View Full Version : Melanoma fear

04-06-16, 10:59

I hope its okay to post, but I just need to put it down.

Yesterday I was putting foot cream on after a shower, and I found a little black spot (?) on the side of my foot where the arch is. I say spot, but it is not really round, its a sort of odd triangle, about the size of a flea maybe a bit bigger . It very dark like a blood blister, completely black, but if I feel across the skin, it is slightly raised.

Now I am really worried I have a Melanoma. I can't think if it was there before, it may have been, I just don't know.

I just don't know what to do. I hear nodular melanomas don't grow outwards, and are really aggressive.

I have been trying to think if there was anything I have done recently that could have made a blood blister. The list is : kayaking, scuba diving, Body Pump, Zumba.

Does anyone know how long before a blood blister goes away?


04-06-16, 11:17
I have an on going MM fear but lately been more logical *touch wood* for example my heel was darker than most foot but I remembered I'd been sockless all day and feet were sore from trainers. Said dark mark rubberubbed off. My MM fear changes from Mark to mark so this gives me some relief it is just anxiety. I had a huge irrational fear of another plaguing disease last year that lasted love than this onone and I got over that one. Just tell yourself it's a blood blister.

Gary A
04-06-16, 11:43
Anything smaller than 6mm in diameter, the width of a pencil eraser, is rarely cause for any concern. If you see signs of any changes, like it growing, itching, bleeding or crusting, then it may be worth getting it checked out by a doctor, but all in all it sounds completely innocent at the moment.