View Full Version : Anyone feel like this

04-10-04, 17:42

Does anyone feel as though you are not you anymore and feel disorientated. Today feels like one of the worse days of my life. I cannot pinpoint why I feel like this just that I feel so strange and as if I am not there.

I dont know if I panic, i do not get any physical symptons i.e. racing heart etc, I just feel out of body and cannot keep up with my thoughts, which are never on what is actually going on around me. I can sort of listen to conversations and answer but dont actually feel anything. It is as if my mind is elsewhere worrying what is happening to me and then all my words seem to get mumbled and I cannot concentrate on what I am doing.

It feels very strange and then I get paranoid that people are noticing my strange behaviour. I do not seem to be able to concentrate on what is actually happening around me and feel part of that just feel distanced from everything and cannot find a reason why.


04-10-04, 17:47
Hi Nicola

I often feel like that when i am anxious, just feel like my body is there but my mind has gone elsewhere and i cant concentrate and get of grip of reality.

I used to get paranoid people would notice and think i was strange but no one does notice at all.

Sorry you are having such a bad day mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

04-10-04, 17:53
Hi I also get those feelings when i'm anxious, i feel quite high!! I also think people can see that i'm strange but as sal said they don't!! When i've been anxious and come out the other side i often tell my boyfriend i've been anxious for the last few hours "did you notice? " and he always says no and asks me why didn't i tell him i was feeling that way, but i can't at the time, i just can't talk about it, just got to deal with it . Tara xx

04-10-04, 18:00
Hi Jewel ,

This is very common and is known as derealism or depersonalization . It happens when you are overwhelmed as a sort of protcetive mechanism.

I used to liken it to being in a goldfish bowl where I could see everyone but couldn't actually be or feel a part of what was going on.


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

04-10-04, 18:09
Hi there,

I get those same feelings all the time so don't worry - you are not alone and there is nothing to worry about!! It can be a really scary feeling though but just try to calm down and it should pass...

Sarah :D

04-10-04, 19:26

Thanks for all your replies. It just seems to happen for no reason and then I convinve myself that it is the start of madness and that I will not be able to cope much longer. It;s really silly I know but it is also really really scary.

I dont seem to know what I have to do to stop feeling like this as it has no obvious cause, other than the fact that I feel like it and then I suppose that I make myself feel worse and worry that I will always feel like this. I dont seem to have any control at all.


04-10-04, 19:38
Hi Jewel

It is a horrible feeling but you are in no way going mad. Distraction helps me..reading a book or listening to music.

Hope you feel better soon


04-10-04, 19:56

It is very common - I used to get it all the time. Like you aren't living your own life. Weird isn't it.

It goes with time.

Read these other posts too ... Depersonalization and derealization (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=793)

Hi new member mom w/ panic and dp/dr (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1239)

You are not alone so we do understand how bad it feels.


04-10-04, 21:28
Hi Jewel,

These are the words i used to say to my sister, "will I always feel
like this. I just want to be normal, I don't even know what normal
is anymore.
The way you feel now is another symptom of Mr Panic, I know it's
very scary but it will pass.
Now I know the answers to my Q's, NO you will not always feel like
this and yes I know now that all the symtoms Mr Panic gives you
they to will pass. Since joining this site I have took every bit of
advice and drumed it into my head, it all works it just takes time.
I still have little bits, I call them bits because they are not BLIPS.
In time I hope to rid myself of these to.
Remember Jewel you are NOT alone, with alot of hard work support
and time you to WILL see the end of Mr Panic.

Thinking of you



May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door..

04-10-04, 23:44
Hi Nicola

Feel just how you do and i believe it is the start of madness and that i have lost it completely.

I know mate it is a scary feeling and one we all dont want.

Maybe time is the answer and testing ourselves to access how we feel.

Just because we think it doesnt mean it will happen. Plus as they say if you were going mad you would be the last to realise it.

I hold on to that one every time i feel so out of control.

Love Sal xxxxx

05-10-04, 12:40
Hi Nicola,

Sorry to here you are feeling like this. I have had this many a time and yes it is horrid i know. Please don't worry though it's just another one of the many lovely symptoms of anxiety NOT!!!. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care


05-10-04, 18:27
I also feel like this quite often. Its a horrible feeling but it does pass. You need to focus your mind on something, taking the dog for a walk works for me!

Hope you are feeling better soon.


05-10-04, 18:32
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi

Does anyone feel as though you are not you anymore and feel disorientated. Today feels like one of the worse days of my life. I cannot pinpoint why I feel like this just that I feel so strange and as if I am not there.

I dont know if I panic, i do not get any physical symptons i.e. racing heart etc, I just feel out of body and cannot keep up with my thoughts, which are never on what is actually going on around me. I can sort of listen to conversations and answer but dont actually feel anything. It is as if my mind is elsewhere worrying what is happening to me and then all my words seem to get mumbled and I cannot concentrate on what I am doing.

It feels very strange and then I get paranoid that people are noticing my strange behaviour. I do not seem to be able to concentrate on what is actually happening around me and feel part of that just feel distanced from everything and cannot find a reason why.


<div align="right">Originally posted by Jewel - 04 October 2004 : 17:42:39</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

05-10-04, 19:25
Hi Jewel

Yeah, I get that horrid feeling sometimes too and I always wonder whether anyone else has noticed but they don't!

Hope you're feeling better soon hon, it will pass.

Best wishes, Jo x

07-10-04, 13:54
HI Nicola - I have had the feeling you described for the past 2 months or so, and I (like all of the above people!) know exactly how scary it can be - i still wonder if I will ever be like i was before which is a scary thing in itself. all I can say is that i am now on paroxetine (anti depressant and anti anxiety) and seeing a therapist to try to get back on track as it were. I have left my job but with the drugs and psychotherapy am workoing to get back to 'normality'. I am probably more of an extreme case than you so i hope it makes you feel a bit better!
