View Full Version : 2 more weeks off

03-06-16, 12:40
So back to GP today who has increased my tablets to 20 mg and signed me off for 2 more weeks to see if the tablets kick in. Feeling relieved that I do not have to go back yet and have been signed off for work related stress. Can't cope with work as just so tired.
Know I will have to go back to work with a return to work interview so not looking forward to that but hopefully tablets will put me in a better place to deal with it. Rather skeptical about how this is going to go. This is either going to be a god send or break me and my job. Been reading and doing some CBT which has helped. Just got to feel the fear and do it anyway. Easier said than done right?

03-06-16, 15:01
Whatever you might think Andy, your company has invested considerable money in hiring, training and employing you. It is in their interest to see you back at work, when you are ready, and provided with whatever support you need. If they don't, then they are in danger of losing you and your expertise, and having to start again. They will not want to do this.

Your priority is to get better and concentrate your energy into doing that, so that when you finally return to work you will be, once again, a valuable and productive member of your organisation.

I wish you all the best.

03-06-16, 16:12
Thank you for your kind words and yes you are right it's time to put me first. I have never been so low as I was last week and although I still feel pretty rough today I know I will come out the other side a stronger and wiser person.