View Full Version : Waiting for the crash

01-06-16, 20:03
Ok people. Day 10 on cit and I am feeling much better today. Head is clearer and little arm adrenaline. Took 2 x propranolol this morning at 10am but still feeling ok at 8pm. Have these tablets started to work at last or will I come down with a bang tomorrow. Yesterday I was a wreck today totally different. Feeling hopeful after 10 days of hell.

01-06-16, 20:31
Sounds like the side effects are starting to subside Andy. You will have good and bad days but very gradually the good days should outweigh the bad.

Please don't be disheartened if you wake up feeling like crap tomorrow either, I'm almost 2 months in and still have bad days. I've just had 2 bad ones after 3 good ones and I've got used to it now. I think to myself that if I didn't have bad days then I wouldn't be able to appreciate the good ones so much!

01-06-16, 20:51
I've just had 3 bad days after some good days they get u down but I then remember the good days I've had and that makes me feel better always thinking tomorrow will be a good day and try and stay positive xx