View Full Version : Small bump roof of mouth

04-06-16, 16:39
Ok well since Weds or Tues I have felt small bump roof of my mouth, it felt a bit sore and still a bite sore if i push it. I had a dentist check up today and while I was there I got him to look at the roof of my mouth as I said I thought i could feel something, he had a look and said he couldn't, yet I can still feel a bump/lump.

If there was something sinister he would of noticed it right? Keep thinking he missed something

04-06-16, 21:39
If there was something sinister he would of noticed it right?

Yep he certainly would of:D

04-06-16, 22:39
Hi, I have a bump in roof of mouth (see my previous anxiety threads), my dentist xrayed it and got a second dentist in to look as I was literally sobbing as I'd convinced myself it was sinister. Although with my tongue it feels more prominent, you can't feel it with your finger as much, diagnosis was my natural mouth structure. This was September, had further check since then, all is well.
Trust what they say, they wouldn't take a chance. Xx