View Full Version : I need the courage to exercise!

14-03-07, 16:07
Hello there,

I've got to a point now where I am revolting against it all. Something I read in Claire Weekes book last night really hit home, "Lie still and close your eyes and think of something for which you have a real yearning. It is here, where you will feel this yearning, that you will also feel courage and confidence"

This really has made a difference to my way of thinking - whilst not actually removing my symptoms. I realise it may take a while for them to dissappear, as my tired body will be tired for a while. However, my remaining fear involves exercise. I am supposed to be playing 5-a-side football tonight, and I can't stop imagining keeling over and dying half way through. I know i will have palpitations as soon as i stop running and will be dizzy before I start. I've had an echo, 24 hour heart monitor and blood tests about 4 months ago - but I cannot accept that if I exercise I am complletely safe.

Is there a chance they have missed something and Im endangering myself by playing? Do you think it could destroy my confidence if it goes horribly wrong? I cannot stop reading internet articles about sudden death on the sports field and wondering if i'll be next!

I am so scared, can anyone give me any advice!!?

Thankyou for reading,

Will x

14-03-07, 16:19
Oh Will.Did you seethe house of agoraphobics,or the one with the folk with health anxiety?It tells you [as with all anxious states]it is the fear of fear that sends our imaginations out of control..lord i so understand,but if you read Piglets thread.....i lay down on the pavement today.....itwill help you loads,as what it the worst that can happen if you fall down in a faint?:blush: Or clutch your chest in fear of heart attack..NOTHING WILL HAPPEN HUN:) It is breaking the fear cycle ,and the habit of googling symptoms:blush: that will let you enjoy your footy game and your llife,FEEL THE FEAR,AND DO IT ANY WAY MATE!Good luck:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-03-07, 18:09
exercise is a brilliant way to free the soul....... what has been said before is very true, its your fear thats causing you symptoms, not the exercising. The best way to keep your heart strong is to exercise it,start off as a beginner and work your way up as your fitness improves. There is no medicine which can give you the buzz that you get from an exercise session, those feel good hormones reaslly help. Yes the first few times will be difficult but isnt it better to give it a go, and not to be too blunt your signature says it all.
you have nothing to be afraid of,bite the bullet and work up a sweat, after a few times you will wonder why you didnt do it sooner. I remember when i had so many aches and pains and was convinced i had bone and any other type of cancer going but yet i could still push myself to exercise, that should have told me something, lol but when your anxious and frightened, nothing make sense
good luck

14-03-07, 18:41
Will chap

You will feel so much better after that game of 5-a-side mate. I read Claire Weekes books too and forced myself to the gym etc even though I, like you, was sure I would die at the first moment of exertion.

I used to play football all the time and squash, then stopped it all at 32 when anxiety got bad.

Now, nearly 40 I have been back in the gym for the last couple of years, run the line at my lads football matches (that keeps you fit, not the running so much, the fight with the other parents when you call an offside) and pound the tracks on my MTB when the weather is good.

I look back on those 5 years that anxiety "fooled me" into doing nothing, and I could kick myself as I know now, I would not suffered for so long if I had took that exercise leap sooner.

Everytime you exercise, the heart grows stronger, and its only fear that stops us from making those 1st steps to get fitter.

And I can't say anymore than Nell has already, so get stuck in mate, and remember, 5 a side keep a man back in front of the goalie or you will leak goals like Ranger FC.

Take care


Freaky Chick
14-03-07, 19:02
hi will

Exercise is great for anxiety! I find that when i'm most anxious a trip to the gym gets me well on the way to being sorted! Try to not let the fear of the articles on the internet stop you from doing what you like to do - the 5 a side. It will really help. The chances are that the palpatations you feel are because of adrenalin released in response to your anxiety - the fight or flight.

If you can try and bash the fear on the head, concentrate on breathing in deep through your nose, so your shoulders rise up and your stomach doesn't stick out, and then out through your mouth slowly, the benefit of the exercise will be greater that the fear and you will win a small step and piece of your life back.

It is a challenge, especially with the cause of your fear, but the chances of that particular thing happening are so rare - you wouldn't believe it, that's why such a fuss is made about them when they happen. The main cause of these events, would definitely have been picked up on your 24hr tape and in your echo. So please try not to worry and go score a goal for NMP!

Freaky chick

14-03-07, 20:26

ive heard that things that happen to those ppl are because they were born with heart problems....and because you have had yours tested they would have most certainly picked up if something was amiss...thats why those tests have been invented!!!!
i started exercise again only a few weeks ago, so im stillin the early stages...yes, it has been hard the first few times, i was constantly checking my heart rate, and stopping when i felt very faint...last week i was able to get through my excercise with barely any dizzy trouble or palps...
....i suggest you take it easy, remember your there to have fun, and know whenever you feel bad then you can leave...just knowing this in your mind should settle you- it has for me...
within a week or so you should start to enjoy it!!!

you will be fine and have fun!!!

15-03-07, 13:08
thankyou so much for your support people!!!

I went to footy last night, and although I was panicked and dizzy afterwards, all the way through I was loving it. I know I have to do it again as soon as I can and then maybe I won't let my racing heart get to me as much. I really feel for people who don't have this website as a support - it makes a huge difference. Im off for a run!!

Thanks again and hope you are all doing well,

Will xx

15-03-07, 13:18
way to go will:yesyes: i knew you could do it :D Oh i am everso proud of you,it is sooo hard to beat the fear.Here is a big hug:hugs: .Love Paddington.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-03-07, 15:39
Whayyyyy .... that was brilliant. Glad you got a kick out of it ( pun intended).

Big clap and hope you haven't left your sweaty shirt and shorts in a bag until they reek.

15-03-07, 16:10
well done WILL !

when you read about those sudden deaths on the sports field you will also reaad that if they had had a ecg it would of picked up the weakness.

You have nothing to worry about if you eat healthy and keep fit.