View Full Version : Can anxiety/stress affect memory?

01-06-16, 20:25
I'm worried because I seem to be forgetting a lot of things lately. Yesterday I had an appointment at the doctor that I completely forgot about even though I remembered it on Monday. Then I'm always losing things like my car keys and my purse. And quite often I go upstairs to get something only to forget what it was by the time I've got up there, and then I have to come back downstairs to remind myself!

I'm sure I wasn't this bad before the anxiety started, but I'm also going through the menopause so perhaps it is all connected? Either that or I'm losing the plot!

01-06-16, 21:30
100% anxiety can effect your memory.
All the best.

01-06-16, 22:20
Yes I believe anxiety comes with memory issues. I experience similar on a regular basis.

01-06-16, 22:34
Anxiety does a really good job of distracting you from the things you're doing too, concentration suffers.

01-06-16, 23:04
Thank you everyone. It is just what I wanted to hear and it has reassured me that I'm not losing the plot :winks:

02-06-16, 11:49
I am the same with memory and anxiety. It's so frustrating.
I buy things twice on a regular basis as I forget where I put things:mad:

02-06-16, 12:43
Yep I'm with you lot on the bad memory it's a running joke in my family that I forget we're I'm going when I take them somwhere like shopping I just drive past , I've also been buying in double cleared out my wardrobe and there where matching pairs of jeans I can't remember buying , I've also got a nagging worry that I've forgot somthing or should be somwhere when I haven't basically trying to remember things I haven't even forgot , take care all

03-06-16, 22:36
Don't worry :-). Although I hane no idea whether it is the anxiety or the meds, my memory is shot now. For work I write everything down in the online task system - things I need to remember can be the result of a 1hr meeting with 5 people ... Sometimes it is only when
I review the tasks next morning that I even remember something today that happened yesterday. Was never like this before!

04-06-16, 15:19
I have to tell you, I am getting worse. It's no joke.
I am a big worrier of checking. Bedtime I stay up to check that all is well.
Doors locked, taps of lights etc. I am always late getting to bed.
Yesterday morning I went shopping with hubby , usual groceries.
I am a slow person. eating, walking everything I do is slow.
Anyway I knew my husband would be getting impatient, so I rushed.
Got back home. did not go upstairs until about 11.45pm.
What was that smell??? I had left my hair straighteners on in the spare bedroom!! They had been on all day!!! we have a downstairs loo, so not been upstairs, and my husband has no sense of smell. I dare not tell him. They had singed the duvet cover which is white. OMG. I am thinking. What if we had gone away or something???
This is ME who always checks everything. Not good at all. sent my anxiety through the roof. :ohmy:

04-06-16, 17:19
Of, I've done that loads of times with my hair straighteners Magic. :ohmy:
And, I am like you, forever checking everything.
I have to, because Mr C is the absolute worst.
I found the car keys in the fridge one day.
He also drives straight past a place we are going to.
And he seems to hoard keys of all sorts in his pockets..........:D

I think tiredness which anxiety can cause, effects this.

04-06-16, 17:29
I have exactly the same problem - sure it's a combination of anxiety and the dreaded menopause! x

05-06-16, 04:32
I have exactly the same problem - sure it's a combination of anxiety and the dreaded menopause! x

I've had my fair share of "head up my bum" days too.

:ohmy:I'm going into menopause?!!! :ohmy: (well maybe men-o-pause :D)

05-06-16, 08:26
I believe it's now called the andropause, Terry!:D

07-06-16, 02:03
100% anxiety can effect your memory.
All the best.


its so ridiculously obvious as well
like sometimes when im being told something, im so eager and concerned with saying my bit so that they will be ``okay and not angry at me``

that if they asked me to repeat what they had said, i would have no idea

anxiety clouds your memory

Also, medication is a culprit too

I was on 40mg citolopram

and now on 20mg my memory is still not perfect but 80 per cent better, definatly!