View Full Version : No :( this is another level panic, panicking about various things need help

04-06-16, 17:32

It's been really, really rough recently ive never been so scared in my entire life ive dealing with these bowel problems as you've seen but there's now just other stuff that's really scaring me ive been panicking all day hyperventilating.

Woke up this morning and when I woke up ive had this for years idk if it's just my bed or how I lie but when I wake up and breath my back and stomach hurts for a bit untill I get up. After a shower I also realised I think it's been like this for years though but im scared now what if ive had cancer or something for years and it's now just spreading rapidly my head is racing atm.

Anyway on my right side under my cheek just under my jaw one of my lymph nodes pretty sure it is a lymph node feels bigger than on my left side which I can barely feel at all and I couldn't feel anything on the left side that resembled that. It basically feels sausage shaped squidy, move able and about 1.5cmive had this for as long I can remember im sure I have. Is this normal to have this one side bigger than the other? On my groin right side feels slightly bigger aswell and can't feel the one on the left side as much.

None of them protrude or are noticeble at all but now I'm scared I could've had lymphoma for years or something as I never got it checked.

I just feel really run down, depressed tired have no Interest in doing much at all I heard this can be caused by an illness aswell :(

Now have a little head ache that comes and goes aswell scaring me I have something on my brain :(

And finally only one thing regarding a bm on Wednesday I can't stop worrying about this but when I went idk it looked weird so I flipped it over with tp and there was a tiny red smudge on it confined to a little area I nearly passed out when I saw it. I wiped it with the tp and It went and was brown on the tp. No blood on wiping.

All I wanted to ask is can tomato sauce cause this? It's the only thing red I could think that id eaten on Tuesday.

Also if it was blood would there be more through the stool and would it be easily seen in the stool without flipping it over ? Also how common would it be if It was a tumor or something

I did have some itching that night and tonight and today haven't seen any red since and it didn't hurt coming out so I don't think it was a fissure that caused it.

I'm really trying hard to beat this but it feels impossible and I can't stop worrying because of what I had seen on Wednesday.

04-06-16, 18:48
Cancer doesn't lay dormant for years and then suddenly spring to life like that. My mum had lymphoma, it started with sweating and headaches in the March and by the end of April she was dead. My husband had a brain tumour. It started off with weakness and pain in his shoulder just after New Year, by May he was dead. My next door neighbour had a pain in his neck in January, then lumps started appearing all over his body - by March he had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and is very near the end now in a hospice. Get the picture?

I would strongly suggest you get some professional help for your health anxiety because you've gone from worrying about your bowel habits to now worrying about cancer in the blood, lymph nodes, brain and colon. That's what HA does, as soon as you have reassured yourself about one thing something else will take its place.

04-06-16, 18:51
Thank you mojo im so sorry to hear what's happened in your life :( ive just been crying at random times now. Still scared about what I saw on Wednesday but now I think it was the ketchup

05-06-16, 21:01
Remind me again, are you on medication and in therapy?