View Full Version : I feel crazy

02-06-16, 23:28
This is embarrassing I have always had anxiety my whole life but lately how the anxiety is just awful . Four months ago I noticed that my left breast slightly. Once the doctor in a panic had a mammogram it turned out to be nothing . Then I ended up in emergency room about a week later with a problem with breathing and thought it was having a heart attack . The blood test showed a slight chance that I had a blood clot somewhere . They took an MRI of my lungs they couldn't be the first one because I was moving so much because of my anxiety . They gave me some Ativan and took another one picture that everything was fine . Since then I have thought about the cancer mouth cancer stomach cancer and brain tumors . The doctor is trying to work out my meds for depression anxiety . Until then I am just miserable and I making everyone around me miserable . My nine year old daughter is so tired me constantly thinking that I am sick . I feel so bad and guilty for the way I'm acting . Into appointment hard time functioning evening in the house and a daily basis . Every little aching pain I think I am dying of cancer or something like that . I just hope it gets better soon I don't know much longer I can take . Just wanted to life and spend time with my daughter . I hope it gets better soon tired of feeling like this. After my daughter goes to sleep at night I spend at least two hours checking the mayor for any little bump. I freak out if I find the littlest thing I'm so tired of feeling like this . I hope that someone can understand how I feel and maybe I can have someone to talk to hear that of always putting it on my family thank you hope everyone has a great night

02-06-16, 23:39
Oh believe me, Dale - everyone here can understand how you feel. But from what you wrote you have seen the doctor and he gave you an all clear on your exam. So long as you go for your routine checks you will be alright. Often times our HA is driven by just the normal stress of life...lack of sleep... If you are not try to get exercise, a better diet...you know overall healthy lifestyle. HA often dissipates over time...mine did. Oh, and please don't be embarrassed. Nothing is sacred here:)


03-06-16, 00:05
Thank you, nice to talk to people who understand.:)

03-06-16, 01:36
Please spend more time with your kid. Soon you can live happily ever after to see your child grow up. Talk to a therapist or get someone around here because you are definitely not alone. Feel good soon :blush:

08-06-16, 02:11