View Full Version : Need gift ideas for sister with anxiety!

03-06-16, 03:07
My sister is graduating from high school this month. She's not very social, she doesn't party, she's staying at home with our parents next year and going to college. Since I have no idea what to give her I was thinking an anxiety releif package. She doesn't have social anxiety like I do, she gets anxious when she's very stressed with homework and tests. I need ideas! Was thinking a sand garden she can play with or something! I'm open to ideas on what I can get to help her during hard times. Thanks in advance :)

03-06-16, 06:01
I reckon one of these...


:yesyes:...although this being NMP, I expect a Claire Weekes box set might get a mention at some point. :biggrin:

What's a sand garden? It sounds interesting. I noticed you said "play with" rather than "play in", for a minute I misread it and thought she might have been one of those child prodigies!

03-06-16, 13:18
Lol like a zen garden thing. It's a box or tray with sand and rocks you can decorate. I've tried to open her up to idea on how to deal with anxiety but she's not interested. I told her yoga and meditation would help her a lot when she's really worked up but she thinks it's silly and stupid. I like the punching bag idea!

04-06-16, 16:04
I'm going to make her 2 things. First is a box for her grad party for people to put in kind words or words of wisdoms and well wishes for her future. The second will be a shadow box with her tassel and cap and stuff pictures of her dog and neice. She likes to keep stuff like that so I think it would mean a lot to her :)

04-06-16, 17:22
http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Mfb9d628424c1f92e3de6dbb6e715dfaco0&w=301&h=172&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0 (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=big+drum+set&view=detailv2&&id=0CC3B9AB1FA210974561DA7E5D31EF8571C46180&selectedIndex=57&ccid=%2b51ihCTB&simid=607998165600570102&thid=OIP.Mfb9d628424c1f92e3de6dbb6e715dfaco0)

Of course your parents might disown you.

05-06-16, 05:44
Lol! She plays the flute. Ugh can't believe she's done with school already. Feels like yesterday she was going through my makeup!

05-06-16, 08:58
If she's in to Arts and Crafts anything creative really helps with anxiety. Even those adult coloring books are a great way to calm down. I find painting very therapeutic

05-06-16, 09:33
I'm going to make her 2 things. First is a box for her grad party for people to put in kind words or words of wisdoms and well wishes for her future. The second will be a shadow box with her tassel and cap and stuff pictures of her dog and neice. She likes to keep stuff like that so I think it would mean a lot to her :)

Those sound like very personal gifts, chosen and crafted with love. Things she will be able to keep and look back on as the years go by.

06-06-16, 01:42
Thanks. She's centimental so I can't think of anything more perfect then a snapshot of her final moments in high school. Maybe I'll throw some new markers and coloring books in there too :)

06-06-16, 05:32
Lol! She plays the flute. Ugh can't believe she's done with school already. Feels like yesterday she was going through my makeup!

Yeah, my sister said that about me...no, wait!!! :blush::D

The gifts sound like a really nice idea. Something personal that you create means far more than anything you buy (unless she really really wants that new pair of shoes :winks:) and says much more anyway. The sand garden sounds really nice too.

06-06-16, 13:29
Lol Terry your too funny�� We are 12 years apart so I really didn't like her until I got older and matured.