower range for your ideal weight,,, do you think the sleep problems are related to hormone problems ?)
I really wish I had your control, I am 5 ft 1 " and weigh about 10st 5lb !!!!!
mind you I havent weihed myself for over a week now and have been good apart from today so hopefully I am less now, cos my clothes feel looser this week.

23-04-07, 18:12
OOH mirrry that is nasty the dizzy thing..were you low in sugar or is it your hormones ..oh do we ever know???It's good to keepsomr seeds in as they are a slow release food so if your sugars are not right it should help keepthe dizziness at bay..i had a dizzy in the asda...why??because i had not eaten all day:blush: Well after all the walkin over the weekend [the midlands meet up]and eatin really normally,i aint lost a bean AGAIN!!!:mad: But Meg told me i cant count my fat weight on the scales as it's mixed with all the lymph fluid weight ...oh that made me feel so much better:D so i ate the hot dog she bought me and did not feel guilty at all:D first one in years and it was delicious!!!Erm i did smile at the buy one get one free toblerone:D But you should not feel guilty as you are not overweight and guilt is destructive and with food down right dangerous:ohmy: Mirry feel well soon hun.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxx

23-04-07, 18:40
Alabasterlyn, do you think the sleep problems are related to hormone problems ?)

Hi mirry, yes I do think my sleep problems are hormone related. I don't take HRT as I'm too scared and I haven't had a proper nights sleep since I started getting hot flushes when I was 47. I am now 52 and although the hot flushes are not as bad as they were they still wake me up at night.

23-04-07, 19:03
hi, if you are wanting to slim, then make sure you are doing it for yourself and not because you feel you are being pressured into it by other poeple.
weight doesnt mean anything.
Good look with what ever path you choose to take.
*big hugs*

23-04-07, 20:03
:D Ah Adam that is nice of you ,good coming from a fella too:hugs: oh alabaster do i know where you are coming from,i have then too,tropical moments:blush: i do take hrt tho,not all the time ,they tell you different stories all the time dont they..have you tried alternatives,they do help some folk:) Nice to meet you ..enjoy your toblerone :) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-04-07, 20:12
It's good to keepsomr seeds in as they are a slow release food so if your sugars are not right it should help keepthe dizziness at bay..
Yes, seeds are good. Bananas are another food that is good for slow releasing sugar.

Chocolate raises blood sugar very quickly but also triggers a quick release of insulin which sends blood sugar back down again much more quickly than a slow release food like banana or a handful of nuts and seeds.

Oops I shouldn't really be here again :blush:

Karen x

24-04-07, 06:59
Paddington, I dont know why I was so dizzy.....
I hadnt slept the night before so was very tierd, and I ate a muller light yogurt for breakfast (not very filling).
But I know my hormones are already up the shoot and Im 39 years old this august, had my hormones done last year and I am perimenopausal.
My mum had her menopause at 47 and my nan was 39 years old....
I think this is why my weight is changing.

Ive had some night sweats lately but think this was cos it was hot and not because of my hormones :shrug: .

Last night I took a nytol pill and slept very deeply all night :yesyes: but I am already worried if I will get dizzy when I have to go to work today:blush: .

24-04-07, 14:44
Oh Mirry hun,we are the same i was early going into the menapause too 39 in fact!!So it could be hormonal OR anxiety..try not to dwell on it hun..that is what i try to do..a horrid feeling tho ,i know:lac: Hellooooo Karen:) hey hun when you are giving sound advice to help others it is good you come here hun:D just ensure you are taking your own advice:flowers: Had a poached egg today?????:) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxps you know the oily fish thing..good for you but high in cals ..get smoked trout from the chiller as a treat..i have it with loads of salad leaves...low in cals and points if you follow weight watchers....have looked at new pics of meet up and i dont like what i see:weep: :weep: what does the song say..the tears of a clown..when there's no-one around:lac: Soz guys bad image day today.Love Padie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24-04-07, 16:05
have looked at new pics of meet up and i dont like what i see :weep:

Well I don't know what you see but I see a fresh clear face, with beautiful skin and shiny hair - plus a well stylish chick with a grand taste in jewellery. Now shuddup a ya face funky lady and go and play with your crystals!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

24-04-07, 18:03
Hellooooo Karen:) hey hun when you are giving sound advice to help others it is good you come here hun:D just ensure you are taking your own advice:flowers: Had a poached egg today?????
Hmm... not today. I've been resting and haven't felt like going out - have no eggs until I brave the supermarket :blush:

I had fresh fruit with a few Bran Flakes for breakfast.

have looked at new pics of meet up and i dont like what i see:weep: :weep: what does the song say..the tears of a clown..when there's no-one around:lac: Soz guys bad image day today
Aww Paddie :hugs: Remember it's a distorted view of yourself being reflected back at you and not reality. You are a lovely, caring lady and you are very stylish and pretty. I do understand it is hard to see that for yourself so can you believe what we tell you? :hugs:

Karen xx

24-04-07, 20:39
where r the pics ?

24-04-07, 20:41
The pics are in Gallery - look at the top menu.

Karen x

24-04-07, 23:03
Well I don't know what you see but I see a fresh clear face, with beautiful skin and shiny hair - plus a well stylish chick with a grand taste in jewellery.

Wow that was word for word what I thought too Paddie :yesyes:

Lisa x

25-04-07, 09:57
thats where i looked but couldnt find them ...
got some sweet potatos for lunch, Im getting desperate to loose more weight , ive got to go in a swimming pool in 2 days time !!! HELP.

25-04-07, 10:20
:roflmao: Oh Piglet that did make me laugh,go play with your crystals,ha ha ha ha.i must admit i do like my jewellery:blush: all healing in some way tho,maybe not to my bank balance tho,ha ha ha:ohmy: You are all so very kind and it does help me ,but a Karen says ,if your self image is damaged it can be very hard to alter it..but hey Karen hun,we can try together:hugs: your fruit and cereal sounds fab,good on you kid,oh and Adam says when are you comIng again?He is determined you come out for a pint and a kebab!!!!What is he like?:D No,but he said anytime you fancy a weekend away he will take us to all the lovely local places..aint that lovely:) Oh Mirry make sure you are geting enough to eathun,it wont help your dizziness if you go too low on the carbs hun.:lac: Do you like fish at all..very good low cal protien option for the final two day dash:) have it with steamed veg and a few new spuds..i crush them lightly and put balsamic vinigar[just a drop or two]and fresh basil in!Yummy:D Love Paddie.xxxxx

25-04-07, 10:31
Mirry you just go to the gallery and then select which section you want to look at. The recent photos are on the Meetup's page under the Midlands map - just click on the Midlands meetup and then you'll see loads of pics.

I ate a bag of malteasers last night and thought :yesyes: and then thought :weep: and then did a bit of rationalizing and thought :yesyes: again!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-04-07, 11:16
LOL Piglet, thats great, I had 2 people say to me yesturday that I looked slimmer (YES A RESULT) but Ive stil some way to go, Im not weighing myself still , just excersize and eating healthy.

Im not going to go mad whilst on holiday, I will eat sensibly or I will regret it.
We leave tomorrow afternoon and Im feeling anxious about it.

25-04-07, 11:32
It's great when you start to see a little difference - it motivates you to continue doesn't it.

Love Piglet :flowers: