View Full Version : Neck gland swollen on ONE side only?

02-06-16, 13:31
Hey there - second post today, but I have to get it all out. I am a twenty-one year old woman, who doesn't smoke or drink at all.

Basically, for perhaps the last week (maybe just under) I have had a crazy, itchy/aggravated throat and ears which I can assume is down to seasonal allergies like I get yearly. I haven't been sleeping well for the past few days either, due to the weather, or just random alertness which is probably also down to anxiety.

Anyway, I have noticed in the last few days that my neck feels slightly odd (a bit tight or stiff) on the right side mainly, and after checking, it feels like my neck gland/s on the right side are slightly swollen/larger than on the other side. The main areas are directly under my jaw line down from my ear, and a little way down my neck near the centre (unless that is some muscle etc.)

I had a check in the mirror too, flexing my neck, and I can't really see any swelling or bumps that stand out - of course, having HA I think I can see one side being bigger, which I think it is a LITTLE. But I am trying not to stress myself out about this too much, and keep telling myself to wait until I take some medication for allergies/ rest better to see if it goes down.

Obviously the fear I have is of Lymphoma or some other form of cancer/ tumour. I know how irrational HA is, but it does feel so real, and it is all I can think about. My mum and sister both say it is down to allergies, or a cold, or being stressed. But I've read before that allergies don't cause swelling of nodes? So that has me worried too. Plus, I wouldn't say my right side feels sore or tender either, which is another thing worrying me too, as that is a common thing with Lymphoma.

Should I be worried? (I am trying to relax as best I can)

Any advice would be much appreciated :) Thanks

03-06-16, 01:09
I also suffer from seasonal allergies and have also had a weird tightness in my neck on my right side. I feel around and notice a few tender spots as well. I'm trying not to flip out, but like you with HA it makes it hard not too! I'm saying it's our bodies fighting off something along w/ allergies!!

03-06-16, 01:33
Probably allergies. I had pink eye and my doctor said he could tell because of a certain bump in my neck. Your neck reacts a lot to different things. Hope you feel better, definitely get it checked out, your doctor will know for sure. No worries!