View Full Version : Panicking because of my holiday in a few days

04-06-16, 08:47
Hi, I have been suffering from constant anxiety since around Christmas now (it is much worse in the mornings. I have a holiday to Italy booked with my boyfriend (leaving on Wednesday) and I am terrified. I don't think it's just the travelling but it's also seeing all the family (who I haven't seen since Christmas) that is making me anxious. I feel like I can't enjoy life anymore. I'm scared that I'll have a panic attack and won't be able to go.

Any support would be great please! :)
Thanks x

04-06-16, 09:50
Your body will go in to alert, but I can tell you that going on holiday is one of the best things that you can do. As a GAD sufferer, this is an event that I can do even though I don't think I am capable. It is the lead up to it that is the most difficult and frightening part and of course the 'overthinking'.

My advice is to pack ahead of time, put it to one side and forget about it.
Remember you do not have to do anything you do not want to do.
If you find it so unbearable on the day, you have options.

Anxiety is the fear and if you break through that, the symptoms will subside.
Try listening to Claire Weekes which you can download from the internet.

Hope this helps. x

06-06-16, 14:35
Rebecca, good luck. I have been suffering severe anxiety for over 3 months (basically agorophobic) and I have a hol booked on 1st july. It's making me ill but I have no choice but to go as my whole family is going. I hope you get on ok. I have started to look up flights and think about my hol more, also ordered some things for my trip in the hope I get used to the thought. Anticipatory anxiety is brutal especially if I try not to think about it. So yup I'm trying to think about it as much as possible. Let us know how you get on please x