View Full Version : Period change - ladies, is this okay?

02-06-16, 09:53
Hey there,

It has been a while since I last posted, but I am back with a question. I am a twenty-one year old woman.

Before I get to my main question, I should say that I have suffered from an eating disorder (Anorexia) for the past eight years. It has improved in the past few months as I have finally accepted gaining necessary weight to become healthy again. A result of this weight gain - my periods have returned to being regular (although I never lost my period completely whilst very underweight).

Okay, so my main reason for being here is to ask if a cycle change is okay? Before, when my periods were regular to the very dot of 4 weeks (started at twelve), I was a healthy weight and healthy in general. As mentioned above, around the age of 14 I developed eating issues, so for the past eight years my periods have become slightly irregluar (be it that they were non-existent for five months, or regular every four to six weeks before changing again).

So now I am healthier, although still around a stone underweight by health guidelines recommendations for my height, my periods have been coming every month for the past five months. However, they're shorter than they were before, with my cycle now being every three weeks instead of four - 21 or 22 day cycle instead of what I had before at 28 days.

Is this okay for a cycle to shorten by a few days to just above three weeks? I had a look, and everywhere says that 21 day cycles are considered normal, and I don't have any other changes (pain, heavy bleeding, long bleeding times, fever) from what I have ever had.

I do worry about my health obsessively, so this is obviously playing on my mind even though I have read that cycles can change and it is okay so long as no other serious signs occur alongside it.

I also know I need to take into account the fact that eight years of messed up hormones, severe weight loss issues, and an unhealthy body/mind has probably played a role in my period changes - also that my cycle may have naturally shortened to 21/22 days if I'd remained healthy anyway.

So, to get to the point, should I be concerned?

I feel like I am a bit calmer about this than I would have been before because I am still in the 'normal' guidelines for periods without any other issues with it, and I always tell myself that it is impossible for me to ever know now whether this was my 'normal' (what should have been normal if I remained healthy) after years of either having no periods or having irregular periods.

I had blood tests done a few months ago for just about everything, mainly to check how my body was after an eating disorder becoming less severe, and all was fine besides my iron being a little low.

Sorry for the waffling. Any advice or similar experiences would be much appreciated! Thanks :)

02-06-16, 11:53

I have also had this due to being underweight/eating issues. I have had every single weird thing with my periods over the past few years and I've always been told it's just because your body is adapting to how much food you fuel it. For a while I had periods every 3 and a bit weeks and they were really light, it after a while this changed and then they changed back to once a month but became super heavy! So it's definitely normal for all different changes especially with being a low weight.

02-06-16, 12:20
Thank you so much for your reply - it has really helped ease my mind on the issue.

I knew gaining some weight would help with getting my period regularly once again, but after so long, it is strange I guess.

Thanks again :D