View Full Version : Bladder cancer fears.. help

02-06-16, 21:55
So I am once again going through hell. As a cancer survivor already (stage 1a melanoma caught early two years ago) my mind always instantly goes to dark places. Here is my story/symptoms.

A little over 2 weeks ago while on vacation in new orleans I started to have to urinate every 20 minutes. The only thing I could think of was the night before I drank heavily and had protected sex with my wife. We are both faithful. Urinating doesn't burn but but after peeing so much it started to burn after each time. I went to my dr. He did urine sample and blood work. Checked my prostate and said it felt okay. He gave me zinthromax antibiotic and sent me on my way. The urine sample showed no bacteria or infection. The only abnormal thing on it was a trace of protein in my urine.

The antibiotic seemed to help for a day or two but then it came back full force. My Dr referred me to a urologist but that app isn't until the 15th. Did another urine test this time my protein was 30 +1 and a trace of ketones in my urine. He gave me a different antibiotic which I just finished last night. Symptoms have improved slightly but it's still here. My blood work says my kidneys are fine and I don't have diabetes. But my urine is foamy and still happening more than usual. All std tests were negative.

All I can think of is bladder or kidney cancer or my stage 1 melanoma metastasing to them. Very unlikely I know but it's hard to shake. The 15th is so far away. I'm a 33 year old male. Quit smoking when I was 26. Just vape now. Anyone else have experience with this?

02-06-16, 22:19
I don't have experience with your particular issue but I do have extensive experience with "scanxiety" as I like to call it. I'm a Stage IV Head and Neck cancer survivor. I'm 3+ years NED but yeah, I get it.

I've had what I believe to be a lipoma on the right side of my back for years. It's deep inside right around the kidney area. The last month, I've had discomfort there pretty much 24/7 and it definitely appears the lump has gotten larger. I'm going to my doctor the 30th and I'll have him look at it. Most likely, it's just grown to the point that it's pressing on nerves and such and they'll probably have to remove it. BUT... that little nagging "what if" tip toes around my brain thinking that this is more than a lipoma. I just keep on holding onto the fact it's been there for years, use the CBT techniques I learned fighting some depression and "scanxiety", keep a positive attitude and always hope for the best ;)

Positive thoughts

02-06-16, 22:37
When I drink foreign liquids like the first time I had an energy drink, my body overly urinates for some reason. Lasts a week or two. Maybe that? Doubt you have cancer unless there is blood. And your test results are fine right?

03-06-16, 01:26
Yeah the tests had no blood.